We the Possible

We the Possible

Freedom, dignity and inclusion are universal human values -- and are aspirations of all people. They also underpin our ability to make sustainable progress in improving peoples' lives across a number of development goals.

In a time of unprecedented progress, We the People have tremendous power to make positive change possible.

“We are the Possible.”

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People have more information, are more connected, and more engaged than ever. Yet too many live in societies where they lack opportunities to participate in decisions that affect them and their voices are silenced.

By empowering people to speak openly and without fear about their future, by partnering with governments to deliver what their people need, by promoting fairness and justice for all, and including everyone, even those who have been pushed to the margins, We can unleash the enormous potential of communities around the world to expand the reach of freedom and human dignity.

Around the world, USAID partners with local change makers who are leading the way toward a more just, more open, and more democratic future in their communities.

Together, we can build democratic, resilient societies that are responsive and accountable to their citizens and that drive human progress.

The Broadcasting Board of Governors and USAID are launching the first of the #WeThePossible campaign podcast series — featuring changemakers such as Victor Ochen who are driving local reforms.

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Last updated: January 18, 2017

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