Debt collection

Addressing debt collection issues can be challenging. You do not have to face them alone. Our resources can help you better understand how debt collection works and what your rights are when dealing with debt collectors.

Featured topic

5 sample letters to send debt collectors

Wondering how to respond to a debt collector? Our sample letters can help if you:

* These letters are not legal advice. You'll also want to keep copies of any letters you send.

Get started

The basics of debt collection

Why a debt collector is contacting you

A debt collector may be trying to contact you because a creditor believes you are past due on the payments you owe on a debt. Read more

Learn what could happen if you avoid a debt collector

Ignoring or avoiding a debt collector is unlikely to make the debt collector stop contacting you. If you believe you do not owe the debt, you should tell the debt collector. Read more

Learn about some examples of "unfair" practices by a debt collector

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) says that a debt collector is not allowed to use unfair practices in trying to collect a debt. Read more

Take action

Submit a complaint

If you are having an issue with debt collection, you can submit a complaint to the CFPB. We’ll work to get you a response from the company.

Learn more about debt collection

Looking for more information? We can help you address many other questions you may have about debt collection.