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Early Childhood

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort
Health, development, care, & education from birth through kindergarten entry.
ED Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort, 1998-99
School experiences from kindergarten through middle school.
ED Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort, 2010-11
School experiences from kindergarten through 5th grade.
Digest of Education Statistics
Children under age 6 by school enrollment, living arrangements, & race/ethnicity.
National Household Education Survey
Early childhood education & school readiness.
IDEA Section 618 Data Products: State Level
National and state statistics on infants, toddlers, & children with disabilities served under IDEA.
Increasing Access to High-Quality Early Childhood Education
Early learning plan figures by state.
State Education Reforms
Early childhood education standards and school readiness data by state.
NCES Fast Facts
Facts on child care, early literacy activities, knowledge and skills of young children, & preprimary education enrollment.

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Last Modified: 06/20/2016