Frequently Asked Questions

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May state Medicaid agencies use contractors to complete data matches with health insurers?

Yes. State Medicaid programs may enter into data matching agreements directly with third parties or may obtain the services of a contractor to complete the required matches. Such arrangements should comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)’s “Business Associate” requirements, where applicable.  When the state Medicaid program chooses to use a contractor to complete data matches, including matches as required by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), the program delegates its authority to obtain the desired information from third parties to the contractor.

Third parties should generally treat a request from the contractor as a request from the state Medicaid agency.  Third parties may request verification from the state Medicaid agency that the contractor is working on behalf of the agency and the scope of the delegated work.

Medicaid MCOs and TPL


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