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Stormwater Permits

Requirements related to water quality permitting for stormwater runoff from construction sites, industrial facilities, and publicly owned and operated storm sewers.

Hot TopicThe TCEQ Is Renewing the General Permit for Construction

The 2018 Construction General Permit (MSGP) for construction activities will expire on February 19, 2018. A stakeholder meeting will be held on October 17, 2016 to discuss the renewal of the 2018 stormwater Construction General Permit (TXR150000) and to respond to questions and comments from the public on the existing permit and renewal process. Please see the TCEQ Stormwater Stakeholders Group webpage for additional details.

Hot TopicThe TCEQ has Renewed the General Permit for Industrial Facilities

The 2016 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000 for industrial facilities has been issued with an effective date of August 14, 2016. Existing permittees will have until November 14, 2016, to submit a notice of intent (NOI) or No Exposure Certification (NEC) form to renew their coverage, as applicable. All Authorizations that do not renew by the end of the 90 day renewal grace period, will automatically expire.

Note: For form numbers and information on the 2016 MSGP, please click on the link below.

2016 Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Facilities

Under Which Stormwater Permit Are You Regulated?

How to Check the Status of Your Permit

Water Quality General Permits Authorization and Application Query

Stormwater Permits: Resources for Small Businesses & Local Governments

Assistance Tools for Stormwater Permitting

Stormwater Permit Fees

General Permit Stormwater and General Permit Wastewater Fee Adobe Acrobat PDF Document
Billing for annual fees and agency contacts for more detailed questions

Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Applications

If you owe at least $25 in delinquent penalties or fees the TCEQ may place your facility on Warrant Hold with the Comptroller of Public Accounts.