Browse Data and Statistics by Topic

College Costs
Costs of specific colleges, financial aid data, and changes in state spending, loans, tuition & fees.

Majors, degrees, graduation rates, transcripts, campus safety, & work experiences.

Early Childhood
Statistics from birth to kindergarten, including preschool enrollment, standards, & school readiness by state.

English Language Learners
Statistics on English language learners and programs serving them.

K-12 Students/Schools
Directories, school-level data, funding, & expenditures.

Statistics on bullying, school crime, & campus security.

Special Education
National and state statistics on children with disabilities served under IDEA.

Course-taking & educational attainment in science, technology, engineering & math.

Student Demographics
Statistics on student disabilities, age, race/ethnicity & gender.

Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Graduation & drop-out rates, proficiency in core subjects, & educational attainment.

Tools & data on school suspension, expulsion, & discipline.

Qualifications, salaries, & preparation of teachers, principals, & faculty, including teacher shortage areas.

Technical/Adult Education
Statistics on career, technical, & adult education.

All Resources

Resource Topic
College Scorecard
School-level statistics on average annual cost of attendance, student loan debt, & loan repayment.
College Costs
College Affordability and Transparency Center
Tuition and net prices of colleges & universities.
College Costs
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Number & percentage of freshmen receiving financial aid (loans & grants) and average amounts.
College Costs
FSA Data Center
Federal student aid programs, loan/grant disbursement, Title IV, cohort default rates, Guaranty Agency Reports, & Heightened Cash Monitoring.
College Costs
Digest of Education Statistics
Statistics on student financial aid and student charges.
College Costs
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Characteristics of college students and how they finance their education.
College Costs
State Spending Charts
Changes in state spending on college education, state student aid, tuition, & fees.
College Costs
NCES Fast Facts
Financial aid for undergraduates and trends in the costs of college education.
College Costs
College Scorecard
School-level statistics on average annual cost of attendance, student loan debt, & loan repayment.
College Navigator
Search for colleges by specific criteria, such as state or programs offered.
Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs
Accredited colleges and agencies who issue accreditation.
State Education Data Profiles
No. of colleges per state.
Integrated Postseondary Education Data System
Graduation rates at the national, state, and school level including student characteristics & fields of degrees.
Digest of Education Statistics
Degrees conferred, completion rates, degrees by field, and outcomes of education.
Beginning Postsecondary Students
Demographic statistics of a cohort of students enrolled in higher education for the first time.
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
Education and work experiences after completing bachelor's degree.
Secondary Longitudinal Studies Program
Educational attainment, careers & families of young adults from several longitudinal surveys.
Postsecondary Education Transcript Studies
College transcript data from 7 longitudinal studies.
NCES Fast Facts
Degrees awarded, enrollment, graduation rates, historically black colleges and universities, college transition, popular majors time to degree, Title IX.
Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool
Alleged criminal offenses & fire data by college.
Indicators of School Crime & Safety
No. of on-campus criminal incidents, arrests, and hate crimes by year.
Equity in Athletics
Statistics on equal access for men and women to college university athletics, including participation.
College Affordability and Transparency Center
Tuition and net prices of colleges & universities.
FSA Data Center
Federal student aid programs, loan/grant disbursement, Title IV, cohort default rates, Guaranty Agency Reports, & Heightened Cash Monitoring.
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Characteristics of college students and how they finance their education.
State Spending Charts
Changes in state spending on college education, state student aid, tuition, and fees.
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort
Health, development, care, & education from birth through kindergarten entry.
Early Childhood
ED Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort, 1998-99
School experiences from kindergarten through middle school.
Early Childhood
ED Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort, 2010-11
School experiences from kindergarten through 5th grade.
Early Childhood
Digest of Education Statistics
Children under age 6 by school enrollment, living arrangements, & race/ethnicity.
Early Childhood
National Household Education Survey
Early childhood education & school readiness.
Early Childhood
IDEA Section 618 Data Products: State Level
National and state statistics on infants, toddlers, & children with disabilities served under IDEA.
Early Childhood
Increasing Access to High-Quality Early Childhood Education
Early learning plan figures by state.
Early Childhood
State Education Reforms
Early childhood education standards and school readiness data by state.
Early Childhood
NCES Fast Facts
Facts on child care, early literacy activities, knowledge and skills of young children, & preprimary education enrollment.
Early Childhood
Civil Rights Data Collection
School- and district-level statistics on Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
English Language Learners
Consolidated State Performance Report
Annual state performance reports with data on English learner programs.
English Language Learners
NCES Fast Facts
Public school programs and ELL enrollment.
English Language Learners
Data Express
Percentage of limited English proficiency students by state.
English Language Learners
IDEA Section 618 Data Products
Number & percent of children ages 3-21 served under IDEA, Part B, by LEP status and state
English Language Learners
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
State data profiles and facts on English language learners.
English Language Learners
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Performance in reading, math & other subjects for grades 4, 8, & 12.
K-12 Students/Schools
Digest of Education Statistics
Graduation rates, student grades by subject, attendance, homework, & college admissions test scores.
K-12 Students/Schools
Common Core of Data
No. of high school graduates, completers, AP enrollment, and dropouts by district.
K-12 Students/Schools
Special Education (IDEA)
National and state statistics on children & students with disabilities served under IDEA.
K-12 Students/Schools
Civil Rights Data Collection
School & district enrollment, grades offered, number of students and type of school by student race, ethnicity, sex, and disability.
K-12 Students/Schools
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
Child development, school readiness, & school experiences .
K-12 Students/Schools
NCES Fast Facts
K-12 demographics and statistics.
K-12 Students/Schools
National Education Longitudinal Study
Educational & personal development of young people.
K-12 Students/Schools
National Household Education Survey
Early child education, school readiness, family involvement in education, and before- and after-school activities.
K-12 Students/Schools
Career/Technical Education Statistics
High school participation in career & technical education.
K-12 Students/Schools
International Data Explorer
Performance in reading, math, & other areas across countries from PISA, PIRLS, & TIMMS studies.
K-12 Students/Schools
Program for International Student Assessment
Reading, math, and science scores for 15-year-olds in 70 countries. 
K-12 Students/Schools
Trends in International Math & Science Survey
Compares U.S. math & science achievement to that of other countries.
K-12 Students/Schools
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
An international comparative study of literacy.
K-12 Students/Schools
ED Data Express
No. of schools per state or district.
K-12 Students/Schools
Elementary/Secondary Information System
State, CBSA, county & district level information on public schools.
K-12 Students/Schools
The Hidden Cost of Suspensions
An interactive map depicting out-of-school suspensions with special focus on race, gender, and disabilities.
K-12 Students/Schools
Public School District Search
No. of schools, students, & teachers by district.
K-12 Students/Schools
Public School Search
Schools by enrollment & Title I status.
K-12 Students/Schools
State Education Data Profiles
Selected state education figures.
K-12 Students/Schools
Education Finance Statistics Center
Financial data from public school districts.
K-12 Students/Schools
Indicators of School Crime & Safety
School environment data on bullying, fights, weapons, use of drugs & alcohol, & attacks on teachers.
Civil Rights Data Collection
Bullying and harrassment allegations, reports, and discipline.
Digest of Education Statistics
School crime, fights, illicit drugs, & discipline.
NCES Fast Facts
Bullying & school crime.
Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool
Alleged criminal offenses & fire data by college.
Indicators of School Crime & Safety
No. of on-campus crimes & arrests by year.
NCES Fast Facts
Campus crime by year & by no. of full-time students.
Special Education (IDEA)
National and state statistics on children & students with disabilities served under IDEA.
Special Education
Civil Rights Data Collection
School & district enrollment, grades offered, number of students and type of school by student race, ethnicity, sex, and disability.
Special Education
Digest of Education Statistics
Statistics on special education and students with disabilities served under IDEA.
Special Education
Data Express
Percentage of children with disabilities at the state level; funding levels for special education
Special Education
NCES Fast Facts
Students with disabilities, inclusion, and students served under IDEA.
Special Education
Civil Rights Data Collection
School-level course enrollment in high school math and science courses.
High School Longitudinal Study
How students choose STEM courses, majors, and careers.
High School Transcript Studies
STEM courses taken in high school.
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Assessment of technology & engineering literacy among 8th graders.
Trends in International Math & Science Survey
Advanced mathematics & physics achievement in the last year of secondary school across countries.
Integrated Postsecondary Data System
Graduates by major at the school, state, & national levels.
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Descriptive statistics on undergraduates classified as STEM majors.
Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study
Statistics on STEM courses taken by college students.
Postsecondary Education Transcript Study
Undergraduate courses taken by STEM and non-STEM majors.
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
Characteristics of STEM and non-STEM majors.
Special Education (IDEA)
National and state statistics on children & students with disabilities served under IDEA.
Student Demographics
Civil Rights Data Collection
District/school data on student enrollment by race/ethnicity, sex, English proficiency & disability.
Student Demographics
Common Core of Data - Data Tables
Public school enrollment, dropouts, & graduation rates by race/ethnicity, gender, English proficiency, disability & income.
Student Demographics
Elementary/Secondary Information System
Enrollment, race, ethnicity, & sex for public and private schools at the school, district, & state level.
Student Demographics
NCES Fast Facts
Demographic information on elementary/secondary students.
Student Demographics
Public School District Search
District-level demographic information on race, ethnicity, and English language learners.
Student Demographics
Public School Search
Demographic information on race, ethnicity, & gender for individual public schools.
Student Demographics
The Hidden Cost of Suspensions
An interactive map depicting out-of-school suspensions with special focus on race, sex, and disabilities.
Student Demographics
Data Express
State-level statistics on race/ethnicity, disabilities, English language learners, homeless & migrant children
Student Demographics
Digest of Education Statistics
A broad range of demographic statistics.
Student Demographics
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Demographics on postsecondary enrollment, degrees awarded, graduation rates, retention rates, and financial aid.
Student Demographics
Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study
Demographic statistics of a cohort of students enrolled in higher education for the first time.
Student Demographics
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Characteristics of college students and how they finance their education.
Student Demographics
NCES Fast Facts
Degrees awarded, employment rates of college graduates, enrollment, graduation rates, historically black colleges and universities, college transition, international comparisons, most popular majors, students and teachers, time to degree, and Title IX.
Student Demographics
Equity in Athletics
Statistics on equal access for men and women to college university athletics, including participation.
Student Demographics
Fast Facts Title IX
Statistics on sex discrimination in education programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.
Student Demographics
Digest of Education Statistics
Demographic statistics on colleges & universities.
Student Demographics
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Performance in reading, math & other subjects for grades 4, 8, & 12.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Digest of Education Statistics
Graduation rates, student grades by subject, attendance, homework, & college admissions test scores.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Common Core of Data
No. of high school completers & dropouts by district.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
Children's experiences and growth through the eighth grade.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Secondary Longitudinal Studies Program
High school student experiences, including assessments, course-taking, & transcripts
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
National Household Education Survey
Family involvement in education, and before- and after-school activities for school-aged children.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Career/Technical Education Statistics
High school participation in career & technical education.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Common Core of Data
Graduation rates in public schools.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
International Data Explorer
Performance in reading, math, & other areas across countries from PISA, PIRLS, & TIMMS studies.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Program for International Student Assessment
Reading, math, and science scores for 15-year-olds in 70 countries. 
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Trends in International Math & Science Survey
Compares U.S. math & science achievement to that of other countries.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Data Express
State-level information on grade 8 reading & math assessments and on graduation rates for all students, including special populations.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Civil Rights Data Collection
AP and IB participation for race/ethnicity, disability status, English proficiency & gender by state.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
IDEA Section 618 Data Products
Students with disabilities ages 14-21 who have exited special education by graduating or dropping out.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Progress in International Reading Literacy Survey
An international comparative study of literacy at the 4th grade level.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Integrated Postseondary Education Data System
Graduation rates at the national, state, and school level including student characteristics & fields of degrees.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Digest of Education Statistics
Degrees conferred, completion rates, degrees by field, and outcomes of education.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
Education and work experiences after completing bachelor's degree.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Secondary Longitudinal Studies Program
Educational attainment, careers & families of young adults.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Postsecondary Education Transcript Studies
College transcript data from 7 longitudinal studies.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Career/Technical Education Statistics
Course-taking patterns, credit transfer, student momentum and attrition, and the connection among course and major choices, occupations, & wages.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Perkins Consolidated Annual Report
State data on credentials, certificates & diplomas, as well as participation/employment in nontraditional fields by sex.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Adult Education National Reporting System
Enrollment, performance, & financial data on federally-funded adult education programs run by states.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
National Household Education Survey
Participation in degree & diploma programs, ESL, apprenticeships & personal development courses.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
Compares cognitive & workplace skills among adults across countries.
Student Outcomes/Graduation Rates
Civil Rights Data Collection
School- and district-level statistics on discipline.
Digest of Education Statistics
School crime, fights, illicit drugs, & discipline.
The Hidden Cost of Suspensions
An interactive map depicting out-of-school suspensions with special focus on race, gender, and disabilities.
Rethinking Discipline
Tools, data & resources on suspension and expulsion and resources on alternatives.
Indicators of School Crime and Safety
Serious disciplinary actions taken by public schools.
School Survey on Crime and Safety
School crime, fights, illicit drugs, & discipline.
Digest of Education Statistics
Teacher characteristics, pupil/teacher ratios, class sizes, salaries, & mobility.
Civil Rights Data Collection
Teacher FTE counts, certification, years of experience & absenteeism.
Teacher Shortage Areas
Teacher shortage areas by state & academic field.
Schools & Staffing Survey
Teacher & principal characteristics, salaries & perceptions.
National Principal & Teacher Survey
Teacher & principal demographics.
IDEA Section 618 Data Products
State-level counts of teachers & others who provide services to children aged 3-21 with disabilities.
Pilot Teacher Compensation Survey
Salaries, degrees, race/ethnicity, & gender.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Faculty/staff characteristics, salaries, & benefits.
Digest of Education Statistics
Faculty information at the national, state, & college levels.
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
Work experiences after completing bachelor's degree, including new teachers.
Teacher Education Title II Reports
National and state level data on teacher preparation programs and credentialing.
Career/Technical Education Statistics
Course-taking patterns, credit transfer, student momentum and attrition, & connections among course and major choices, occupations, & wages.
Technical/Adult Education
Perkins Consolidated Annual Report
State data on performance in career and technical education.
Technical/Adult Education
Adult Education National Reporting System
Enrollment, performance, & financial data on federally-funded adult education programs run by states.
Technical/Adult Education
Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
Workplace & cognitive skills such as literacy, numeracy, & problem solving across countries.
Technical/Adult Education
NCES Fast Facts
Facts on adult learning and adult skills.
Technical/Adult Education
Rehabilitation Services Administration Data
State data on RSA programs, including vocational rehabilitation.
Technical/Adult Education

Last Modified: 06/23/2016