Frequently Asked Questions

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Are Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBMs) and Third Party Administrators (TPAs) considered to be third party resources for purposes of Medicaid?

Yes.  PBMs and TPAs are considered to be “third parties,” as clarified in section 6035(a) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA)'s amendment of section 1902(a)(25)(A) of the Social Security Act. 

PBMs, TPAs, and similar entities may not have financial liability for actual payment of claims, depending on the nature and extent of services to be performed for the health insurer, as specified in the contract.  However, if the PBM or TPA performs claims review and payment authorization for another third party, the PBM or TPA is expected to provide information to the Medicaid program, so the program can determine which party is the primary payer, for the purpose of coordinating benefits for the Medicaid beneficiary.     

State law enacted to implement section 6035(a) of the DRA must require the health insurer that contracts with a PBM, TPA, or other such entity to administer the plan to provide the contracted entity with such information as may be necessary to enable that entity to furnish the state with information about when Medicaid beneficiaries may be (or may have been) covered by the health insurer, the nature of the coverage, and other necessary information. 


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