
Integrating Climate Change Research and Planning to Inform Wildlife Conservation in the Boreal Forests of the Northeastern U.S.

Project Summary

Affiliation(s): NCCWSC

Boreal birds are thought to be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change; in the Adirondack Park system, five species of boreal birds have shown occupancy declines of 15% or more. Building upon earlier scenario planning efforts related to moose management, this project will focus on climate change impacts to bird communities in the Adirondacks and neighboring boreal ecosystems. This project will use existing research to develop a mechanistic understanding of the causes of decline in both resident and migratory boreal bird species, including the effects of climate change. This project will also initiate a climate-informed planning effort that will explore options for conservation goals and action across a range of scales and decision makers. Finally, this work will explore how a changing climate may create opportunities for birds from further south and lower in elevation as they move into the relatively intact Adirondack Park.

Affiliation(s): NCCWSC

Start Date: September 2016

End Date: August 2017

Project Status: In Progress

Tags: National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center, Birds, Climate Change, CSC, NCCWSC, 2016

Fiscal Year: FY 2016 Projects