U.S. Department of Education Public Data Listing

On May 9, 2013, President Obama signed an executive order that made open and machine-readable data the new default for government information. Making information about government operations more readily available and useful is also core to the promise of a more efficient and transparent government.

ED's public data listing in machine readable format is located at www.ed.gov/data.json. Below is a web-enabled version featuring searching, filtering and links to additional downloads and resources. We will continue to expand the contents of our public data listing regularly as new information becomes available.

Dataset Title Dataset Details

Private School Universe Survey, 2015-16

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2015-16 (PSS 2015-16), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe program. PSS 2015-16 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on private elementary and secondary schools, including religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program. The study will be conducted using mail questionnaires, an internet response option and telephone and personal follow-up of all private schools in the United States. The PSS universe consists of a diverse population of schools. It includes both schools with a religious orientation (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, or Jewish) and nonsectarian schools with programs ranging from regular to special emphasis and special education. Key statistics produced from PSS 2015-16 are on the number of private schools, students, and teachers, the number of high school graduates, the length of the school year and school day.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

Teacher Follow-Up Survey, 1991-92

Dataset Description

The 1991-92 Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS 91-92) is a longitudinal follow-up to the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS 90-91). TFS 91-92 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/index.asp) is used to determine how many teachers remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) administration. TFS 91-92 was administered to a sample of teachers who completed the SASS in the previous year. Key statistics found from 1991-92 TFS are the percentage of teachers who remained at the same school, the percentage of teachers who moved to another school, or the percentage of teachers who left the profession in the year following the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) administration.

Downloads and Resources

Datalab for Schools and Staffing Survey
The SASS data available in PowerStats are comprised of data collected from five SASS questionnaires: the School Questionnaire, Teacher Questionnaire, School Principal Questionnaire, School District Questionnaire, and Library Media Center Questionnaire

1991-92 TFS Public-Use Data--Current Teacher

1991-92 TFS Public-Use Data--Former Teacher

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Teacher Follow-Up Survey, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The 2012-13 Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS 12/13) is a longitudinal follow-up to the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS 11-12). TFS 12/13 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/) determines how many teachers remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) administration. TFS 12/13 was administered to a sample of teachers who completed the SASS in the previous year. The majority of TFS 12/13 is a web-based survey, but it also has paper component. Key statistics produced from TFS 12/13 are how many teachers remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) administration.

Downloads and Resources

2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 School and Staffing Survey

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Principal Follow-Up Survey, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The 2012-13 Principal Follow-Up Survey (PFS 12/13) is a longitudinal follow-up to the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS 11-12) study. PFS 12/13 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/) determined how many principals remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS 11-12) administration. PFS 12/13 was administered to a sample of principals who completed the SASS 11-12 principal questionnaire. Due to its brevity and lack of skip patterns, PFS 12/13 was primarily a mail-based data collection with telephone and email follow-up.

Downloads and Resources

2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 School and Staffing Survey

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2004-05

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2004-05 (CSPR 2004-05), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2004-05 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html) is a cross-sectional survey that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using questionnaires of state education agencies (SEAs). CSPR 2004-05 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2005-06

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2005-06 (CSPR 2005-06), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2005-06 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy05-06/index.html) is a cross-sectional survey that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for State formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2005-06 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

SY 2005-2006 Consolidated Performance Reports
�SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Reports, Part I and Part II, by State

SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Report, Parts I and II
The Consolidated State Performance Report: Parts I and II, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for SY 2005-2006, reflect data from the 2005 - 2006 school year unless otherwise noted

SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Report, Parts I and II
The Consolidated State Performance Report: Parts I and II, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for SY 2005-2006, reflect data from the 2005 - 2006 school year unless otherwise noted

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2006-07 (CSPR 2006-07), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2006-07 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy06-07part1/index.html; https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy06-07part2/index.html) is a cross-sectional survey that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2006-07 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2006-07 data available through ED Data Express

SY 2006-07 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part II
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2006-07 Part II data by state

SY 2006-2007 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2006-07 Part I data by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2007-08 (CSPR 2007-08), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each State, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2007-08 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy07-08part1/index.html; https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy07-08part2/index.html) is a cross-sectional survey that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2007-08 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2007-08 data available through ED Data Express

SY 2007-08 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part II
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2007-08 Part II data by state

SY 2007-2008 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2007-08 Part I data by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2008-09

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2008-09 (CSPR 2008-09), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2008-09 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy08-09part1/index.html; https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy08-09part2/index.html) is a cross-sectional report that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2008-09 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2008-09 data available through ED Data Express

SY 2008-09 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part II
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2008-09 Part II data by state

SY 2008-2009 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2008-09 Part I data by state

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2009-10 (CSPR 2009-10), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2009-10 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy09-10part1/index.html; https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/sy09-10part2/index.html) is a cross-sectional report that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2009-10 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2009-10 data available through ED Data Express

SY 2009-10 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part II
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2009-10 Part II data by state

SY 2009-2010 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2009-10 Part I data by state

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2010-11 (CSPR 2010-11), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2010-11 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html) is a cross-sectional report that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2010-11 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2011-12 (CSPR 2011-12), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each state, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2011-12 (https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html) is a cross-sectional report that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2011-12 is a universe survey. The study's response rate was 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

SY 2011-2012 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part 2
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2011-12 Part II data by state

SY 2011-2012 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2011-12 Part I data by state

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

state level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts in a CSV file

District level data on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Consolidated State Performance Report, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The Consolidated State Performance Report, 2012-13 (CSPR 2012-13), is part of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) program: a required annual reporting tool for each State, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; program data is available since 2005-06 at https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/consolidated/index.html. CSPR 2012-13 is a cross-sectional report that measures each state's progress towards implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the reporting instrument for state formula grant programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by NCLB. The reporting was conducted using state education agencies' (SEAs) reports in the EDFacts online submission system. CSPR 2012-13 is a universe survey. The study's response rate is expected to be 100%. Key statistics include information on adequate yearly progress, state performance assessments, highly qualified teachers, public school choice and supplemental education services options.

Downloads and Resources

SY 2012-2013 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part 2
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2012-13 Part II data by state

SY 2012-2013 Consolidated State Performance Reports Part I
Consolidated State Performance Report, 2012-13 Part I data by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Newman
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Accountability, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Accountability, 2010-11 (EDFacts ACCNT:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts ACCNT:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about school or district status according to the accountability provisions of ESEA at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts ACCNT:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts ACCNT:2010-11 are from 20 data groups with information on Alternate Approach Status, AYP Status, Corrective Actions, Elementary/Middle Additional Indicator Status, High School Graduation Rate Indicator Status, Mathematics Participation Status, Reading/Language Arts Participation Status, AMO Mathematics Status, AMO Reading/Language Arts Status, Improvement Status, Restructuring Actions, Reconstituted Status, School Improvement Funds Allocation, School Improvement Funds Status, Intervention, Mathematics Participation Status- Flexibility, Reading/language Arts Participation Status- Flexibility, AMO mathematics status - Flexibility, AMO reading/language arts status- Flexibility, and High school graduation rate indicator status- Flexibility. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Accountability 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Accountability, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Accountability, 2011-12 (EDFacts ACCNT:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts ACCNT:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about school or district status according to the accountability provisions of ESEA at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts ACCNT:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts ACCNT:2011-12 are from 20 data groups with information on Alternate Approach Status, AYP Status, Corrective Actions, Elementary/Middle Additional Indicator Status, High School Graduation Rate Indicator Status, Mathematics Participation Status, Reading/Language Arts Participation Status, AMO Mathematics Status, AMO Reading/Language Arts Status, Improvement Status, Restructuring Actions, Reconstituted Status, School Improvement Funds Allocation, School Improvement Funds Status, Intervention, Mathematics Participation Status- Flexibility, Reading/language Arts Participation Status- Flexibility, AMO mathematics status - Flexibility, AMO reading/language arts status- Flexibility, and High school graduation rate indicator status- Flexibility. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Accountability 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Assessment, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Assessment, 2010-11 (EDFacts ASSMT:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts ASSMT:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students� participation in and performance on academic assessments in Reading/Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics in elementary and secondary education at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts ASSMT:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts ASSMT:2010-11 are from 12 data groups with information on Academic Achievement, Academic Achievement-Flexibility, Assessment Participation, and Assessment Participation-Flexibility in Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts, and Science. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

This dataset contains school level information on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics. The dataset contains information on the number of students assessed...

This dataset contains school level information on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts. The dataset contains information on the number of...

ED Data Express
EDFacts Assessment 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

This dataset contains district level information on the academic achievement results of state assessments in mathematics. The dataset contains information on the number of students...

This dataset contains district level information on the academic achievement results of state assessments in reading/language arts. The dataset contains information on the number of...

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Assessment, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Assessment, 2011-12 (EDFacts ASSMT:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts ASSMT:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students� participation in and performance on academic assessments in Reading/Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics in elementary and secondary education at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts ASSMT:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts ASSMT:2011-12 are from 12 data groups with information on Academic Achievement, Academic Achievement-Flexibility, Assessment Participation, and Assessment Participation-Flexibility in Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts, and Science. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Assessment 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

EDFacts Assessment 2011-12 mathematics data by school in a CSV file

EDFacts Assessment 2011-12 reading data by school in a CSV file

EDFacts Assessment 2011-12 reading data by district in a CSV file

EDFacts Assessment 2011-12 mathematics data by district in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Career and Technical Education, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Career and Technical Education, 2010-11 (EDFacts CTE:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts CTE:2010-11 annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students who participate in career and technical education by subgroups of students at the LEA and SEA levels. EDFacts CTE:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts CTE:2010-11 are from 8 data groups with information on CTE Concentrators-Academic Achievement, CTE Concentrators-Exiting, CTE Concentrators-Graduates, CTE Concentrators in ESEA Graduation Rate, CTE Concentrators-Placement, CTE Concentrators-Technical Skills, CTE Concentrators-Programs for Non-Traditional, and CTE Participants-Programs for Non-Traditional. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

EDFacts Career and Technical Education, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Career and Technical Education, 2011-12 (EDFacts CTE:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts CTE:2011-12 annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students who participate in career and technical education by subgroups of students at the LEA and SEA levels. EDFacts CTE:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts CTE:2011-12 are from 8 data groups with information on CTE Concentrators-Academic Achievement, CTE Concentrators-Exiting, CTE Concentrators-Graduates, CTE Concentrators in ESEA Graduation Rate, CTE Concentrators-Placement, CTE Concentrators-Technical Skills, CTE Concentrators-Programs for Non-Traditional, and CTE Participants-Programs for Non-Traditional. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

EDFacts Charter Schools, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Charter Schools, 2010-11 (EDFacts CHRTR:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts CHRTR:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about the status of charter school as an LEA for purposes of federal programs at school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts CHRTR:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts CHRTR:2010-11 are from 2 data groups with information on Charter-School status and Charter-School LEA status. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Innovation and Improvement

EDFacts Charter Schools, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Charter Schools, 2011-12 (EDFacts CHRTR:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts CHRTR:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about the status of charter school as an LEA for purposes of federal programs at school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts CHRTR:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts CHRTR:2011-12 are from 2 data groups with information on Charter-School status and Charter-School LEA status. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Innovation and Improvement

EDFacts ESEA Flexibility, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts ESEA Flexibility, 2011-12 (EDFacts ESEA FLEX:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts ESEA FLEX:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about Title I, Part A funds allocation and state interventions in priority or focus schools at the school level. EDFacts ESEA FLEX:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts ESEA FLEX:2011-12 are from 2 data groups with information on Title I Allocations to Priority/Focus Schools-Flex and State Interventions in to Priority/Focus Schools-Flex. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Financial Data, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Financial Data, 2010-11 (EDFacts FD:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts FD:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about financial data on distribution of funds and funding status at LEA level. EDFacts FD:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts FD:2010-11 are from 2 data groups with information on Federal Programs and REAP Alternative Funding Status. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Financial Data, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Financial Data, 2011-12 (EDFacts FD:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts FD:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about financial data on distribution of funds and funding status at LEA level. EDFacts FD:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts FD:2011-12 are from 2 data groups with information on Federal Programs and REAP Alternative Funding Status. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts General Information, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts General Information, 2010-11 (EDFacts GI:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts GI:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about directory and descriptive information of the education units at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts GI:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts GI:2010-11 are from 7 data groups with information on Directory Information, Free and Reduced Price Lunch, Staff FTE, Teachers FTE, grades Offered, Magnet Status, and Student Membership. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts General Information, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts General Information, 2011-12 (EDFacts GI:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts GI:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about directory and descriptive information of the education units at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts GI:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts GI:2011-12 are from 7 data groups with information on Directory Information, Free and Reduced Price Lunch, Staff FTE, Teachers FTE, grades Offered, Magnet Status, and Student Membership. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts, 2010-11 (EDFacts GD:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts GD:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about student who graduate or receive a certificate of completion from secondary education or students who dropped out of secondary education at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts GD:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts GD:2010-11 are from 6 data groups with information on Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate (Four, Five, and Six Year)-Graduation Rate; Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate (Four, Five, and Six Year)-Student Counts; Graduation Rate; Graduates/Completers; Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate-Flex; and Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate Student Counts-Flex. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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This dataset contains district level information on the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rates calculated by state education agencies in accordance with U.S. Department of Education...

Note: This dataset was updated on September 18, 2013 to reflect data that states resubmitted to address data quality issues. This dataset contains school level information on the...

ED Data Express
EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts, 2011-12 (EDFacts GD:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts GD:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about student who graduate or receive a certificate of completion from secondary education or students who dropped out of secondary education at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts GD:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts GD:2011-12 are from 6 data groups with information on Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate (Four, Five, and Six Year)-Graduation Rate; Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate (Four, Five, and Six Year)-Student Counts; Graduation Rate; Graduates/Completers; Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate-Flex; and Regulatory Cohort Graduation Rate Student Counts-Flex. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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EDFacts Graduates and Dropouts 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent, 2010-11 (EDFacts HND:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts HND:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden/non-xml/c175-8-0.doc) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about homeless students and students who are participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students ("N or D") under Title I, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. EDFacts HND:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submissions by states in mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the states. Key statistics produced from EDFacts HND:2010-11 are from 5 data groups with information on Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento), Homeless Students Enrolled, N or D-Academic Achievement, N or D-Long Term Students Served, and N or D-Program Participation. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent, 2011-12 (EDFacts HND:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts HND:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/eden/non-xml/c175-8-0.doc) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about homeless students and students who are participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students ("N or D") under Title I, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. EDFacts HND:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submissions by states in mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the states. Key statistics produced from EDFacts HND:2011-12 are from 5 data groups with information on Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento), Homeless Students Enrolled, N or D-Academic Achievement, N or D-Long Term Students Served, and N or D-Program Participation. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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EDFacts Homeless, Neglected, or Delinquent 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Migrant Education Program, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Migrant Education Program, 2010-11 (EDFacts MEP:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts MEP:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states to support oversight and reporting of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) about students eligible for funding and students served under the migrant student program at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts MEP:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts MEP:2010-11 are from 10 data groups on Consolidated MEP Funds Status, MEP Personnel (FTE), MEP Personnel (Headcount), MEP Services, MEP Students Eligible and Served -Summer/Intersession, MEP Students Served - 12 - Month, MEP Students Served - Regular School Year, MEP Students Served - Summer/Intersession, Migrant Students Eligible - 12 - Month, and Migrant Students Eligible - Regular School Year. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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EDFacts Migrant Education Program 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

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  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Migrant Education

EDFacts Migrant Education Program, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Migrant Education Program, 2011-12 (EDFacts MEP:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts MEP:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states to support oversight and reporting of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) about students eligible for funding and students served under the migrant student program at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts MEP:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts MEP:2011-12 are from 10 data groups on Consolidated MEP Funds Status, MEP Personnel (FTE), MEP Personnel (Headcount), MEP Services, MEP Students Eligible and Served -Summer/Intersession, MEP Students Served - 12 - Month, MEP Students Served - Regular School Year, MEP Students Served - Summer/Intersession, Migrant Students Eligible - 12 - Month, and Migrant Students Eligible - Regular School Year. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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EDFacts Migrant Education Program 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

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  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Migrant Education

EDFacts Race To The Top, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Race To The Top, 2011-12 (EDFacts RTT:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts RTT:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students� postsecondary enrollment and credits earned for high school graduates at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts RTT:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts RTT:2011-12 are from one data groups with information on High School Graduates Postsecondary Enrollment. For the purposes of this system, data group is referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 2010-11 (EDFacts SDFS:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SDFS:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about safety and violence in elementary and secondary educations to support oversight and reporting of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA]) and the Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts SDFS:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SDFS:2010-11 are from 7 data groups with information on Discipline Incidents, Students Disciplined, Firearm Incidents, GFSA Reporting Status, Persistently Dangerous Status, Students Involved with Firearms, and Truants. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

EDFacts Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Safe and Drug-Free Schools, 2011-12 (EDFacts SDFS:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SDFS:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about safety and violence in elementary and secondary educations to support oversight and reporting of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Title IV, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA]) and the Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) at the school, LEA, and SEA levels. EDFacts SDFS:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal, and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SDFS:2011-12 are from 7 data groups with information on Discipline Incidents, Students Disciplined, Firearm Incidents, GFSA Reporting Status, Persistently Dangerous Status, Students Involved with Firearms, and Truants. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

EDFacts School Improvement Grant, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts School Improvement Grant, 2010-11 (EDFacts SIG:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SIG:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data about students, teachers, principals, and schools from states to monitor and report performance on the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program at the school levels. EDFacts SIG:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SIG:2010-11 are from 14 data groups with information on Advanced Coursework, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Coursework/Dual Enrollment, Average Scale Scores, Increased Learning Time, Intervention Used, School Year Minutes, Student Attendance Rate, Teacher Attendance Rate, Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools, Principal Evaluations, Principal Performance Level Names, Teacher Evaluations, and Teacher Performance Level Names. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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This dataset was last updated on August 1, 2013 in order to correct Missouri's data.This dataset contains school level information on the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program’s...

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  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts School Improvement Grant, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts School Improvement Grant, 2011-12 (EDFacts SIG:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SIG:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data about students, teachers, principals, and schools from states to monitor and report performance on the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program at the school levels. EDFacts SIG:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SIG:2011-12 are from 14 data groups with information on Advanced Coursework, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Coursework/Dual Enrollment, Average Scale Scores, Increased Learning Time, Intervention Used, School Year Minutes, Student Attendance Rate, Teacher Attendance Rate, Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools, Principal Evaluations, Principal Performance Level Names, Teacher Evaluations, and Teacher Performance Level Names. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

EDFacts Special Education/IDEA, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Special Education/IDEA, 2010-11 (EDFacts SE/IDEA:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SE/IDEA:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended, and special education programs and their staff at the LEA and state levels. EDFacts SE/IDEA:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SE/IDEA:2010-11 are from 14 data groups with information on IDEA - Student Count - Early Childhood, IDEA - Student Count - School Age, IDEA - Alternate Assessment Caps (1%/2%), IDEA - Not Participating in Assessments, IDEA - Exiting Special Education, IDEA - Suspensions/Expulsions, IDEA - Disciplinary Removals, IDEA - Total Disciplinary Removals, IDEA - Removal to Interim Alternative Educational Setting, IDEA - Reasons for Unilateral Removal, Educational Services During Expulsion, Special Education Teachers (FTE), Special Education Paraprofessionals (FTE), Special Education Related Services Personnel. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Special Education Programs

EDFacts Special Education/IDEA, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Special Education/IDEA, 2011-12 (EDFacts SE/IDEA:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts SE/IDEA:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended, and special education programs and their staff at the LEA and state levels. EDFacts SE/IDEA:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SE/IDEA:2011-12 are from 14 data groups with information on IDEA - Student Count - Early Childhood, IDEA - Student Count - School Age, IDEA - Alternate Assessment Caps (1%/2%), IDEA - Not Participating in Assessments, IDEA - Exiting Special Education, IDEA - Suspensions/Expulsions, IDEA - Disciplinary Removals, IDEA - Total Disciplinary Removals, IDEA - Removal to Interim Alternative Educational Setting, IDEA - Reasons for Unilateral Removal, Educational Services During Expulsion, Special Education Teachers (FTE), Special Education Paraprofessionals (FTE), Special Education Related Services Personnel. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Special Education Programs

EDFacts State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 2010-11 (EDFacts SFSF:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study). EDFacts SFSF:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data about distribution of State Fiscal Stabilization Funds, uses of State Fiscal Stabilization Funds, tuition and fee information, public IHE student enrollment, tax increases averted, jobs saved or created, and progress in advancing education reform. EDFacts SFSF:2010-11 data were collected using an on-line system for annual performance report submission. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts SFSF:2010-11 are from eight data groups with information on High School Graduates Postsecondary Enrollment, High School Graduates Postsecondary Credits Earned, Persistently Lowest-Achieving School, Principal Evaluations, Principal Performance Level Names, Teacher Evaluations, Teacher Performance Level Names, and Charter School Closure Reason. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Innovation and Improvement

EDFacts Teacher Quality, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Teacher Quality, 2010-11 (EDFacts TQ:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts TQ:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about teacher quality based on the performance on programs and activities supported by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, determined by whether teachers are classified as highly qualified for their assignment according to state definition. Indicators include the number of elementary and secondary classes in core academic subjects and the designation of a school's poverty quartile. EDFacts TQ:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts TQ:2010-11 are from 3 data groups with information on State Poverty Designation, Teacher Quality in Elementary Classes, and Teacher Quality in Secondary Classes. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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ED Data Express
EDFacts Teacher Quality 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Teacher Quality, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Teacher Quality, 2011-12 (EDFacts TQ:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts TQ:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about teacher quality based on the performance on programs and activities supported by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, determined by whether teachers are classified as highly qualified for their assignment according to state definition. Indicators include the number of elementary and secondary classes in core academic subjects and the designation of a school's poverty quartile. EDFacts TQ:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts TQ:2011-12 are from 3 data groups with information on State Poverty Designation, Teacher Quality in Elementary Classes, and Teacher Quality in Secondary Classes. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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ED Data Express
EDFacts Teacher Quality 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Technology, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Techonology, 2010-11 (EDFacts Tech:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study). EDFacts Tech:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about techonology education at the school, Local Education Agency, and State Education Agency levels. Key statistics produced from EDFacts Tech:2010-11 are from four data groups with information on 8th Grade Techonology Literacy, Internet Access, Integrated Technology Status, and Personnel Skilled in Technology. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

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Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
National Center for Education Statistics

EDFacts Title I, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Title I, 2010-11 (EDFacts T1:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts T1:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about student participants and staff of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), as amended, at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts T1:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts T1:2010-11 are from 18 data groups with information on Economically Disadvantaged Students, School Poverty Indicator, Public School Choice - Eligible, Public School Choice - Applied for Transfer, Public School Choice - Transferred, Public School Choice - Implementation, Public School Choice - 20% Transportation Reservation, Public School Choice - Funds Spent, SES - Applied to Receive Services, SES - Eligible to Receive Services, SES - Funds Spent, SES - Per Pupil Expenditure, SES - Received Services, Title I Part A Participation, Title I Status, Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation, Title I TAS Staff Funded (FTE), Title I Part A TAS. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Title I 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Title I, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Title I, 2011-12 (EDFacts T1:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts T1:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states about student participants and staff of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), as amended, at the school, LEA, and state levels. EDFacts T1:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts T1:2011-12 are from 18 data groups with information on Economically Disadvantaged Students, School Poverty Indicator, Public School Choice - Eligible, Public School Choice - Applied for Transfer, Public School Choice - Transferred, Public School Choice - Implementation, Public School Choice - 20% Transportation Reservation, Public School Choice - Funds Spent, SES - Applied to Receive Services, SES - Eligible to Receive Services, SES - Funds Spent, SES - Per Pupil Expenditure, SES - Received Services, Title I Part A Participation, Title I Status, Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation, Title I TAS Staff Funded (FTE), Title I Part A TAS. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Title I 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
U.S. Department of Education

EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency, 2010-11

Dataset Description

EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency, 2010-11 (EDFacts T3/LEP:2010-11), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts T3/LEP:2010-11 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states to support oversight and reporting of programs for the education of limited English proficient students as contained in Title I and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. Title III also provides programs for students who are immigrants at the SEA and LEA levels. EDFacts T3/LEP:2010-11 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts T3/LEP:2010-11 are from 13 data groups: AMAO I LEP Making Progress, AMAO II LEP English Attainment, AMAO III AYP for LEP, Immigrant, LEP Enrolled, LEP Students in LEP Program, LEP English Language Proficiency Results, LEP English Language Proficiency Test, Title III Teachers, Title III LEP English Language Proficiency Results, Title III LEP English Language Proficiency Test, Title III LEP Students Served, and Title III Former LEP Students. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency 2010-11 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Language Acquisition

EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency, 2011-12

Dataset Description

EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency, 2011-12 (EDFacts T3/LEP:2011-12), is one of 17 'topics' identified in the EDFacts documentation (in this database, each 'topic' is entered as a separate study); program data is available since 2005 at ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts. EDFacts T3/LEP:2011-12 (ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts) annually collects cross-sectional data from states to support oversight and reporting of programs for the education of limited English proficient students as contained in Title I and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. Title III also provides programs for students who are immigrants at the SEA and LEA levels. EDFacts T3/LEP:2011-12 data were collected using the EDFacts Submission System (ESS), a centralized portal and their submission by states is mandatory and required for benefits. Not submitting the required reports by a state constitutes a failure to comply with law and may have consequences for federal funding to the state. Key statistics produced from EDFacts T3/LEP:2011-12 are from 13 data groups: AMAO I LEP Making Progress, AMAO II LEP English Attainment, AMAO III AYP for LEP, Immigrant, LEP Enrolled, LEP Students in LEP Program, LEP English Language Proficiency Results, LEP English Language Proficiency Test, Title III Teachers, Title III LEP English Language Proficiency Results, Title III LEP English Language Proficiency Test, Title III LEP Students Served, and Title III Former LEP Students. For the purposes of this system, data groups are referred to as 'variables', as a result of the structure and format of EDFacts' data.

Downloads and Resources

ED Data Express
EDFacts Title III/Limited English Proficiency 2011-12 data available through ED Data Express

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Challis Breithaupt
Office of Language Acquisition

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2013

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2013 (NAEP 2013), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2013 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Students in grade 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2013 assessments consist of national and state assessments in mathematics and reading. Key statistics produced from the NAEP 2013 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Student Loan Data System

Dataset Description

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the national database of information about loans and grants awarded to students under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965. NSLDS provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants during their complete life cycle, from aid approval through disbursement, repayment, deferment, delinquency, and closure.

Downloads and Resources

Federal School Code List

Direct Loan Portfolio by Delinquency Status (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan borrowers in the Repayment status as identified in Direct Loan Portfolio by Loan Status Report)

Direct Loan Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan borrowers in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance)

Direct Loan Portfolio by Deferment Type (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loans in a Deferment status)

Direct Loan Portfolio by Forbearance Type (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loans in a Forbearance status)

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Employment Certification Forms (ECFs) (Through June 30, 2016)

ED-Held Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Portfolio by Delinquency Status (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of ED-Held FFEL borrowers in the Repayment status as identified in the ED-Held FFEL Portfolio by Loan Status Report)

ED-Held Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances)

ED-Held Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of ED-Held FFEL borrowers in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance)

Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Portfolio by Deferment Type (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of FFEL Program loans in a Deferment status)

2009-2010 Award Year FFEL Q1 Quarterly Activity

2009-2010 Award Year FFEL Q2 Quarterly Activity

2009-2010 Award Year FFEL Q3 Quarterly Activity

2009-2010 Award Year FFEL Q4 Quarterly Activity

Location of Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Loans (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances)

Federal Student Aid Portfolio Summary (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances)

Direct Loan Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances)

Portfolio by Loan Type (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of March 31, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of March 31, 2016)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of June 30, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of June 30, 2016)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of December 31, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of December 31, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of March 31, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of June 30, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of September 30, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Loan Status (Includes Direct Loans and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans) (Data as of September 30, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of March 31, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of March 31, 2016)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of June 30, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of June 30, 2016)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of September 30, 2016)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of December 31, 2015)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of December 31, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of March 31, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of June 30, 2014)

Servicer Portfolio by Repayment Plan (Includes outstanding principal and interest balances of Direct Loan and ED-owned Federal Family Education Loans in Repayment, Deferment, and Forbearance) (Data as of September 30, 2014)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Joseph McGinnis
Office of Federal Student Aid

National Teacher and Principal Survey, 2015-16

Dataset Description

The 2015-16 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) is a redesign of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS); SASS program data is available since 1987-88 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/dataproducts.asp. NTPS http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/ will replace SASS as one of the key sources of nationally representative data on a range of important education topics including out-of-field teaching, school decision making, professional development, teacher and principal evaluation, and career paths of educators and administrators. The repeated cross-sectional design of NTPS allows tracking of trends on these topics over time. The survey is conducted through a combination of online and paper questionnaires. The sample includes teachers, principals, and schools, and is nationally representative.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

College Scorecard

Dataset Description

College Scorecards make it easier for students to search for a college that is a good fit for them. They can use the College Scorecard to find out more about a college's affordability and value so they can make more informed decisions about which college to attend.

Downloads and Resources

College Scorecard
College Scorecard tool at the College Affordability and Transparency Center

College Scorecard API
College Scorecard

Download the data that appear on the College Scorecard, as well as supporting data on student completion, debt and repayment, earnings, and more. The files include data from 1996 through 2016 for all undergraduate degree-granting institutions of higher education. This data was last updated on September 13th, 2016.

College Scorecard

College Scorecard

College Scorecard

College Scorecard

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Brian Fu
Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development

Services and Support Programs for Military Service Members and Veterans, 2012-13

Dataset Description

Services and Support Programs for Military Service Members and Veterans, 2012-13 (PEQIS 19), is a study that is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=016. PEQIS 19 (http://nces.ed.gov/peqis/) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information on the services and support programs available to students who are military service members and veterans at the institution. The study was conducted using self-administered paper-and-pencil questionnaires of a person at the postsecondary institution that is familiar with the institution’s programs for military service members and veterans. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 19 were services and support programs for military members and veterans.

Downloads and Resources

Public-use PEQIS 19 data as a CSV file

Public-use PEQIS 19 data as a SAS binary file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Elementary School Math Professional Development Impact Evaluation

Dataset Description

The Elementary School Math Professional Development Impact Evaluation (Elementary School Math PD Evaluation) is a data collection that is part of the Professional Development Impact Program (PD Impact). Elementary School Math PD Evaluation http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/projects/evaluation/tq_mathpd.asp examines the implementation and impact of the Math Professional Development (PD) program, by means of collecting fourth-grade teachers' content knowledge, classroom practices, and their student's achievement for one academic year. Two-hundred such volunteer teachers from six local education agencies (LEAs) were recruited to be randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. Teachers in the experimental group were given the PD intervention, whereas teachers in the control group engaged in their LEAs' and schools' standard PD regimen over the 2013-14 academic year. At the end of the experimental period, a survey was then administered to obtain teacher background information for covariate use in the impact analyses. Key statistics produced from Elementary School Math PD Evaluation include, inter alia, the implementation of the PD program and its impact on the participating teachers' students' achievement in the classroom.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Elizabeth Warner
National Center for Education Evaluation

Digital Government Strategy Report

Dataset Description

On May 23, 2012, the President issued a Presidential Memorandum on “Building a 21st Century Digital Government”. It launched a comprehensive Digital Government Strategy (pdf/html5) aimed at delivering better digital services to the American people. The strategy builds on several initiatives, including Executive Order 13571, Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service, and Executive Order 13576, Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government. The strategy lays out actions in a 12-month roadmap and has three main objectives: (1) Enable the American people and an increasingly mobile workforce to access high-quality digital government information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device. (2) Ensure that as the government adjusts to this new digital world, we seize the opportunity to procure and manage devices, applications, and data in smart, secure and affordable ways. (3) Unlock the power of government data to spur innovation across our Nation and improve the quality of services for the American people.

Downloads and Resources

Realized Cost Savings and Avoidance Decisions

Digital Government Strategy Report in JSON format

Digital Government Strategy Report in XML format

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Steven Corey-Bey
Office of the Chief Information Officer

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2014-15

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2014-15 (NRS 2014-15), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2014-15 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that is designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States will be required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States can also report on additional, optional secondary measures that include outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study will be conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2014-15 is a universe survey, and all states are expected to submit data. Key statistics that will be produced from the study include student demographics, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2015-16

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2015-16 (NRS 2015-16), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2015-16 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that is designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States will be required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States can also report on additional, optional secondary measures that include outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study will be conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2015-16 is a universe survey, and all states are expected to submit data. Key statistics that will be produced from the study include student demographics, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2016-17

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2016-17 (NRS 2016-17), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2016-17 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that is designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States will be required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States can also report on additional, optional secondary measures that include outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study will be conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2016-17 is a universe survey, and all states are expected to submit data. Key statistics that will be produced from the study include student demographics, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, 2012

Dataset Description

The Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, 2012 (BPS:12), is a study that is part of the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=014. BPS:12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/bps/) is a longitudinal survey that follows a cohort of students who enrolled in postsecondary education for the first time during the 2011-12 academic year, irrespective of date of high school completion. The s

Downloads and Resources

2012/14 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12/14) Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for 2012/2014 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Crissey
National Center for Education Statistics

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2008

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2008 (CSSS 2008), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2008 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2008 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2009

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2009 (CSSS 2009), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2009 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2009 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2010

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2010 (CSSS 2010), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2010 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2010 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2011

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2011 (CSSS 2011), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2011 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2011 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2012

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2012 (CSSS 2012), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2012 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2012 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

School District Finance Survey, 2012-13

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2012-13 (F-33 2012-13), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2012-13 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2012-13 contains records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2012-13 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2012-13

School District Finance Survey, 2012-13

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Common Origination and Disbursement System

Dataset Description

The Common Origination and Disbursement System (COD System) is a technical solutions designed to accommodate the COD Process for Perkins, Pell Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), and the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant and Direct Loan funding.

Downloads and Resources

2014-2015 Award Year Campus-Based Program Data by School

Award Year Recipient Summary

2014-2015 Award Year Direct Loan Q1 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Direct Loan Q2 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Direct Loan Q3 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Direct Loan Q4 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Grant Q1 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Grant Q2 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Grant Q3 Quarterly Activity

2014-2015 Award Year Grant Q4 Quarterly Activity

Award Year Grant and Loan Volume Summary by School Type

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Joseph McGinnis
Office of Federal Student Aid

Culturally Based Education for American Indian/Alaska Native Students: School Feasibility Survey, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Culturally Based Education for American Indian/Alaska Native Students: School Feasibility Survey, 2003-04 (CBE 2003-04) is a survey that is part of the Regional Educational Laboratory Program (REL) program. CBE 2003-04 (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edLabs/regions/) was a cross-sectional survey that assessed the feasibility of conducting experimental research in culturally based education (CBE) programs. The study was conducted using paper questionnaires and telephone follow-ups of educators. Educators of CBE programs were sampled. Key statistics produced from CBE 2003-04 can be used to inform a request for proposal for a feasible experimental study of culturally based education. The results can also be used to design new programs or funding initiatives that combine program development with embedded experimental research to test the effectiveness of new approaches.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Steve Nelson
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2013

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2013 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2013), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2013 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2013 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2004

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2004 (NAEP 2004), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2004 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in foreign language assessment. The study was conducted using paper and pencil assessments of students. Students in grade 12 were sampled for the field test in 2003. The field test collection's response rate was between 90 and 92 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2004 are results on foreign language assessment achievement, instructional experiences, and school environments for students and groups within those populations (e.g. female students, Hispanic students).

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Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2003 Adult Education for Work-Related Reasons

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2003 Adult Education for Work-Related Seasons (AEWR-NHES:2003), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. AEWR-NHES:2003 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using an address based sample of self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2003 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 64.7 percent. Key statistics produced from AEWR-NHES:2003 are participation in adult and continuing education.

Downloads and Resources

Adult Education for Work-Related Reasons public-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Longitudinal Transition Study-2

Dataset Description

The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) is a study that is part of the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS) program; program data is available since 2000 at http://ies.ed.gov/ncser/pubs/index.asp#nlts2. NLTS2 (http://ies.ed.gov/ncser/projects/nlts2) is a longitudinal survey that was designed to provide a national picture of the experiences and achievements of students in special education during high school and as they transition from high school to adult life. NLTS2 involved five waves of data collection using three main data collection components: (1) telephone interviews with parents and youth who are capable of completing a phone interview; (2) direct assessments and in-person interviews with youth while they are in secondary school; and (3) the collection of school data (e.g., surveys of teachers, special education teachers, principals). A nationally representative sample of students who were 13 to 16 years old and receiving special education services in December 2000 when the study began were sampled, and these students were followed until 2010. Key statistics produced from NLTS2 are characteristics of secondary school students in special education and their households; secondary school experiences of students in special education, including their schools, school programs, related services, and extracurricular activities; experiences of students once they leave secondary school, including adult programs and services, social activities, etc.; and measurement of the secondary school and postschool outcomes of students in the education, employment, social, and residential domains.

Downloads and Resources

National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) restricted-use data
All-wave restricted-use National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) data

Contact Information

  Jacquelyn Buckley
National Center for Special Education Research

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2013-14

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2013-14 (NPEFS 2013-14), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2013-14 [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp] is a cross-sectional survey that gathers data on the financing of education. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state agencies was sampled. The study's response rate has not been calculated as of May 2013. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2013-14 will collect data on attendance, revenue, and expenditure data from which NCES determines a State�s 'average per-pupil expenditure' (SPPE) for elementary and secondary education.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Civil Rights Data Collection, 2013-14

Dataset Description

The purpose of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is to obtain data related to the nation's public school districts and elementary and secondary schools' obligation to provide equal educational opportunity. Since 1968, the CRDC has collected a variety of information, including student enrollment and educational programs and services data that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability, about public schools across the nation. The CRDC is a mandatory data collection, authorized under the statutes and regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and under the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413). The regulations implementing these provisions can be found at 34 CFR 100.6(b); 34 CFR 106.71; and 34 CFR 104.61. The 2013-14 CRDC is a universe survey. School districts self-report and certify all data presented.

Downloads and Resources

Download the entire 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection data file via one .zip file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates, SY 2013-14

Dataset Description

Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates, SY 2013-14 (EDGE SY 2013-14), is a data resource of the Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates program; program data is available since SY 1989-1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/programs/edge/geographicDistrictBoundary.aspx. EDGE SY 2013-14 (http://nces.ed.gov/programs/edge/default.aspx) uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to create custom indicators of social, economic, and housing conditions for school-age children and their parents. It also uses spatial data collected by NCES and the Census Bureau to create geographic locale indicators, school point locations, school district boundaries, and other types of educational geography to support spatial analysis.

Downloads and Resources

2014 School District Geographic Reference Files: Technical Documentation

2015 School District Geographic Reference Files: Technical Documentation

2014 Composite School District Shapefiles: Technical Documentation

2015 Composite School District Shapefiles: Technical Documentation

TIGER/Line Shapefiles, 2014

TIGER/Line Shapefiles, 2015

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

Federal Pell Grant Reporting, 2012-13

Dataset Description

Federal Pell Grant Reporting, 2012-13 (Pell Grant Reporting 2012-13), is a part of the Federal Pell Grant Reporting (Pell Grant Reporting) program. Pell Grant Reporting 2012-13 (https://www2.ed.gov/programs/fpg/index.html) is a compilation of quantitative program data assembled to offer insights into the changes to the Title IV applicant universe and the Pell Grant program. The information provides a basis for program planning and development and can also be used to estimate the potential impact of actual or proposed policies on Pell Grant recipients and federal aid applicants. In addition, it can assist researchers, students, higher education officials, and financial aid administrators to better understand current patterns of Federal Pell Grant disbursements and Title IV applicant activity.

Downloads and Resources

2012-2013 Federal Pell Grant Program End-of-Year Report

2012-2013 Federal Pell Grant Program End-of-Year Report

Distribution of Federal Pell Grant Recipients by Type and Control of Institution: Award Year 2012-2013

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Anthony Hales, Jr.
Office of Postsecondary Education

IDEA Part B Section 618 Table 8 Maintenance of Effort and Coordinated Early Intervention Services, Federal Fiscal Year 2011/School Year 2011-12

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B Section 618 Table 8 Maintenance of Effort and Coordinated Early Intervention Services, Federal Fiscal Year 2011/School Year 2011-12 (IDEA Part B Table 8 FFY 2011/SY 2011-12), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part B Table 8 FFY 2011/SY 2011-12 is a universe cross-sectional report that collected data on allocations of IDEA funds; the dollar amount of Maintenance of Effort (MOE) reduction; the dollar amount reserved for Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS); and the number of children receiving CEIS disaggregated by LEA/educational service agency (ESA). State education agencies (SEAs) must submit data required by section 618 of the IDEA on the form provided by the Secretary by electronic submission. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B Table 8 FFY 2011/SY 2011-12 provide Maintenance of Effort (MOE) reduction, and Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) dollar amounts; the number of children receiving CEIS disaggregated by LEA/educational service agencies (ESA) under IDEA Part B, as well as how IDEA funds are used.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Section 618 Data Products: State Level Data Files--Part B Maintenance of Effort Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services, 2011-12

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

School Safety and Discipline, 2013-14

Dataset Description

School Safety and Discipline, 2013-14 (FRSS 106), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 106 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp) is a study that provides nationally representative data on safety and discipline in public schools. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed on paper or online. Public schools in each level (elementary, middle, high school, and combined) were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 85%. Key statistics produced from FRSS 106 will provide information on specific safety and discipline plans and practices; training for teachers and aides related to school safety and discipline issues; use of law enforcement or security personnel on school grounds; frequency of specific discipline problems; and the number of incidents of various crimes that occurred during the 2013-14 school year.

Downloads and Resources

Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (FRSS 106): School Safety and Discipline: 2013-14

Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (FRSS 106): School Safety and Discipline: 2013-14

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Foreign Gifts and Contracts Report, 2011

Dataset Description

The Foreign Gift and Contracts Report, 2011 (FG2011), is a collection that is part of the Foreign Gift and Contracts Report (FG) program; program data is available since 2009 at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/foreign. FG2011 (https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/foreign) is a universe data collection regarding all gifts received from any foreign source, contracts with a foreign entity, and/or any ownership interests in or control over the institution by a foreign entity reported by Title IV-eligible domestic institutions that offer a bachelor's degree or higher, or that offer a transfer program of not less than two years that is acceptable for credit toward a bachelor's degree, when the total value of all gifts given in a calendar year is $250,000 or greater or if the institution is owned or controlled by a foreign source. Key statistics produced from FG2011 were information on the gifts of money and property institutions received.

Downloads and Resources

Foreign Gift and Contract Report

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Veronica Pickett
Office of Federal Student Aid

Gainful Employment Informational Rates, 2011

Dataset Description

The Gainful Employment Informational Rates, 2011 (GE2011), is a collection that is part of the Gainful Employment (GE) program; program data is available since 2011 at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/data-center/school/ge/data. GE2011 (https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/data-center/school/ge) is a universe data collection regarding repayment rate and debt-to-earnings ratios, as in order to be eligible for Title IV student assistance programs under the Higher Education Act (HEA), postsecondary institutions' educational programs must be proven to lead to a degree or to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation. With very few exceptions, all educational programs offered at for-profit institutions must lead to gainful employment in a recognized occupation. The GE2011 rates are for informational purposes only and, as such, do not invoke any regulatory requirements, sanctions, or other adverse action. These informational rates were prepared in advance of the July 1, 2012 effective date of the applicable regulations for the years in which programs that fail the debt measures will be required to provide debt warnings and may lose eligibility after failing three out of four consecutive years. Key statistics produced from GE2011 were information on repayment rates and debt-to-earnings ratios.

Downloads and Resources

2011 Gainful Employment Informational Rates

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Joeseph McGinnis
Office of Federal Student Aid

Postsecondary Education Participants System

Dataset Description

The Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS) is the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) management information system of all organizations that have a role in administering student financial aid and other Higher Education Act programs. PEPS maintains eligibility, certification, demographic, financial, review, audit, and default rate data about schools, lenders, and guarantors participating in the Title IV programs.

Downloads and Resources

Closed School Search File

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Joseph McGinnis
Office of Federal Student Aid

Schools and Staffing Survey, 1987-88

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 1987-88 (SASS 87-88), is the first year of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program. Program data are available since 1987-88 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/dataproducts.asp. SASS 87-88 is a system of surveys that cover a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of school climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention policies, to basic characteristics of the student population. The surveys were conducted using mail, paper questionnaires, and telephone interviews. Teachers, principals, school district coordinators and school coordinators were sampled. Key statistics produced from SASS 87-88 are average teacher salaries and the percentage of teachers by teaching field. Key statistics from the follow-up to SASS 87-88 (TFS 88-89) are the percentage of teachers staying at the same school, moving to a new school, or leaving the teaching profession. Prior to the founding of SASS in 1987-88, there were three sets of Elementary and Secondary School Division surveys administered by the National Center for Education Statistics in different years: the “Teacher Demand and Shortage Surveys,” the “Public and Private School Surveys,” and the “Teacher Surveys.” The public and private sector versions of each of these three survey types were conducted in alternate years.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
Nationa Center for Education Statistics

Schools and Staffing Survey, 1990-91

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 1990-91 (SASS 90-91), is a study that is part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program; program data is available since 1987-88 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/dataproducts.asp. SASS 90-91 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass) is a cross-sectional survey that covers a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals' and teachers' perceptions of school climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention practices, to basic characteristics of the student population. The survey was conducted using mail, paper questionnaires, and telephone interviews. Teachers, librarians, principals, and school coordinators were sampled. Key statistics produced from SASS 90-91 are average teacher salaries and the percentage of teachers by teaching field.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2011-12 (NPEFS 2011-12), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2011-12 [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp] is a cross-sectional survey that gathers data on the financing of education. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study's response rate has not been calculated as of May 2013. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2011-12 will collect data on attendance, revenue, and expenditure data from which NCES determines a State�s 'average per-pupil expenditure' (SPPE) for elementary and secondary education.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2011-12 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2011-12 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2011-12 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2011-12 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011), is part of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/ecls/dataproducts.asp. ECLS-K:2011 is a longitudinal study that focuses on children�s early school experiences beginning with kindergarten and continuing through the fifth grade. It includes the collection of data from parents, teachers, school administrators, and before- and after-school care providers, as well as direct child assessments of students. ECLS-K:2011 is exceptionally broad in its scope and coverage of child development, early learning, and school progress, drawing together information from multiple sources to provide rich data about the population of children who were kindergartners in the 2010-11 school year. The survey was conducted using computer-assisted interviews and paper questionnaires. The primary respondents in this study are students and their parents, general classroom teachers, special education teachers, school administrators, and before- and after-school care providers.

Downloads and Resources

ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten Data File and Electronic Codebook
Base-year restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-First Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
Longitudinal Kindergarten-First Grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Second Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
Longitudinal Kindergarten-Second Grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Third Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook
Longitudinal Kindergarten-Third Grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

ECLS-K:2011 Second-Grade Hearing Evaluations Component Restricted-Use Data File
Second-grade hearing component restricted-use data file, for use with the longitudinal kindergarten-second grade restricted-use data file, for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Gail Mulligan
National Center for Education Statistics

Federal Family Education Loan/Direct Loan Cohort Default Rates, 2011

Dataset Description

The Federal Family Education Loan/Direct Loan Cohort Default Rates, 2011 (FFEL/Direct Loan CDR 2011), is a data collection that is part of the Federal Family Education Loan/Direct Loan Cohort Default Rate (FFEL/Direct Loan CDR) program; program data is available since 2009 at https://www.nslds.ed.gov/nslds_SA/defaultmanagement/search_cohort_3yr2011CY.cfm. FFEL/Direct Loan CDR 2011 (http://www.ifap.ed.gov/defaultmanagement/defaultmangement.html) is a cross-sectional data collection of supplementary data regarding and appeals by postsecondary and other eligible institutions participating in the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) and William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) programs to the rates of default by annual cohorts of students having attended those institutions and having received Federal assistance under the FFEL and Direct Loan programs against those same student loans, as calculated by Federal Student Aid using data derived from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Responding institutions use a web-based entry system to provide supplementary information and appeal the default rate calculation. Key statistics produced from this study are the cohort default rates (CDRs).

Downloads and Resources

Federal Family Education Loan/Direct Loan Cohort Default Rates, 2011
Official 2-Year Cohort Default Rate Search for Postsecondary Schools

Federal Family Education Loan/Direct Loan Cohort Default Rates, 2011
Official 3-Year Cohort Default Rate Search for Postsecondary Schools

FY 2011, FY 2010, and FY 2009 official 3-year cohort default rates published for schools participating in the Title IV student financial assistance programs.

FY 2011, FY 2010, and FY 2009 official 3-year cohort default rates published for schools participating in the Title IV student financial assistance programs.

Schools subject to loss of Direct Loan Program and/or Federal Pell Grant Program eligibility due to FY 2011, FY 2010, and FY 2009 official 3-year cohort default rates of 30.0% or greater.

Schools subject to loss of Direct Loan Program eligibility due to FY 2011 official 3-year cohort default rates greater than 40.0%.

Schools that have an FY 2011 official 3-year cohort default rate that is less than 5.0% and are eligible to make single and non-delayed disbursements on loans used for attendance in a study abroad program as defined in Section 428G(e) of the Higher Education Act.

Schools that have FY 2011, FY 2010, and FY 2009 3-year cohort default rates less than 15.0%, including eligible foreign institutions, and that disburse in a single installment loans that are made for one semester, one trimester, one quarter, or a four-month period. These institutions are no longer required to delay the delivery or disbursement of loans for 30 days for first-time, first-year undergraduate borrowers.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Katrina Turner
Operations Performance Division

Federal Perkins Loan Cohort Default Rates 2012

Dataset Description

The Federal Perkins Loan Cohort Default Rates 2012 (Federal Perkins Loan CDR 2012), is a data collection that is part of the Federal Perkins Loan program; program data is available electronically since 2006 at http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byAwardYear.jsp?type=perkinscdrguide&set=archive&display=single. Federal Perkins Loan CDR 2012 (http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/per_co_defrates.jsp) is a cross-sectional data collection that queries the universe of postsecondary institutions about their Federal Perkins Loan default rates. The data collection is conducted using a web-based entry system wherein postsecondary institutions must submit information electronically if they participate in the Federal Perkins Loan program. Key statistics produced from this data collection are the Federal Perkins Loan cohort default rates (previously known as the Orange Book).

Downloads and Resources

Federal Perkins Loan Program Status of Default as of June 30, 2012 (Orange Book)

Federal Perkins Loan Program Status of Default as of June 30, 2012 (Orange Book)

Contact Information

  Pat Stephenson
Grants and Campus Based Division

Program for International Student Assessment, 2012

Dataset Description

The Program for International Student Assessment, 2012 (PISA:12), is a study that is part of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) program. PISA:12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/) is a cross-sectional study that measures the yield of education systems, or what skills and competencies students have acquired and can apply in reading, mathematics, and science to real-world contexts by age 15. For PISA:12, mathematics literacy was the subject area assessed in-depth. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of 15-year-old students. 15-year-old students in April to May of 2012 were sampled. Key statistics produced from PISA:12 are 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading, mathematics, and science literacy, problem solving, and financial literacy.

Downloads and Resources

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Connecticut Restricted-use Data File
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Connecticut Restricted-use Data File

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Florida Restricted-use Data File
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Florida Restricted-use Data File

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Massachusetts Restricted-use Data File
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Massachusetts Restricted-use Data File

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 U.S. Public-use Data Files
2012 Program for International Student Assessment public-use data available through the International Data Explorer

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 U.S. Restricted-use Data File
2012 Program for International Student Assessment restricted use data available through the International Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Dana Kelly
National Center for Education Statistics

Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, 2011-12 (PIAAC:12), is a study that is part of the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) program. PIAAC:12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to assess and compare the basic skills and the broad range of competencies of adults around the world. The assessment focuses on cognitive and workplace skills needed for successful participation in 21st-century society and the global economy. The study was conducted using paper-and-pencil and computer-administered direct assessments of adults� literacy, numeracy, component skills, problem solving in technology-rich environments and in-person interviews of background questionnaire. PIAAC achieved a 70 percent response rate. Key statistics produced from PIAAC:12 are information on relationships between individuals' educational background, workplace experiences and skills, occupational attainment, use of information and communications technology, and cognitive skills in the areas of literacy, numeracy, and problem solving.

Downloads and Resources

2011-12 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies data as a zipped ASCII data file

2011-12 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2011-12 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) U.S. Restricted Use File (RUF)
Restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

U.S. PIAAC International Data Explorer (IDE)
U.S. PIAAC IDE provides results from the 2012 PIAAC for the United States, including U.S.-specific variables, and other countries; the 2003 Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL), and the 1994 International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Eugene Owen
National Center for Education Statistics

School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2010

Dataset Description

The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2010 (SSOCS:2010), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety program. SSOCS:2010 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/) is a cross-sectional survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. SSOCS is administered to public primary, middle, high, and combined school principals in the spring of even numbered school years. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and telephone follow-ups of school principals. Public schools were sampled in the spring of 2010 to participate in the study. The study�s response rate was 74.3 percent. A number of key statistics on a variety of topics can be produced with SSOCS data.

Downloads and Resources

2009-10 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Restricted-Use Data Files and User's Manual
Restricted-use data file for the 2010 School Survey on Crime and Safety

2009-10 School Survey on Crime and Safety: Public-Use Data Files and Codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kathryn Chandler
National Center for Education Statistics

Schools and Staffing Survey, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 2011-12 (SASS 11-12), is a study that is part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program. SASS 11-12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/) is a survey that covers a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals' and teachers' perceptions of school climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention practices, to basic characteristics of the student population. The survey was conducted using mail, email, and telephone interviews. Schools, teachers, librarians, and principals were sampled. Key statistics produced from SASS 11-12 are how many teachers and principals remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the SASS administration.

Downloads and Resources

2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 School and Staffing Survey

Datalab for Schools and Staffing Survey
The SASS data available in PowerStats are comprised of data collected from five SASS questionnaires: the School Questionnaire, Teacher Questionnaire, School Principal Questionnaire, School District Questionnaire, and Library Media Center Questionnaire

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Agency IT Policy Archive

Dataset Description

Archive of U.S. Department of Education (ED) information technology (IT) policy documents--including "Information Technology Investment Management (ITIM) Directive" (OCIO 3-108), "Lifecycle Management (LCM) Directive" (OCIO 1-106), "Investment Review Board (IRB) Charter (Departmental)", "Investment Review Board (IRB) Charter (Federal Student Aid [FSA])", and "Agency IT Policy Archive".

Downloads and Resources

Archive of U.S. Department of Education (ED) information technology (IT) policy documents--including "Information Technology Investment Management (ITIM) Directive" (OCIO 3-108), "Lifecycle Management (LCM) Directive" (OCIO 1-106), "Investment Review Board (IRB) Charter (Departmental)", "Investment Review Board (IRB) Charter (Federal Student Aid [FSA])", and "Agency IT Policy Archive".

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Jill James
Office of the Chief Information Officer

Bureau IT Leadership Directory

Dataset Description

A listing of individuals who, besides the Chief Information Officer, have bureau-specific duties or responsibilities as a chief information officer.

Downloads and Resources

A listing of individuals who, besides the Chief Information Officer, have bureau-specific duties or responsibilities as a chief information officer.

A listing of individuals who, besides the Chief Information Officer, have bureau-specific duties or responsibilities as a chief information officer.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Jill James
Office of the Chief Information Officer

CIO Governance Board Membership List

Dataset Description

A listing of the governing boards within the U.S. Department of Education in which the Department's Chief Information Officer is actively involved.

Downloads and Resources

A listing of the governing boards within the U.S. Department of Education in which the Department's Chief Information Officer is actively involved.

A listing of the governing boards within the U.S. Department of Education in which the Department's Chief Information Officer is actively involved.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Jill James
Office of the Chief Information Officer

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2012-13 (Perkins IV CAR 2012-13), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2012-13 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV), which provides funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2012-13 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2012-13 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Enrollment (CTE Participants) Data 2012-2013

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2012-13 narratives by state

Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Data 2012-2013
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Performance (Core Indicators) Data 2012-2013
Create customized reports with accountability data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Academic Libraries Survey, 2012

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2012 (ALS:2012), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2012 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarize services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2012 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2012 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2012 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

2012 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

Annual Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The Annual Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits, 2012-13 (ASFS 2012-13), is a study that is part of the Annual Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits program. ASFS 2012-13 is a cross-sectional survey that collects data from postsecondary institutions in the form of annual audited financial statements. The study was conducted using a web-based data collection system where postsecondary institutions submitted information. The universe of postsecondary schools was sampled. The study's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from ASFS 2012-13 are on the disbursement of Title IV funding, compliance to federal regulations regarding Title IV funding, and overall financial health of institutions.

Downloads and Resources

Financial Responsibility Composite Scores
Section 498(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires for-profit and non-profit institutions to annually submit audited financial statements to the Department to demonstrate they are maintaining the standards of financial responsibility necessary to participate in the Title IV programs. One of many standards, which the Department utilizes to gauge the financial responsibility of an institution, is a composite of three ratios derived from an institution's audited financial statements. The three ratios are a primary reserve ratio, an equity ratio, and a net income ratio. These ratios gauge the fundamental elements of the financial health of an institution, not the educational quality of an institution.

Proprietary School 90/10 Revenue Percentages
Section 487(d)(4) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, requires the Secretary to annually submit a report to Congress containing information regarding the amount and percentage of each proprietary institution's revenues from Title IV sources and non-Title IV sources as provided by the institution in its audited financial statements. The reports are sent to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the corresponding House and Senate authorizing committees. Below, you can access the 90/10 transmittal letters, summary charts and reports for institutions with fiscal years ending in the corresponding award year.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Ti Baker
Program Compliance School Participation Division

School District Finance Survey, 2011-12

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2011-12 (F-33 2011-12), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2011-12 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2011-12 contains records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2011-12 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2011-12

School District Finance Survey, 2011-12

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Education Longitudinal Study of 2002

Dataset Description

The Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002; http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/els2002/) is a study that is a part of the Education Longitudinal Study program. It is a longitudinal survey that monitors the transitions of a national sample of young people as they progress from tenth grade to, eventually, the world of work. In 2004, the sample was augmented to make it representative of seniors as well. The study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires and cognitive tests of students, parents, teachers, librarians, and school administrators. Students and their high school administrators, library media coordinators, mathematics and English teachers, and parents in the spring term of the 2002 school year were sampled. The study�s base year weighted response rate was 87.3 percent for students, 98.5 percent for school administrators, 95.9 percent for library media coordinators, 91.6 percent for both mathematics and English teachers, 87.5 percent for parents, and 67.8 percent for schools. Key statistics produced from ELS:2002 focus on the changes taking place in the lives of students which can be understood by life achievements, aspirations, and experiences.

Downloads and Resources

Education Longitudinal Study of 2002
Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 data available through EDAT

Education Longitudinal Study: 2002 Data Files and Electronic Codebook System
Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 data files and electronic codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Elise Christopher
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2012 Early Childhood Program Participation Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey Program, 2012 Early Childhood Program Participation Survey (ECPP-NHES:2012), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. ECPP-NHES:2012 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2012 were sampled. Key statistics produced from ECPP-NHES:2012 are early childhood care and education.

Downloads and Resources

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2012 Early Childhood Program Participation Survey

National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES):2012 Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data files for the 2012 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES:2012), including the Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP) and Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI) files

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2012 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey Program, 2012 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey (PFI-NHES:2012), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. PFI-NHES:2012 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2012 were sampled. Key statistics produced from PFI-NHES:2012 are early childhood care and education, children�s readiness for school, parent perceptions of school safety and discipline, before- and after-school activities of school-age children, participation in adult and continuing education, parent involvement in education, school choice, homeschooling, and civic involvement.

Downloads and Resources

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2012 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey

National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES):2012 Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data files for the 2012 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES:2012), including the Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP) and Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI) files

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2011

Dataset Description

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2011 (PIRLS 2011), is part of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) program. PIRLS 2011 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pirls/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the reading literacy of fourth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of reading literacy in young students. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of fourth-grade students. In the United States a total of 370 schools and 12,726 fourth-grade students participated in 2011. The final weighted student response rate was 96 percent and the final weighted school response rate was 85 percent. The overall weighted response rate was 81 percent. Key statistics produced from PIRLS 2011 are how well fourth-grade students read, how students in one country compare with students in another country, how much fourth-grade students value and enjoy reading, and internationally, how the reading habits and attitudes of students vary.

Downloads and Resources

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011: U.S. Public-Use Data Files
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2011 public-use data

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011: U.S. restricted-use datafile
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2011 restricted-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sheila Thompson
National Center for Education Statistics

School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2000

Dataset Description

The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2000 (SSOCS:2000), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety's program; program data is available since 2000 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/data_products.asp. SSOCS:2000 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/) is a cross-sectional survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. SSOCS is administered to public primary, middle, high, and combined school principals in the spring of even-numbered school years. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and telephone follow-ups of school principals. Public schools were sampled in the spring of 2000 to participate in the study. The study�s response rate was 70 percent. A number of key statistics on a variety of topics can be produced with SSOCS data.

Downloads and Resources

Comma-delimited ASCII data file

Fixed-format ASCII data file

SPSS for Windows data file

SPSS portable data file

STATA data file

SAS data file (version 8)

SAS data file (version 6.08-6.12)

SPSS for DOS data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kathryn Chandler
National Center for Education Statistics

Teacher Shortage Areas, 2015-16

Dataset Description

Teacher Shortage Areas, 2015-16 (TSA 2015-16), is part of the Teacher Shortage Areas (TSA) program; program data is available since 1990-91 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/pol/tsa.html. TSA 2015-16 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/pol/tsa.html) is a cross-sectional study that collects information about teaching needs in the 50 United States and the outlying jurisdictions. TSA 2015-16 provides a reference document to notify the nation where states and schools are looking to potentially hire academic administrators, licensed teachers, and other educators and school faculty in specific disciplines/subject areas, grade levels, and/or geographic regions; and where recent graduates of Schools of Education and trained, experienced teaching professionals aiming to serve school districts with shortages can find (prospective) positions and fill the current voids in each state�s and outlying jurisdiction�s pre-kindergarten through grade 12 classrooms, in areas that match their certification credentials; as well as to inform Federal financial aid recipients on reducing, deferring, or cancelling/nullifying/discharging student loan payments and meeting other specified (e.g., teaching) obligations.

Downloads and Resources

Teacher Shortage Areas data from 1990-91 through 2015-16 in a Microsoft Word Document

Teacher Shortage Areas data from 1990-91 through 2015-16 in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrea Baird
Office of Postsecondary Education

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2011

Dataset Description

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2011 (TIMSS 2011), is a study that is part of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) program. TIMSS 2011 (http://nces.ed.gov/timss/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the mathematics and science literacy of fourth- and eighth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of math and science literacy in students. The study was conducted using direct assessments of students and questionnaires for students, teachers, and school administrators. Fourth- and eighth-graders in the 2010-11 school year were sampled. The study's response rate was 94 percent. Key statistics produced from TIMSS 2003 are mathematics and science achievement scores of U.S. fourth- and eighth- grade students compared to that of students in other countries.

Downloads and Resources

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2011 Grade 4 public-use data available through TIMMS data explorer

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2011 Grade 8 public-use data available through TIMMS data explorer

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 U.S. restricted-use datafile
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2011 restricted-use data available through TIMMS data explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Provasnik
National Center for Education Statistics

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2012-13 (NPEFS 2012-13), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2012-13 [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp] is a cross-sectional survey that gathers data on the financing of education. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study's response rate is TBD. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2012-13 will collect data on attendance, revenue, and expenditure data from which NCES determines a State�s 'average per-pupil expenditure' (SPPE) for elementary and secondary education.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Private School Universe Survey, 2013-14

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2013-14 (PSS 2013-14), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe program. PSS 2013-14 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on private elementary and secondary schools, including religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program. The study is conducted using mail questionnaires, an internet response option and telephone and personal follow-up of all private schools in the United States. The PSS universe consists of a diverse population of schools. It includes both schools with a religious orientation (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, or Jewish) and nonsectarian schools with programs ranging from regular to special emphasis and special education. Keys statistics produced from PSS 2013-14 are on the number of private schools, students, and teachers, the number of high school graduates, the length of the school year and school day.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers

Dataset Description

The National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers (CTAC Evalution) is a study of the National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers (CTAC Evaluation) program. CTAC Evaluation (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/projects/evaluation/other_techcenters.asp) includes cross-sectional surveys, cross-sectional interviews, and ratings of Center products that are designed to examine the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers (CTAC) program, a Federally funded program that provides technical assistance to states in connection with the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Specifically, the study examines Center objectives and activities and assesses the quality of Center products. The study was conducted using surveys and interviews of State Education Agencies (SEAs), project participants, and Center staff. The study includes a sample of Center projects for review, a sample of project participants (response rate between 73% and 76%), and a census of SEAs (response rate of 90%). Key statistics produced from CTAC Evaluation are about the quality, relevance, and usefulness of Center projects and descriptive statistics about Center operations.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Elizabeth Warner
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94 (SASS 93-94), is a study that is part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program; program data is available since 1987-88 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/dataproducts.asp. SASS 93-94 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass) is a collection of surveys that cover a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals� and teachers� perceptions of school climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention practices, to basic characteristics of the student population and school library resources and staffing. The surveys were conducted using questionnaires, personal interviews, list data, and telephone interviews. Superintendents, teachers, librarians, principals, and school coordinators were sampled. Key statistics from SASS 93-94 are the percentage of newly-hired teachers, average teacher salary, average principal salary, percentage distribution of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches, percentage distribution of students by race and ethnicity, percentage distribution of teachers and principals by race and ethnicity, and age distributions of teachers and principals.

Downloads and Resources

1993-94 Schools and Staffing Survey: Data File User's Manual, Volume III: Public-Use Codebook
The public-use codebook contains the unweighted count of responses for each data item and most components of SASS in 1993-94. This codebook supplements the electronic codebook on the SASS and TFS CD-ROM by using the exact text of the questionnaire item and adding skip instructions as found on the questionnaire. Copies of the questionnaires are published in Volume I (Survey Documentation) of the Data File User's Manual.

1993-94 Schools and Staffing Survey: Data File User's Manual, Volume IV: Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Restricted-Use Codebook
This volume of the Data File User's Manual contains the unweighted counts of responses to all SASS questionnaires administered to Bureau of Indian Affairs or tribally-operated schools, their teachers, and their principals. The file for BIA schools, principals, and teachers is produced only for researchers, as the number of BIA schools is small. Additionally, this codebook includes responses to the Student Records data file, as a number of items pertain to American Indian students. The questionnaires were published in the Data File User's Manual, Volume I (Survey Documentation).

1993-94 Schools and Staffing Survey: Data File User's Manual: Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook
This volume documents the data collection of the 1993-94 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and contains the layout and descriptive information on all survey and sampling variables.

1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey Data File User's Manual, Public-Use Version
The 1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey data in this report links responses from the 1994-95 school year to characteristics of those same teachers who participated in the 1993-94 school year SASS. Within this report, there are some data that are drawn directly from the 1993-94 SASS. These data are termed "base year" because the SASS sample is the "base" for the teachers who are selected for the Teacher Followup Survey.

1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey: Data File User's Manual Restricted-Use Codebook
This volume of the Data File User's Manual contains the survey documentation and codebook for the 1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey. The TFS is a one-year followup of a subset of teachers who responded to the 1993-94 SASS. The codebook contains the exact questionnaire wording and unweighted count of responses to each item. The teachers' responses to the 1993-94 SASS are also included. A copy of the questionnaires for current and for former teachers are published as part of this manual.

Datalab for Schools and Staffing Survey
The SASS data available in PowerStats are comprised of data collected from five SASS questionnaires: the School Questionnaire, Teacher Questionnaire, School Principal Questionnaire, School District Questionnaire, and Library Media Center Questionnaire

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Schools and Staffing Survey, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 2007-08 (SASS 07-08), is a study that is part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program. SASS 07-08 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on public, private, and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) elementary and secondary schools across the nation. The survey was primarily conducted through the use of mailed paper questionnaires. Nonresponse follow-up interviews were conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviews and face-to-face paper interviews. Teachers, librarians, principals, and districts were sampled. Key statistics produced from SASS 07-08 included how many teachers remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the SASS administration.

Downloads and Resources

2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and 2008-09 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) (CD ROM) Restricted-Use Data with Codebook
Restricted-use data file for the 2007-08 School and Staffing Survey

2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and 2008-09 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) (CD ROM) Restricted-Use Data with Codebook
The restricted-use codebook contains the count of responses for each data item and all components of SASS in 2007-2008 and the 2008-2009 TFS. The TFS data and User's manual are the added features to this re-release of the 2007-2008 SASS restricted-use ECB.

2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey Public Charter School Analysis Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for the 2007-08 School and Staffing Survey; the Public Charter School Analysis data file contains additional variables not processed with the rest of SASS

2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey Public Charter School Analysis Restricted-Use Data File
This file contains additional data collected from public charter schools that are under the jurisdiction of a regular school district. These "district-type" items were not processed at the same time as the other 2007-08 SASS data. The data are weighted with public school weights appropriate for public charter schools.

2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey restricted-use data files in SAS and ASCII formats (12 files)
Restricted-use data file for the 2007-08 School and Staffing Survey

2008-09 Teacher Status Files
Restricted-use data files which report on the status of teachers from the Schools and Staffing Survey one year later, in fall 2008-09. The teachers' status is reported by the school principal. Also included is an analysis of a comparison between the previous Teacher Status File from 2004-05 and the teachers' own reports in the Teacher Follow-up Survey.

Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) Waves 1-3 Preliminary Restricted-Use Data File and Documentation
This restricted-use CD includes the combined wave 1 through wave 3 data file, questionnaires, codebook, file layout, and User�s Manual. The data files are in SAS and ASCII formats, with syntax for creating files in SPSS and STATA. The codebook contains the count of responses for each data item. The User's Manual explains the survey methodology and provides other information about the structure and content of the data file.

Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) Waves 1-5 Restricted-Use Data File and Documentation
This restricted-use CD includes the combined wave 1 through wave 5 data file, questionnaires, codebook, file layout, and User�s Manual. The data files are in SAS and ASCII formats, with syntax for creating files in SPSS and STATA. The codebook contains the count of responses for each data item. The User's Manual explains the survey methodology and provides other information about the structure and content of the data file.

Datalab for Schools and Staffing Survey
The SASS data available in PowerStats are comprised of data collected from five SASS questionnaires: the School Questionnaire, Teacher Questionnaire, School Principal Questionnaire, School District Questionnaire, and Library Media Center Questionnaire

Principal Follow-up Survey 2008-09 restricted-use data files
Data from the 2008-09 Principal Follow-up Survey as well as from the 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey's Principal survey. Documentation about the survey is included.

Restricted-Use Public Charter School Analysis Data File User's Manual: 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey
Survey documentation for an additional data file issued after the release of the 2007-08 SASS data files. The Public Charter School Analysis data file contains additional variables not processed with the rest of SASS. This technical information is about all aspects of the public charter school analysis data file, from data collection through weighting.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs, 2013

Dataset Description

Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs, 2013 (APIP 2013), is a data collection that is part of the Accredited Postsceondary Institutions and Programs (APIP) program; program data is available since 2011 at http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/GetDownLoadFile.aspx. APIP 2013 (http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/index.aspx) is a cross-sectional data collection that queries the the universe of 61 recognized accrediting agencies about their accrediting behaviors. The data collection is conducted using a web-based entry system where accrediting agencies may submit information electronically. Both recognized accrediting agencies and state approval agencies were sampled. Key statistics produced from this study are on the number of accredited institutions and programs, the types of accreditation, and the accreditation process.

Downloads and Resources

Accreditation data files created on 03/21/2013 are stored in a CSV and an Excel file. In addition, a ReadMe.doc file containing file descriptions is provided as a Word document.

Accreditation data files created on 06/24/2013 are stored in a CSV and an Excel file. In addition, a ReadMe.doc file containing file descriptions is provided as a Word document.

Accreditation data files created on 09/26/2013 are stored in a CSV and an Excel file. In addition, a ReadMe.doc file containing file descriptions is provided as a Word document.

Accreditation data files created on 12/19/2013 are stored in a CSV and an Excel file. In addition, a ReadMe.doc file containing file descriptions is provided as a Word document.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Herman Bounds
Office of Postsecondary Education

Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2013

Dataset Description

The Campus Safety and Security Survey, 2013 (CSSS 2013), is a data collection that is part of the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://ope.ed.gov/security/GetDownloadFile.aspx. CSSS 2013 (http://ope.ed.gov/security/) was a cross-sectional survey that collected information required for benefits about crime, criminal activity, and fire safety at postsecondary institutions in the United States. The collection was conducted through a web-based data entry system utilized by postsecondary institutions. All postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV funding were sampled. The collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CSSS 2013 were on the number and types of crimes committed at responding postsecondary institutions and the number of fires on institution property.

Downloads and Resources

Aggregated Data for calendar years 2010-12

Data for calendar years 2010-12

All data combined for calendar years 2010-12

All data combined for calendar years 2010-12

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey, 2013

Dataset Description

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey, 2013 (EADA 2013), is part of the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey (EADA) program (https://www2.ed.gov/finaid/prof/resources/athletics/eada.html). Data is available since 2001 at http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/. The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act requires co-educational institutions of postsecondary education that participate in a Title IV, federal student financial assistance program, and have an intercollegiate athletic program, to prepare an annual report to the Department of Education on athletic participation, staffing, and revenues and expenses, by men's and women's teams. This cross-sectional data collection was administered via an online survey. In 2013, the collection's response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics from EADA 2013 were designed to make prospective students aware of a schools� commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its men and women students; as well, results were used in the Department's report to Congress on gender equity in intercollegiate athletics.

Downloads and Resources

EADA 2012-2013.zip
Data for academic year 2012-13

EADA All Data Combined 2012-2013_SAS_SPSS_EXCEL.zip
All data combined for academic year 2012-13

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Ashley Higgins
Office of Postsecondary Education

Impact Evaluation of Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants

Dataset Description

The Impact Evaluation of Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants (RTT-SIG Impact Evaluation) is a study that is part of the Impact Evaluation of Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants (RTT-SIG Impact Evaluation) program. RTT-SIG Impact Evaluation (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/projects/evaluation/other_racetotop.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses the implementation of the Race to the Top (RTT) and School Improvement Grant (SIG) programs at the State, local education agency (LEA), and school levels, as well as whether the receipt of RTT and/or SIG funding to implement a school turnaround model has had an impact on outcomes for the lowest-achieving schools. Additionally, the study investigates whether RTT reforms were related to improvements in student outcomes and whether implementation of the four school turnaround models, and the strategies within those models, was related to improvement in outcomes for the lowest-achieving schools. The study was conducted using a combination of telephone interviews and web-based surveys targeted to school administrators at the state, LEA, and school levels. Key statistics produced from RTT-SIG Impact Evaluation include State, LEA, and school adoption levels of policies and practices promoted by RTT and SIG, as well as impacts on student outcomes of RTT and SIG funding.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Thomas Wei
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2013-14

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2013-14 (NRS 2013-14), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2013-14 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that is designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States will be required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States can also report on additional, optional secondary measures that include outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study will be conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2013-14 is a universe survey, and all states are expected to submit data. Key statistics that will be produced from the study include student demographics, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

ED Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI)

Dataset Description

U.S. Department of Education online JSON catalog file.

Downloads and Resources

U.S. Department of Education online JSON catalog file

Contact Information

  Jill James
Office of the Chief Information Officer

Teacher Compensation Survey, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Teacher Compensation Survey, 2010-11 (TCS 2010-11), is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program. TCS 2010-11 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/tcssurvinfo.asp) is a cross-sectional universe survey that collected information on each public school teacher and on how public school teachers are compensated. TCS data are collected electronically from the administrative records of state education agencies. Participating state education agencies (SEAs) voluntarily submit TCS data. Key statistics produced from TCS 2010-11 includes information on teachers� salaries, benefits, and compensations.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Teaching and Learning International Survey, 2013

Dataset Description

The Teaching and Learning International Survey, 2013 (TALIS:13), is a study that is part of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) program. TALIS:13 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/talis/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to collect information about the teaching workforce, teaching as a profession, and the learning environments of schools. The study will be conducted through questionnaires for teachers and school administrators. Teachers and school administrators in lower secondary schools (Grades 7, 8, and 9) were sampled. Key statistics produced from TALIS:13 include information on teacher and principal background and characteristics, teacher and principal professional development, school leadership and management, teacher appraisal and feedback, teachers� instructional beliefs and pedagogical practices, school climate and ethos, student characteristics as perceived by the teacher, and teacher efficacy and job satisfaction.

Downloads and Resources

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. public-use data files, raw data

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. public-use data files, for SAS

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. public-use data files, for SPSS

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. restricted-use data files and documentation
Restricted-use data files for the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patrick Gonzales
National Center for Education Statistics

Teacher Compensation Survey, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Teacher Compensation Survey, 2009-10 (TCS 2009-10), is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program. TCS 2009-10 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/tcssurvinfo.asp) is a cross-sectional universe survey that collected information on each public school teacher and on how public school teachers are compensated. TCS data are collected electronically from the administrative records of state education agencies. Participating state education agencies (SEAs) voluntarily submit TCS data. The study�s response rate has not been calculated as of March 2013. Key statistics produced from TCS 2009-10 includes information on teachers� salaries, benefits, and compensations.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B Section 618 Table 7 Dispute Resolution, School Year 2011-12

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B Section 618 Table 7 Dispute Resolution, School Year 2011-12 (IDEA Part B Table 7 SY 2011-12), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part B Table 7 SY 2011-12 is a universe cross-sectional report that collected counts of dispute resolution actions under IDEA Part B. State education agencies (SEAs) must submit data required by section 618 of the IDEA on the form provided by the Secretary by electronic submission. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B Table 7 SY 2011-12 provide filed complaints, hearings, mediations, and settlement agreements under IDEA Part B, and how IDEA funds are used.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Part B Section 618 Table 7 Dispute Resolution, School Year 2011-12 data in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 1 Child Count, 2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 1 Child Count, 2012 (IDEA Part C Table 1 2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part C Table 1 2012 is a cross-sectional universe report that collected counts of infants and toddlers with disabilities in each state who (a) are served under IDEA Part C, (b) are served in different program settings, and (c) exit Part C because of program completion or for other reasons. States submitted the report in spreadsheet form by mail or electronically by e-mail. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C Table 1 2012 provide insights on the demographics of children served under IDEA Part C, service settings, referral to preschool or other services, and personnel providing early intervention services.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 1 Child Count, 2012 data in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 2 Program Settings, 2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 2 Program Settings, 2012 (IDEA Part C Table 2 2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part C Table 2 2012 is a cross-sectional universe report that collected counts of infants and toddlers with disabilities in each state who (a) are served under IDEA Part C, (b) are served in different program settings, and (c) exit Part C because of program completion or for other reasons. States submitted the report in spreadsheet form by mail or electronically by e-mail. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C Table 2 2012 provide insights on the demographics of children served under IDEA Part C, service settings, referral to preschool or other services, and personnel providing early intervention services.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 2 Program Settings, 2012 data in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 3 Exiting, 2011-2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 3 Exiting, 2011-2012 (IDEA Part C Table 3 2011-2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part C Table 3 2011-2012 is a cross-sectional universe report that collected counts of infants and toddlers with disabilities in each state who (a) are served under IDEA Part C, (b) are served in different program settings, and (c) exit Part C because of program completion or for other reasons. States submitted the report in spreadsheet form by mail or electronically by e-mail. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C Table 3 2011-2012 provide insights on the demographics of children served under IDEA Part C, service settings, referral to preschool or other services, and personnel providing early intervention services.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 3 Exiting, 2011-2012 data in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 4 Dispute Resolution, 2011-2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 4 Dispute Resolution, 2011-2012 (IDEA Part C Table 4 2011-2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C program; program data is available since 2006 at http://tadnet.public.tadnet.org/pages/712. IDEA Part C Table 4 2011-2012 is a cross-sectional universe report that collected counts of dispute resolution actions under IDEA Part C. States submitted the report in spreadsheet form by mail or electronically by e-mail. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C Table 4 2011-2012 provide insights on filed complaints, hearings, mediations, and settlement agreements under IDEA Part C.

Downloads and Resources

IDEA Part C Section 618 Table 4 Dispute Resolution, 2011-2012 data in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Meredith Miceli
Office of Special Education Programs

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2011-12 (Perkins IV CAR 2011-12), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2011-12 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2011-12 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2011-12 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Core Indicator Reports
Create customized reports with accountability data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2011-12 narratives by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2013-14

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2013-14 (IPEDS 2013-14), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at6 http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2013-14 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a web-based system designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2013-14 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2010-11 (Perkins IV CAR 2010-11), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2010-11 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2010-11 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2010-11 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Core Indicator Reports
Create customized reports with accountability data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2010-11 narratives by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color

Dataset Description

My Brother's Keeper (MBK) initiative is an interagency effort to improve measurably the expected educational and life outcomes for and address the persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color (including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans). The MBK Task Force coordinates a Federal effort to improve significantly the expected life outcomes for boys and young men of color and their contributions to U.S. prosperity. The MBK Task Force collaborated with the Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics and federal statistical agencies to pull together new statistics for key indicators - derived from existing, publicly available datasets - cross tabulated for race and gender for the first time. These statistics are highlighted in the MBK Task Force May 2014 report and are posted on MBK.ed.gov.

Downloads and Resources

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on Advanced Placement (AP) course enrollment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on adolescent births in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on mortality rate in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 10th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 10th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 12th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 12th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 8th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on drinking 8th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on births to young adult women in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on homicides in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on center-based child care usage in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on children in poverty in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on children in poverty in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on crime in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on crime in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on postsecondary enrollment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on unprotected sex in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on unprotected sex in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on HIV infections in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on HIV infections in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on personality troubles in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on personality troubles in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on expulsions in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on expelled students with disabilities in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on substantiated maltreatment reports in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on substantiated maltreatment reports in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on family structure and children's living arrangements in a Microsoft Excel file

Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds who have not completed high school by sex and race/ethnicity, 2000-2013 in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on average Healthy Eating Index-2005 scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on housing problems in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on housing problems in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on International Baccalaureate (IB) program enrollment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 10th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 10th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 12th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 12th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 8th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on illicit drug use among 8th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on imprisonment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on rate of juveniles placed in residential facilities in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on labor force participation in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on labor force participation in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on living arrangements of young adults in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on living arrangements of young adults in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on infants with low birthweights in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on infants with low birthweights in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on obese young adults in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on obese young adults in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only an associate's degree completion in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only an associate's degree completion in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only high school completion in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only high school completion in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with less than high school completion in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with less than high school completion in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only some college completion in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on median annual earnings of individuals with only some college completion in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th graders with disabilities NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th grade NAEP mathematics scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th graders with disabilities NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on untreated dental caries in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on nonfatal victimization rates in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 18- to 24-year olds neither enrolled in school nor working in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on high poverty school enrollment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 12th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 10th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 10th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 12th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 8th graders in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on smoking 8th graders in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on enrollment in remedial classes in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on asthma in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on asthma in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on STEM degrees in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on STEM degrees in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on out-of-school suspensions in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities receiving out-of-school suspensions in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities receiving out-of-school suspensions in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on unemployment rates in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on health care in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on rate of serious violent crime victimization in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on bachelor's or higher degree completion in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on bachelor's or higher degree completion in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on expelled students with disabilities in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on high poverty school enrollment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities and high poverty school enrollment in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on students with disabilities and high poverty school enrollment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on suicide rates in a Microsoft Excel file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on suicide rates in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on adolescent births in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on homicides in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on International Baccalaureate (IB) program enrollment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on imprisonment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 12th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 4th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 8th grade NAEP reading scale scores in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on nonfatal victimization rates in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on postsecondary enrollment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on educational attainment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on 18- to 24-year olds neither enrolled in school nor working in a CSV file

Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds who have not completed high school by sex and race/ethnicity, 2000-2013 in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on health care in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on family structure and children's living arrangements in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on enrollment in remedial classes in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on expulsions in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on out-of-school suspensions in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on births to young adult women in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on rate of juveniles placed in residential facilities in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on rate of serious violent crime victimization in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on Advanced Placement (AP) course enrollment in a CSV file

My Brother's Keeper Key Statistical Indicators on Boys and Men of Color data on unemployment rates in a CSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Chris Chapman
National Center for Education Statistics

Federal School Code List for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Dataset Description

The Federal School Code List contains the unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to indicate which postsecondary schools they want to receive their financial application results. The Federal School Code List is a searchable document in PDF and Excel format. The list will be updated on the first of February, May, August, and November of each calendar year.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Tara Young
Office of Federal Student Aid

ED Grants: Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund 2010

Dataset Description

The Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund website depicts and allows downloading of general information on the i3 applicants received, grantees awarded and project locations. The Investing in Innovation Fund, established under section 14007 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), provides funding to support (1) local educational agencies (LEAs), and (2) nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or (b) a consortium of schools. The purpose of the i3 program is to provide competitive grants to applicants with a record of improving student achievement and attainment in order to expand the implementation of, and investment in, innovative practices that are demonstrated to have an impact on improving student achievement or student growth, closing achievement gaps, decreasing dropout rates, increasing high school graduation rates, or increasing college enrollment and completion rates. These grants will (1) allow eligible entities to expand and develop innovative practices that can serve as models of best practices, (2) allow eligible entities to work in partnership with the private sector and the philanthropic community, and (3) identify and document best practices that can be shared and taken to scale based on demonstrated success.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Alula Asfaw
Office of Innovation and Improvement

ED Grants: Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund 2011

Dataset Description

The Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund website depicts and allows downloading of general information on the i3 applicants received, grantees awarded and project locations. The Investing in Innovation Fund, established under section 14007 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), provides funding to support (1) local educational agencies (LEAs), and (2) nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or (b) a consortium of schools. The purpose of the i3 program is to provide competitive grants to applicants with a record of improving student achievement and attainment in order to expand the implementation of, and investment in, innovative practices that are demonstrated to have an impact on improving student achievement or student growth, closing achievement gaps, decreasing dropout rates, increasing high school graduation rates, or increasing college enrollment and completion rates. These grants will (1) allow eligible entities to expand and develop innovative practices that can serve as models of best practices, (2) allow eligible entities to work in partnership with the private sector and the philanthropic community, and (3) identify and document best practices that can be shared and taken to scale based on demonstrated success.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Alula Asfaw
Office of Innovation and Improvement

ED Grants: Promise Neighborhoods Fund

Dataset Description

The Promise Neighborhoods Fund website depicts open grantmaking information on the applicants received, grantees awarded and project locations. The purpose of Promise Neighborhoods is to improve significantly the educational and developmental outcomes of children in our most distressed communities, and to transform those communities by-- (1) Supporting efforts to improve child outcomes and ensure that data on those outcomes are communicated and analyzed on an ongoing basis by leaders and members of the community; (2) Identifying and increasing the capacity of eligible entities that are focused on achieving results and building a college-going culture in the neighborhood; (3) Building a complete continuum of cradle-through-college-to-career solutions (continuum of solutions), which has both academic programs and family and community supports, with a strong school or schools at the center. Academic programs must include (a) High-quality early learning programs designed to improve outcomes in multiple domains of early learning; (b) programs, policies, and personnel for children in kindergarten through the 12th grade that are linked to improved academic outcomes; and (c) programs that prepare students for college and career success. Family and community supports must include programs to improve student health, safety, community stability, family and community engagement, and student access to 21st century learning tools. The continuum of solutions also must be linked and integrated seamlessly so there are common outcomes, a focus on similar milestones, support during transitional time periods, and no time or resource gaps that create obstacles for students in making academic progress. The continuum also must be based on the best available evidence including, where available, strong or moderate evidence, and include programs, policies, practices, services, systems, and supports that result in improving educational and developmental outcomes for children from cradle through college to career; (4) Integrating programs and breaking down agency "silos" so that solutions are implemented effectively and efficiently across agencies; (5) Supporting the efforts of eligible entities, working with local governments, to build the infrastructure of policies, practices, systems, and resources needed to sustain and "scale up" proven, effective solutions across the broader region beyond the initial neighborhood; and (6) Learning about the overall impact of Promise Neighborhoods and about the relationship between particular strategies in Promise Neighborhoods and student outcomes, including a rigorous evaluation of the program.

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Contact Information

  Alula Asfaw
Office of Innovation and Improvement

ED Grants: School Improvement Grant (SIG)

Dataset Description

The School Improvement Grant (SIG) program data depicts the location, award amount and type of model selected by States in awarding nearly $3.5 billion in School Improvement Grant funds in 2010 to turn around their persistently lowest achieving schools.

Downloads and Resources

School Improvement Grant (SIG) data available in a Microsoft Excel file

Contact Information

  David Harrity
U.S. Department of Education

School Improvement 2010 Grants

Dataset Description

Since President Obama took office, Congress has appropriated more than $4 billion to help turn around the nation's lowest-performing schools. States were awarded nearly $3.5 billion in School Improvement Grant funds in 2010 to turn around their persistently lowest achieving schools. School districts then applied to state for the funds this spring. When school districts applied, they were required to indicate that they would implement one of the following four models in their persistently lowest achieving schools: Turnaround Model: Replace the principal, screen existing school staff, and rehire no more than half the teachers; adopt a new governance structure; and improve the school through curriculum reform, professional development, extending learning time, and other strategies. Restart Model: Convert a school or close it and re-open it as a charter school or under an education management organization. School Closure: Close the school and send the students to higher-achieving schools in the district. Transformation Model: Replace the principal and improve the school through comprehensive curriculum reform, professional development, extending learning time, and other strategies.

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School Improvement 2010 Grants

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
U.S. Department of Education

Investing in Innovation 2011 Applications

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Investing in Innovation (i3) Program! You can use the tools below to look at general information about the applications, and you can also find specific applications that you would like to explore in more detail. The data is sourced from supplemental forms as reported by applicants. The data from these forms may not be a full or accurate representation of the information provided in the formal application.

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Investing in Innovation 2011 Applications

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Investing in Innovation 2010 Applications

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Investing in Innovation (i3) Program! You can use the tools below to look at general information about the applications, and you can also find specific applications that you would like to explore in more detail. The data is sourced from supplemental forms as reported by applicants. The data from these forms may not be a full or accurate representation of the information provided in the formal application.

Downloads and Resources

Investing in Innovation 2010 Applications

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

ED Grants: Teaching American History

Dataset Description

Teaching American History supports professional development for U.S. history teachers. This data-focused toolset site contains data visualizations and downloads related to the open grantmaking program. The program is designed to raise student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge and understanding of and appreciation for traditional U.S. history. Grant awards will assist LEAs, in partnership with entities that have content expertise, to develop, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative and cohesive models of professional development. By helping teachers to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of U.S. history as a separate subject matter within the core curriculum, these programs will improve instruction and raise student achievement. CFDA Number: 84.215X

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Contact Information

  Alula Asfaw
Office of Innovation and Improvement

ED Grants: Ready-To-Learn Television

Dataset Description

Ready-to-Learn Television supports the development of educational television and digital media targeted at preschool and early elementary school children and their families. This data-focused toolset site contains data visualizations and downloads. Ready-to-Learn TV's general goal is to promote early learning and school readiness, with a particular interest in reaching low-income children. In addition to creating television and other media products, the program supports activities intended to promote national distribution of the programming, effective educational uses of the programming, community-based outreach, and research on educational effectiveness. CFDA Number: 84.295

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Contact Information

  Alula Asfaw
Office of Innovation and Improvement

U.S. Department of Education: Weekly Update Report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Dataset Description

XML feed of weekly update report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 from the U.S. Department of Education

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U.S. Department of Education: Weekly Update Report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
U.S. Department of Education: Weekly Update Report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Contact Information

  U.S. Department of Education Webmaster
U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Education (ED) Internet Domains

Dataset Description

Listing of U.S. Department of Education (ED) Internet Domains.

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Contact Information

  David Harrity
U.S. Department of Education

Teaching American History 2010 Grantees

Dataset Description

The program is designed to raise student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge and understanding of and appreciation for traditional U.S. history. Grant awards will assist LEAs, in partnership with entities that have content expertise, to develop, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative and cohesive models of professional development. By helping teachers to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of U.S. history as a separate subject matter within the core curriculum, these programs will improve instruction and raise student achievement.

Downloads and Resources

Teaching American History 2010 Grantees

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Teaching American History 2010 Applicants

Dataset Description

The program is designed to raise student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge and understanding of and appreciation for traditional U.S. history. Grant awards will assist LEAs, in partnership with entities that have content expertise, to develop, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative and cohesive models of professional development. By helping teachers to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of U.S. history as a separate subject matter within the core curriculum, these programs will improve instruction and raise student achievement.

Downloads and Resources

Teaching American History 2010 Applicants

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Ready to Learn 2010 Applicants

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Ready to Learn Television program! Ready to Learn Television supports the development of educational television and digital media targeted at preschool and early elementary school children and their families. Its general goal is to promote early learning and school readiness, with a particular interest in reaching low-income children. In addition to creating television and other media products, the program supports activities intended to promote national distribution of the programming, effective educational uses of the programming, community-based outreach, and research on educational effectiveness. You can use the tools below to look at general information about the grant applications that were submitted in June 2010. There were a total of 38 eligible applications, of which three were selected for funding. In this 2010 competition, applicants were invited to submit proposals for the development of innovative transmedia programming - that is, the use of television and other media such as the internet, mobile devices, and print in interconnected ways. In the 2010 grant competition, there was a two-tier review process in which the applications that scored the highest against the program's general review criteria were advanced to a second tier in which their responses to the competitive preference priority on research were scored. In the data summaries below, applicants that advanced to tier two are denoted as "highly rated applicants," and those that received awards are listed as "grantees". The data presented here is sourced from the applications submitted to the program. The data may not be a full representation of the information provided in the formal application. Inclusion of an application in this summary information is not an endorsement of an organization, idea, program, or product, and the Department does not validate or guarantee the accuracy of this information. The data are provided in this summary solely for the convenience of the public. For more information about the Ready to Learn program, go to https://www2.ed.gov/programs/rtltv/index.html.

Downloads and Resources

Ready to Learn 2010 Applicants

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Promise Neighborhoods 2011 Applications

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Promise Neighborhoods Program! You can use the tools below to look at general information about the applications, and you can also find specific applications that you would like to explore in more detail. The data is sourced from supplemental forms as reported by applicants. The data from these forms may not be a full or accurate representation of the information provided in the formal application.

Downloads and Resources

Promise Neighborhoods 2011 Applications

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Promise Neighborhood 2011 Grantees

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Promise Neighborhoods Program! You can use the tools below to look at general information about the applications, and you can also find specific applications that you would like to explore in more detail. The data is sourced from supplemental forms as reported by applicants. The data from these forms may not be a full or accurate representation of the information provided in the formal application.

Downloads and Resources

Promise Neighborhood 2011 Grantees

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

Promise Neighborhood 2010 Applications

Dataset Description

Thank you for your interest in the Promise Neighborhoods Program! You can use the tools below to look at general information about the applications. The data is sourced from applications submitted for the program. Inclusion of an application in the data that follows does not ensure that the application will be considered eligible for an award, or that the application will be funded by the Department of Education. The Absolute Priority assignments do not conclusively indicate that the applicants are eligible to apply under those absolute priorities according to the Department's criteria. Inclusion of an application in this summary information is not an endorsement of an organization, idea, program, or product, and the Department does not validate or guarantee the accuracy of this information. The data are provided in this summary solely for the convenience of the public.

Downloads and Resources

Promise Neighborhood 2010 Applications

Contact Information

  Hyon Kim
Office of Innovation and Improvement

FAFSA Application Volume

Dataset Description

These reports provide information on the number of Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs) processed. One report provides the number of applications by the applicant's state of legal residence and the other report provides the number of applications by postsecondary institution, as listed on the applicant's FAFSA. In both reports, numbers are reported in two categories: dependent students and independent students

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Contact Information

  Tara Young
Federal Student Aid

Grant Program Data for Federal Student Aid

Dataset Description

Provides recipient and disbursement information each quarter for the Federal Pell, Academic Competitiveness, National SMART and Teach Grant Programs by postsecondary school.

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Contact Information

  Tara Young
Federal Student Aid

Federal Student Loan Program Data

Dataset Description

Provides recipient and disbursement information each quarter for the Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan Programs by postsecondary school.

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Contact Information

  Tara Young
Federal Student Aid

Campus-Based Program Data for Federal Student Aid

Dataset Description

Provides annual recipient, disbursement and federal award information for the Campus-Based Programs (Perkins Loan Program, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant and Federal Work-Study Program) by postsecondary school.

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Contact Information

  Tara Young
Federal Student Aid

Clery Act Reports

Dataset Description

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The U.S. Department of Education conducts reviews to evaluate an institution's compliance with the Clery Act requirements. A review may be initiated when a complaint is received, a media event raises certain concerns, the school's independent audit identifies serious noncompliance, or through a review selection process that may also coincide with state reviews performed by the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Service (CJIS) Audit Unit. Once a review is completed, the Department issues a Final Program Review Determination. Although regular program reviews may contain Clery Act findings, this page includes only those program reviews that were focused exclusively on the Clery Act.

Downloads and Resources

Clery Act Reports
Clery Act Reports

Contact Information

  Chris Greene
Federal Student Aid

Guidance Documents Related to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Retaliation in Schools

Dataset Description

These guidance documents were issued by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. This 2001 Sexual Harassment Guidance reaffirms the compliance standards that OCR applies in investigations and administrative enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 regarding sexual harassment. The guidance provides the principles that a school should use to recognize and effectively respond to sexual harassment of students in its program as a condition of receiving Federal financial assistance. This 2011 Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence explains that the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 cover sexual violence and reminds schools of their responsibilities to take immediate and effective steps to respond to sexual violence in accordance with the requirements of Title IX. This 2013 Dear Colleague Letter on Retaliation reminds school districts, postsecondary institutions, and other recipients that retaliation is also a violation of Federal law. The letter seeks to clarify the basic principles of retaliation law and to describe OCR�s methods of enforcement.

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Contact Information

  Helen Boyer
Office for Civil Rights

Resolutions Related To Sexual Violence

Dataset Description

These resolution agreements and resolution letters from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights are related to sexual harassment and sexual violence at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions.

Downloads and Resources

Resolutions Related To Sexual Violence data files

Contact Information

  Helen Boyer
Office for Civil Rights

Condition of Public School Facilities, 2012-13

Dataset Description

Condition of Public School Facilities, 2012-13 (FRSS 105), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp that will provide national data about the condition of public schools in 2012 based on a survey conducted by NCES. FRSS 105 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collects and report data on key education issues at the elementary and secondary levels. The study was conducted using questionnaires of principals. Schools in September 2012 were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 90 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 105 will provide information about the condition of school facilities and the costs to bring them into good condition; school plans for repairs, renovations, and replacements; the age of public schools; and school improvements to increase energy efficiency.

Downloads and Resources

Condition of Public School Facilities, 2012-13 data in a zipped DAT file

Condition of Public School Facilities, 2012-13 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2012-13 (NRS 2012-13), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2012-13 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2012-13 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

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Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2010-11 (NPEFS 2010-11), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2010-11 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. The information is drawn from the state education agencies� administrative records systems; no additional data are collected from schools or districts. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study's response rate has not been calculated as of May 2013. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2010-11 are on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object. Average daily attendance is also collected on the NPEFS.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2010-11 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2010-11 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2010-11 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2010-11 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009

Dataset Description

The High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) is part of the High School Longitudinal Study (HSLS) program. HSLS:09 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/hsls09/) is a longitudinal survey that follows more than 21,000 9th graders in 944 schools throughout their secondary and postsecondary years. The study focuses on understanding students' trajectories from the beginning of high school into postsecondary education, the workforce, and beyond. Key statistics produced from the HSLS:09 are what students decide to pursue when, why, and how.

Downloads and Resources

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): 2013 Update and High School Transcripts Restricted-Use Data File
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 2013 Update and High School Transcripts Restricted-use Data File

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): 2013 Updated and High School Transcripts Public-Use Data File
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 2013 Update and High School Transcripts Public-use Data File

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): Public-Use Data File
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 public-use data

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): Restricted-Use Data File
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 restricted-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Elise Christopher
National Center for Education Statistics

School District Finance Survey, 2010-11

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2010-11 (F-33 2010-11), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2010-11 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2010-11 contains records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2010-11 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2010-11 data in a zipped Microsoft word and Excel file

School District Finance Survey, 2010-11 revised public data

School District Finance Survey, 2010-11 original public data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2011-12 (NPSAS:12), is a study that is part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) program. NPSAS:12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas/about.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to compile a comprehensive research dataset, based on student-level records, on financial aid provided by the federal government, the states, postsecondary institutions, employers, and private agencies, along with student demographic and enrollment data. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. To be eligible to participate in the study, students have to be enrolled in a postsecondary institution. The data are representative of all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. Statistics produced from NPSAS:12 provide reliable national estimates of characteristics related to financial aid for postsecondary students.

Downloads and Resources

2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12) Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12) Restricted-Use Data File
Revised restricted-use data file for the 2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

Datalab for Postsecondary Education
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2011-12

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sean Simone
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2013

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2013 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2013), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2013 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2013 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

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Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 (FAFSA 2012-13), is part of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program; program data is available since 2006-07 at http://studentaid.ed.gov/about/data-center/student/application-volume. FAFSA 2012-13 (http://studentaid.ed.gov/) is a universe data collection of eligible incoming postsecondary education students, along with a subset of eligible continuing postsecondary education students, that collects financial information to determine the need and eligibility for financial assistance during postsecondary education. FAFSA 2012-13 applications are accepted via web and paper submission. Citizen and specified noncitizen students demonstrating financial need and planning to attend eligible degree or certificate programs in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas as regular students are eligible to apply for FAFSA 2012-13. FAFSA 2012-13 resulted in an expected family contribution (EFC) for each applying student. Statistics produced from FAFSA 2012-13 include application volumes by postsecondary school, state of legal residence, and completion by high school; and recipient and volume data by program for each school participating in Title IV programs.

Downloads and Resources

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2012-13 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Lisa DiCarlo
Office of Federal Student Aid

Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2010-11 (FRSS 104), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 104 is a study that provides nationally representative data on prevalence and enrollment of dual credit and exam-based courses in public high schools. The study was conducted using paper surveys, telephones, and email. In this study school personnel were sampled. The unweighted survey response rate was 91 percent and the weighted response rate using the initial base weights was also 91 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 104 were whether students could earn both high school and postsecondary credits for the same courses, and if so, the total number of enrollments in these courses and the methods of implementation (distance education, at school or at college campus and by high school instructor or postsecondary instructor).

Downloads and Resources

Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2010-11 data in a zipped DAT file

Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2010-11 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses of High School Students, 2010-11

Dataset Description

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, 2010-11 (PEQIS 18), is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS); program data is available since 1997 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/peqis/. The study was conducted using paper surveys, non-computer-assisted telephone instruments, and email. Postsecondary institution personnel were sampled for this survey. The study�s weighted response rate was 94 percent. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 18 are on the prevalence and characteristics of dual enrollment programs at postsecondary institutions in the United States.

Downloads and Resources

Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (PEQIS 18): Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, 2010-11 (NCES 2013-006)

Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (PEQIS 18): Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, 2010-11 (NCES 2013-006)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2012

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2012 (NAEP 2012), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2012 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in economics. Students in grade 12 were sampled. NAEP 2012 assessments consist of national assessment in economics. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2012 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g. female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
2012 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2009-10 (Perkins IV CAR 2009-10), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2009-10 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2009-10 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2009-10 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Core Indicator Reports
Create customized reports with accountability data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2009-10 narratives by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2012-13

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2012-13 (IPEDS 2012-13), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2012-13 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a web-based system designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2012-13 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2012 Long-Term Trend

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2012 Long-Term Trend (NAEP 2012 LTT), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1971 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2012 LTT (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ltt) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in reading and mathematics. NAEP 2012 Long-Term Trend assessment was administered to students aged 9, 13, and 17 who were enrolled in public and non-public elementary and secondary schools throughout the nation.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2012 Long-Term Trend study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2010-11 (NRS 2010-11), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2010-11 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2010-11 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2009-10 data available in a 508 compliant portable document format (PDF) file

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2009-10 data available in a portable document format (PDF) file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

School District Finance Survey, 2009-10

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2009-10 (F-33 2009-10), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2009-10 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2009-10 contains 18,247 records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2009-10 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2009-10 original public data

School District Finance Survey, 2009-10 revised public data

School District Finance Survey, 2009-10 data in a zipped Microsoft word and Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2011

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2011 (NAEP 2011), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data available since 1971 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2011 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessments of students. Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2011 assessments consist of national and state assessments in mathematics, reading, and writing. The study�s response rates were between 87 and 98 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2011 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g. female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2011 National Science Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 science assessments from the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2011 National Writing Assessment (Grades 8 &12) Restricted Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8, and 12 writing assessments from the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2011 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grades 4 and 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4 and 8 mathematics assessments from the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2011 National and State Reading Assessments (Grades 4 & 8) Restricted Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4, and 8 reading assessments from the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Civil Rights Data Collection, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Civil Rights Data Collection, 2011-12 (CRDC 2011-12), is part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) program. CRDC 2011-12 (http://ocrdata.ed.gov/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on key education and civil rights issues in the nation's public schools, which include student enrollment and educational programs and services, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. LEAs submit administrative records about schools in the district. CRDC 2011-12 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from CRDC 2011-12 can provide information about critical civil rights issues as well as contextual information on the state of civil rights in the nation, including enrollment demographics, advanced placement, discipline, and special education services.

Downloads and Resources

District Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School/District Search
Find school- or district-level summaries; access all data for a single school or district

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

Private School Universe Survey, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2011-12 (PSS 2011-12), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe program. PSS 2011-12 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on private elementary and secondary schools, including religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program. The study was conducted using mail questionnaires, an internet response option and telephone and personal follow-up of all private schools in the United States. The PSS universe consists of a diverse population of schools. It includes both schools with a religious orientation (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, or Jewish) and nonsectarian schools with programs ranging from regular to special emphasis and special education. The study�s response rate is 91.8 percent. Key statistics produced from PSS 2011-12 are on the number of private schools, students, and teachers, the number of high school graduates, the length of the school year and school day.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary/Secondary Information System
The Elementary/Secondary Information System (ELSi) is an NCES web application that allows users to quickly view public and private school data and create custom tables and charts using data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS)

2011-12 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2011-12 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

2011-12 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped TSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2003-04 (IPEDS 2003-04), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2003-04 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2003-04 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2011-12 (NRS 2011-12), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2011-12 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2011-12 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2009-10 (NPEFS 2009-10), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program. Data available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2009-10 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. The information is drawn from the state education agencies� administrative records systems; no additional data are collected from schools or districts. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study�s response rate has not been calculated as of May 2013. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2009-10 are on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object. Average daily attendance is also collected on the NPEFS.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2009-10 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2009-10 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2009-10 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2009-10 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2009-10 (NRS 2009-10), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2009-10 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2009-10 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2009-10 data available in a portable document format (PDF) file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2011-12 (IPEDS 2011-12), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2011-12 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a web-based system designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2011-12 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2010

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2010 (NAEP 2010), is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data available since 1971 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The 2010 study was conducted using a computer-based assessment of students. Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2010 assessments consist of national and state assessments in geography, civics, U.S. history, and writing. The study�s response rates were between 83 and 96 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2010 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g. female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Indian Education Study, 2011

Dataset Description

The National Indian Education Study, 2011 (NIES 2011), is a study that is part of the National Indian Education Study (NIES) within the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program. NIES 2011 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students in the United States. Students in public, private, Department of Defense, and Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools were sampled and then assessed using a paper-and-pencil assessment instrument. The weighted response rates ranged from 80 to 92 percent. Key statistics produced from NIES 2011 provides educators, policymakers, and the public with information about the academic performance in reading and mathematics of AI/AN fourth- and eighth-graders, as well as information about their exposure to Native American culture.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2011 National Indian Education Study (NIES) Restricted Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the NAEP 2011 National Indian Education Study

NAEP Data Explorer
2011 National Indian Education Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2007-08 (Perkins IV CAR 2007-08), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2007-08 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV), which provides funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2007-08 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2007-08 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Core Indicator Reports
Create customized reports with accountability data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2007-08 narratives by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2008-09

Dataset Description

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report, 2008-09 (Perkins IV CAR 2008-09), is part of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) program; program data is available since 2001 at http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm where are manipulable data exist for different years. Perkins IV CAR 2008-09 (http://cte.ed.gov/accountability/reports.cfm) is a cross-sectional survey that states submit to the Department with annual enrollment, financial and performance data on their progress in achieving state levels of performance on the core indicators of Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) funding for career and technical education. The study was conducted using web-based forms, excel spreadsheets, or paper forms of each eligible agency that receives Perkins IV funding, including the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, and Guam. Perkins IV CAR 2008-09 is a universe survey. Key statistics produced from the Perkins IV CAR 2008-09 are state narratives and financial data, enrollment in career and technical education programs, and state performance in meeting Perkins IV core indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Ad-hoc Core Indicator Reports
Create customized reports with accountability data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Concentrators) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

Ad-hoc Enrollment (CTE Participants) Reports
Create customized reports with student enrollment data

CAR State Narratives
View CAR 2008-09 narratives by state

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Haigh
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12

Dataset Description

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 (FAFSA 2011-12), is part of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program; program data is available since 2006-07 at http://studentaid.ed.gov/about/data-center/student/application-volume. FAFSA 2011-12 (http://studentaid.ed.gov/) is a universe data collection of eligible incoming postsecondary education students, along with a subset of eligible continuing postsecondary education students, that collects financial information to determine the need and eligibility for financial assistance during postsecondary education. FAFSA 2011-12 applications are accepted via web and paper submission. Citizen and specified noncitizen students demonstrating financial need and planning to attend eligible degree or certificate programs in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas as regular students are eligible to apply for FAFSA 2011-12. FAFSA 2011-12 resulted in an expected family contribution (EFC) for each applying student. Statistics produced from FAFSA 2011-12 include application volumes by postsecondary school, state of legal residence, and completion by high school; and recipient and volume data by program for each school participating in Title IV programs.

Downloads and Resources

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2011-12 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Lisa DiCarlo
Office of Federal Student Aid

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2012 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2012 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2012 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2012

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2012 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2012), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2012 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2012 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Arts Education Surveys of Elementary School Teachers, 2009

Dataset Description

Arts Education Surveys of Elementary School Teachers, 2009 (FRSS 102), is a study that is part of the Quick Response Information System. FRSS 102 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on arts education and arts instructors in public elementary schools during the 2009-10 school year. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed via mail or the web. Follow-up telephone interviews were also conducted. Elementary school teachers were sampled. The response rate for each of the three surveys was 86.5 percent for the music specialist survey, 87.6 percent for the visual arts specialist survey, and 81.5 percent for the classroom teacher survey. Key statistics produced from FRSS 102 were data on the teaching load of music and visual arts specialists in elementary schools; teacher participation in various professional development activities; the ways in which self-contained classroom teachers teach arts education as part of their instructional program; and teachers� use of formal methods of assessment of students� achievement in the arts.

Downloads and Resources

Arts Education Surveys of Elementary School Teachers, 2009 data in a zipped DAT file

Arts Education Surveys of Elementary School Teachers, 2009 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Elementary School Arts Education Survey, 2009

Dataset Description

The Elementary School Arts Education Survey, 2009 (FRSS 100), is a study that is part of the Quick Response Information System. FRSS 100 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on student access to arts education and resources available for such instruction in public elementary schools during fall 2009. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed via web or by mail. Follow-up telephone interviews were also conducted. Principals of elementary schools were sampled. The study's response rate was 85 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 100 are availability and characteristics of music, visual arts, dance, and drama/theatre instruction; the type of space used for arts instruction; the availability of curriculum guides for arts teachers to follow; and whether those teaching the subject are arts specialists.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary School Arts Education Survey, 2009 data in a zipped DAT file

Elementary School Arts Education Survey, 2009 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009

Dataset Description

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009 (FRSS 103), is a study that is part of the Quick Response Information System. FRSS 103 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on arts education and arts instructors in public secondary schools during the 2009-10 school year. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed via web or by mail. Follow-up telephone interviews were also conducted. Teachers were sampled. The study's response rate was 81.8 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 103 were data on the teaching load of music and visual arts specialists in secondary schools; teacher participation in various professional development activities and the perceived impact of such participation on teaching; and teachers� use of formal methods of assessment of students� progress and achievement in the arts.

Downloads and Resources

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009 music data in a zipped DAT file

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009 visual arts data in a zipped DAT file

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009 music data in a zipped SAS file

Arts Education Surveys of Secondary School Teachers, 2009 visual arts data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 2008

Dataset Description

The Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 2008 (B&B:08), is a study that is part of the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) program. B&B:08 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/B&B/) is a longitudinal survey that examines students� education and work experiences as they complete a bachelor�s degree, with a special emphasis on the experiences of new elementary and secondary teachers. The study was conducted using mail, internet, secure server and fax, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for postsecondary institutions and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), and the internet for postsecondary students. Postsecondary students and institutions which participated in B&B:08 were sampled from the 2008 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08). Key statistics produced from B&B:08 include bachelor�s degree recipients� workforce participation, income and debt repayment, entry into and persistence through graduate school programs, undergraduate experience, demographic backgrounds, expectations regarding graduate study and work, and participation in community service.

Downloads and Resources

2008-09 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study: Restricted-Use First Follow-up Data Files and File Documentation
2008-09 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study: Restricted-Use First Follow-up Data Files and File Documentation

2008-12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12) First Look restricted-use data files
2008-12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12) First Look restricted-use data files

2008-12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12) restricted-use data files
2008-12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12) restricted-use data files

Datalab for Postsecondary Education
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 2008

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Ted Socha
National Center for Education Statistics

Civil Rights Data Collection, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Civil Rights Data Collection, 2009-10 (CRDC 2009-10), is part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) program. CRDC 2009-10 (http://ocrdata.ed.gov/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on key education and civil rights issues in the nation's public schools, which include student enrollment and educational programs and services, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. LEAs submit administrative records about schools in the district. LEAs and BOCES-type regional education centers functioning as LEAs were sampled. Prior to 2011-12, charter schools were primarily sampled if they were part of a LEA, not if they were a separate charter school district. For CRDC 2009-10, 100% of LEAs and 100% of schools provided data. Key statistics produced from CRDC 2009-10 can provide information about critical civil rights issues as well as contextual information on the state of civil rights in the nation, including enrollment demographics, advanced placement, discipline, and special education services.

Downloads and Resources

District Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School/District Search
Find school- or district-level summaries; access all data for a single school or district

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 Long-Term Trend Study

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 Long-Term Trend Study (NAEP 2008 LTT), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data available since 1971 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2008 LTT (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ltt) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in reading and mathematics. NAEP 2008 LTT assessments were administered to students aged 9, 13, and 17 who were enrolled in public and non-public elementary and secondary schools throughout the nation.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 Long-Term Trend Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

NAEP Mathematics Long-Term Trend Restricted Use Data File: 1978-2008
Restricted-use data file for mathematics for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 Long-Term Trend Study

NAEP Reading Long-Term Trend Restricted Use Data File: 1971-2008
Restricted-use data file for reading for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 Long-Term Trend Study

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Academic Libraries Survey, 2010

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2010 (ALS:2010), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2010 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarize services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2010 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2010 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2010 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

2010 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2009-10 (FRSS 98), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 98 (http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2012009) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on distance education courses in public school districts, including enrollment in distance education courses, how districts monitor these courses, the motivations for providing distance education, and the technologies used for delivering distance education. The study was conducted using surveys via the web or by mail. District superintendents were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 95%. Key statistics produced from FRSS 98 include the types of distance education courses taken by students, whether the district plans to expand the number of distance education courses, and the technologies used for delivering distance education.

Downloads and Resources

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2009-10 data in a zipped DAT file

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2009-10 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

School District Finance Survey, 2008-09

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2008-09 (F-33 2008-09), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2008-09 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2008-09 contains 16,563 records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2008-09 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2008-09 original public data

School District Finance Survey, 2008-09 revised public data

School District Finance Survey, 2008-09 data in a zipped Microsoft word and Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Dropout Prevention Services and Programs

Dataset Description

Dropout Prevention Services and Programs (FRSS 99), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 99 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on how public school districts identify students at risk of dropping out, programs used specifically to address the needs of students at risk of dropping out of school, the use of mentors for at-risk students, and efforts to encourage dropouts to return to school. The study was conducted using mail, surveys via the web, and telephone follow-up for survey nonresponse and data clarification. Superintendents of public school districts were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 89 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 99 were information on various services or programs offered by districts specifically to address the needs of students at risk of dropping out of school, and types of transition support services used to help all students transition from a school at one instructional level to a school at a higher instructional level. Data on the various factors used to identify students who were at risk of dropping out were also collected.

Downloads and Resources

Dropout Prevention Services and Programs data in a zipped DAT file

Dropout Prevention Services and Programs data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2010-11 (IPEDS 2010-11), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2010-11 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2010-11 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

Program for International Student Assessment, 2009

Dataset Description

The Program for International Student Assessment, 2009 (PISA:09), is a study that is part of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) program. PISA:09 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/) is a cross-sectional study that measures the yield of education systems, or what skills and competencies students have acquired and can apply in reading, mathematics, and science to real-world contexts by age 15. For PISA:09, reading literacy was the subject area assessed in-depth. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of 15-year-old students. 15-year-old students in April to May of 2009 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 87 percent. Key statistics produced from PISA:09 are 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading, mathematics, and science literacy.

Downloads and Resources

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009: U. S. Restricted-Use Data File & Electronic Codebook
2009 Program for International Student Assessment restricted-use data and electronic codebook

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
2009 Program for International Student Assessment public-use data and electronic codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Dana Kelly
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2008-09

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2008-09 (NRS 2008-09), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2008-09 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2008-09 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Part 1 of National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2008-09 data available in a portable document format (PDF) file

Part 2 of National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2008-09 data available in a portable document format (PDF) file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009 (NAEP 2009), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2009 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2009 assessments consist of national and state assessments in reading and math, at grades 4 and 8; a national and state sample in writing at grade 8; and a national only writing sample at grade 12. The study��s response rates were

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2009 National Grade 12 Assessments in Mathematics and Reading Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 12 mathematics and reading assessments from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2009 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grades 4 and 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4 and 8 mathematics assessments from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2009 National and State Reading Assessments (Grades 4 and 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4 and 8 reading assessments from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2009 National and State Science Assessments (Grades 4, 8 and 12) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4, 8, and 12 science assessments from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Indian Education Study, 2009

Dataset Description

The National Indian Education Study, 2009 (NIES 2009), is a study that is part of the National Indian Education Study (NIES), which is a part of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/. NIES 2009 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students in the United States. Students in public, private, Department of Defense, and Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools were sampled using paper-and-pencil assessment. Key statistics produced from NIES 2009 provides educators, policymakers, and the public with information about the academic performance in reading and mathematics of AI/AN fourth- and eighth-graders as well as their exposure to Native American culture.

Downloads and Resources

2009 National Indian Education Study, Parts I and II Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2009 National Indian Education Study

2009 National Indian Education Study, Parts I and II Restricted-Use Data Files (Data Companion)
Restricted-use data file Data Companion for the 2009 National Indian Education Study

NAEP Data Explorer
2009 National Indian Education Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Secondary School Arts Education Survey, 2009

Dataset Description

Secondary School Arts and Education Survey, 2009 (FRSS 101), is a study that is part of the Quick Response Information System. FRSS 101 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on student access to arts education and the resources available for such instruction in public secondary schools during fall 2009. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires that could be completed via mail or the web. Follow-up telephone interviews were also conducted. School principals were sampled. The study's response rate was 87 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 101 are availability of music, visual arts, dance, and drama/theatre instruction; enrollment in these courses, the type of space used for arts instruction, the availability of curriculum guides for arts teachers to follow, and the number of arts teachers who are specialists in the subject.

Downloads and Resources

Secondary School Arts Education Survey, 2009 data in a zipped ASCII file

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009 High School Transcript Study

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009 High School Transcript Study (HSTS 2009), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. HSTS 2009 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/hsts/) is a cross-sectional survey that periodically surveys the curricula being followed in our nation's high schools and the coursetaking patterns of high school students through a collection of transcripts. The study was conducted using survey of school administrative personnel and collection of students' transcripts. For public schools, the HSTS sample was a subsample of the NAEP 2009 twelfth-grade public school sample for the operational mathematics and science assessments. For private schools, the HSTS sample was the NAEP 2009 twelfth-grade private school sample for the operational mathematics and science assessments. The study�s weighted response rate was 83 percent. HSTS 2009 also offers information on the relationship of student coursetaking patterns to achievement at grade 12 as measured by NAEP. Key statistics produced from HSTS 2009 are information about the types of courses that graduates take, how many credits they earn, their grade point averages, and the relationship between coursetaking patterns and achievement, as measured by NAEP.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009 High School Transcript Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

NAEP High School Transcript Study 2009 Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009 High School Transcript Study

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11

Dataset Description

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 (FAFSA 2010-11), is part of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program; program data is available since 2006-07 at http://studentaid.ed.gov/about/data-center/student/application-volume. FAFSA 2010-11 (http://studentaid.ed.gov/) is a universe data collection of eligible incoming postsecondary education students, along with a subset of eligible continuing postsecondary education students, that collects financial information to determine the need and eligibility for financial assistance during postsecondary education. FAFSA 2010-11 applications are accepted via web and paper submission. Citizen and specified noncitizen students demonstrating financial need and planning to attend eligible degree or certificate programs in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas as regular students are eligible to apply for FAFSA 2010-11. FAFSA 2010-11 resulted in an expected family contribution (EFC) for each applying student. Statistics produced from FAFSA 2010-11 include application volumes by postsecondary school, state of legal residence, and completion by high school; and recipient and volume data by program for each school participating in Title IV programs.

Downloads and Resources

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2010-11 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Lisa DiCarlo
Office of Federal Student Aid

Students with Disabilities at Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2008-09

Dataset Description

Students with Disabilities at Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2008-09 (PEQIS 17), is a study that is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) program; program data is available since 1997 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/peqis/. PEQIS 17 (http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2011018) is a survey that provides information about students with disabilities at postsecondary institutions and the services, accommodations and institutional accessibility provided to these students. The study was conducted using paper surveys and non-computer-assisted telephone instruments. Postsecondary institutions were sampled for this study. The study's response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 17 are national data about students with disabilities, the services and accommodations provided to these students, how institutions keep track of students with disabilities, institutional policies regarding disabled students, and various aspects of institutional accessibility.

Downloads and Resources

Students with Disabilities at Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2008-09 data in a zipped DAT file

Students with Disabilities at Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2008-09 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2008-09

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2008-09 (NPEFS 2008-09), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2008-09 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. The information is drawn from the state education agencies� administrative records systems; no additional data are collected from schools or districts. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from the CCD-NPEFS 2008-09 are on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object. Average daily attendance is also collected on the NPEFS.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2008-09 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2008-09 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2008-09 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2008-09 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2011

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2011 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2011), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2011 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2011 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2011

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2011 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2011), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2011 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2011 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Private School Universe Survey, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2009-10 (PSS 2009-10), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe Survey program. PSS 2009-10 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that builds an accurate and complete universe of private schools to serve as a sampling frame for NCES surveys of private schools and generates biennial data on the total number of private schools, teachers, and students. The study was conducted using surveys of administrative personnel. A universe of private schools extant in October 2009 was built. The study�s response rate was 93.6 percent. Key statistics produced from PSS 2009-10 are religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of year and school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary/Secondary Information System
The Elementary/Secondary Information System (ELSi) is an NCES web application that allows users to quickly view public and private school data and create custom tables and charts using data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS)

2009-10 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2009-10 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

2009-10 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped TSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2006-07 (NRS 2006-07), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2006-07 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2006-07 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2006-07 state page supplement data available in a 508 compliant portable document format (PDF) file

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2006-07 data available in a 508 compliant portable document format (PDF) file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008 (NAEP 2008), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2008 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in arts. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grade 8 were sampled. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2008 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all eighth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

2008 Arts restricted-use data CD-ROM
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 arts assessments from the 2008 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2008 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, 2004

Dataset Description

The Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, 2004 (BPS:04), is a study that is part of the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS) program. BPS:04 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/bps/) is a longitudinal survey that follows a cohort of students who enrolled in postsecondary education for the first time during the 2003-04 academic year, irrespective of date of high school completion. The study was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviews, computer-assisted personal interviews, and self-administered web interviews of students. The entire cohort of students beginning postsecondary education which includes nontraditional students who do not enter postsecondary education immediately after high school were sampled. Response rate was 82 percent among the eligible sample and 90 percent among those sample members who were successfully located. (BPS: 04/09 methodology report). Key statistics produced from BPS:04 are data on student persistence in, and completion of, postsecondary education programs; their transition to employment; demographic characteristics; and changes over time in their goals, marital status, income, and debt, among other measures.

Downloads and Resources

2004/2009 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for 2004/2009 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study

2004/2009 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Restricted-Use Transcript Data Files and Documentation
Restricted-Use Transcript Data Files and Documentation for 2004/2009 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study

Datalab for Postsecondary Education
Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, 2004

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sarah Crissey
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2007-08 (NRS 2007-08), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2007-08 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2007-08 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2007-08 data available in a portable document format (PDF) file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs - Core Data

Dataset Description

View tables and charts with key data and download tables on basic Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs for each state agency. Ah Hoc Query allows you to run customized queries on the fly against RSA data. You may run a previously saved query, or you can create a new query from scratch by choosing from the RSA forms listed at http://rsa.ed.gov/choose.cfm?menu=mb_ahq

Downloads and Resources

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs - Core Data
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs - Core Data available through the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)

Contact Information

  Ken Schellenberg
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2005-06

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2005-06 (NRS 2005-06), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2005-06 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2005-06 (NRS 2005-06) is part of the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) program. NRS 2005-06 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2005-06 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study

Dataset Description

PEELS is a study that is part of the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study. PEELS (http://ies.ed.gov/ncser/projects/peels/) is a longitudinal survey that is designed to describe the characteristics of children receiving preschool special education, their educational programs and services, and their transitions from preschool programs to elementary schools. The study was conducted using CATI, paper questionnaires, and child assessments. The study followed a nationally representative sample of children with disabilities who were 3 to 5 years old at the start of the study in 2003 through 2009, examining the achievement of students with disabilities in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school and determining the factors associated with this achievement. Key statistics produced from PEELS are characteristics of children and their families; characteristics of educational services and providers; transitions from early intervention to preschool, and preschool to elementary school; and school-related readiness and behavior.

Downloads and Resources

Restricted-Use Data Files Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study
Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study

National Center for Education Statistics PowerStats for Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS), Waves 1-5

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kristen Lauer
National Center for Special Education Research

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2005-06

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2005-06 (GFSA Report 2005-06), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2005-06 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2005-06 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2005-06 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2005-06 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2006-07 (GFSA Report 2006-07), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2006-07 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2006-07 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2006-07 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2006-07 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2009-10 (IPEDS 2009-10), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2009-10 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2009-10 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

School District Finance Survey, 2007-08

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2007-08 (F-33 2007-08), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2007-08 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provide free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2007-08 contains 16,453 records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2007-08 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2007-08 revised public data

School District Finance Survey, 2007-08 original public data

School District Finance Survey, 2007-08 data in a zipped Microsoft word and Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10

Dataset Description

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 (FAFSA 2009-10), is part of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program; program data is available since 2006-07 at http://studentaid.ed.gov/about/data-center/student/application-volume. FAFSA 2009-10 (http://studentaid.ed.gov/) is a universe data collection of eligible incoming postsecondary education students, along with a subset of eligible continuing postsecondary education students, that collects financial information to determine the need and eligibility for financial assistance during postsecondary education. FAFSA 2009-10 applications are accepted via web and paper submission. Citizen and specified noncitizen students demonstrating financial need and planning to attend eligible degree or certificate programs in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas as regular students are eligible to apply for FAFSA 2009-10. FAFSA 2009-10 resulted in an expected family contribution (EFC) for each applying student. Statistics produced from FAFSA 2009-10 include application volumes by postsecondary school, state of legal residence, and completion by high school; and recipient and volume data by program for each school participating in Title IV programs.

Downloads and Resources

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by school available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 1 data (01/01/12-03/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 2 data (04/01/12-06/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 3 data (07/01/12-09/30/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 4 data (10/01/12-12/31/12) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 5 data (01/01/13-03/31/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 2009-10 quarter 6 data (04/01/13-06/30/13) by state available in a Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Lisa DiCarlo
Office of Federal Student Aid

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2004-05

Dataset Description

The Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2004-05 (FRSS 89), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 89 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates for technology-based distance education courses in public elementary and secondary schools. The study was mailed to public school district superintendents, who were sampled for the survey. The study's response rate was 96 percent. Key statistics produced from the study were the percent of districts and the percent of schools (by instructional level) with students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses. The number of enrollments in distance education courses (by instructional level) was also collected. The survey contained questions on the completion status of the enrollments in distance education. Districts were asked to report the technologies used to deliver distance education courses and where students accessed online distance education courses (e.g., at school or at home). The survey included questions on whether technology-based distance education was used to offer Advanced Placement (AP) and college-level courses to students. Districts with students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses were asked whether they planned to expand their distance education courses.

Downloads and Resources

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2004-05 data in a zipped DAT file

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2004-05 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2010

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2010 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2010), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2010 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2010 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2010

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2010 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2010), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2010 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2010 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2007-08 (NPEFS 2007-08), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEFS 2007-08 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. The information is drawn from the state education agencies� administrative records systems; no additional data are collected from schools or districts. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS 2007-08 are on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object. Average daily attendance is also collected on the NPEFS.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2007-08 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2007-08 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2007-08 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2007-08 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Educational Technology in Public Schools, 2008

Dataset Description

Educational Technology in Public Schools, 2008 (FRSS 92), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 92 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on the availability and use of educational technology in public elementary and secondary schools during fall 2008. This is one of a set of three surveys (at the district, school, and teacher levels) that collected data on a range of educational technology resources. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires and respondents had the option of completing the survey via the web. Schools were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 79 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 92 were information on computer hardware and internet access, availability of staff to help integrate technology into instruction and provide timely technical support, and perceptions of educational technology issues at the school and district levels. Respondents reported the number of instructional computers within their schools, by type, mobility, and location. The survey also asked respondents about the types of operating systems or platforms used on instructional computers. Data on the number of handheld devices provided to school personnel and students, and the number of other technology devices provided for instructional purposes were also collected. Respondents indicated the extent to which technology staff provided assistance with technology support and integration and the response times for obtaining such support. Respondents gave opinions on statements related to using educational technology in their schools.

Downloads and Resources

Educational Technology in Public Schools, 2008 data in a zipped DAT file

Educational Technology in Public Schools, 2008 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools, 2009

Dataset Description

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools, 2009 (FRSS 95), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 95 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on the availability and use of educational technology among teachers in public elementary and secondary schools during 2009. This is one of a set of three surveys (at the district, school, and teacher levels) that collected data on a range of educational technology resources. The study was conducted using surveys via the web or by mail. Telephone follow-up for survey non-response and data clarification was also used. Questionnaires and cover letters for the teacher survey were mailed to sampled teachers at their schools. Public schools and teachers within those schools were sampled. The weighted response rate for schools providing lists of teachers for sampling was 81 percent, and the weighted response rate for sampled teachers completing questionnaires was 79 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 95 were information on the use of computers and internet access in the classroom; availability and use of computing devices, software, and school or district networks (including remote access) by teachers; students� use of educational technology; teachers� preparation to use educational technology for instruction; and technology-related professional development activities.

Downloads and Resources

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools, 2009 data in a zipped DAT file

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools, 2009 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey, 2003

Dataset Description

The Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey, 2003 (ALL), is an international comparative study designed to provide participating countries, including the United States, with information about the skills of their adult populations. ALL measured the literacy and numeracy skills of a nationally representative sample from each participating country.

Downloads and Resources

Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey Restricted-Use Data File and User's Guide: 2003
Restricted-Use Data File and User's Guide for the 2003 Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Eugene Owen
National Center for Education Statistics

Educational Technology in Public School Districts, 2008

Dataset Description

Educational Technology in Public School Districts, 2008 (FRSS 93), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 93 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on the availability and use of educational technology in public school districts during Fall 2008. This is one of a set of three surveys (at the district, school, and teacher levels) that collected data on a range of educational technology resources. The study was conducted by having school superintendents fill out surveys via the web or by mail. Public school districts were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 90 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 93 were information on networks and internet capacity, technology policies, district-provided resources, teacher professional development, and district-level leadership for technology. Respondents reported the number of schools in the district with a local area network and the number of schools with each type of district network connection. The survey collected information on written district policies on acceptable student use of various technologies. Other survey topics included employment of staff responsible for educational technology leadership and the type of teacher professional development offered or required by districts for educational technology. Respondents gave their opinions on statements related to the use of educational technology in the instructional programs in their districts.

Downloads and Resources

Educational Technology in Public School Districts, 2008 data in a zipped DAT file

Educational Technology in Public School Districts, 2008 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs, 2007-08 (FRSS 96), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 96 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides national estimates on the availability of alternative schools and programs for students at risk of educational failure in public school districts during the 2007-08 school year. The study was conducted using mailed paper questionnaires. Superintendents were sampled. The study's response rate was 96 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 96 were that students who attend alternative schools and programs are typically at risk of educational failure (as indicated by poor grades, truancy, disruptive behavior, pregnancy, or similar factors associated with temporary or permanent withdrawal from school).

Downloads and Resources

District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs, 2007-08 data in a zipped DAT file

District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs, 2007-08 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort

Dataset Description

The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), is a study that is part of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/ecls/dataproducts.asp. ECLS-B (http://nces.ed.gov/ecls/birth.asp) is a longitudinal study that is designed to provide policy makers, researchers, child care providers, teachers, and parents with detailed information about children's early life experiences. The study was conducted using multiple data collection methods (computer-assisted in-person interviews, computer-assisted telephone interviews, self-administered questionnaires, and direct observation) to collect information about children's characteristics, behaviors, development, and experiences from the adults who were important in the children's lives, including mothers, fathers, early care and education providers, and teachers. Direct child assessments were used to measure children's development, knowledge, and skills from the time the children were about 9 months old. A nationally representative sample of approximately 14,000 children born in the U.S. in 2001 was fielded. Key statistics produced from ECLS-B focus on children's health, development, care, and education during the formative years from birth through kindergarten entry.

Downloads and Resources

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Longitudinal 9-Month-Kindergarten 2007 Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook DVD
Longitudinal 9-Month-Kindergarten restricted-use data for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Gail Mulligan
National Center for Education Statistics

Academic Libraries Survey, 2008

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2008 (ALS:2008), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2008 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarize services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2008 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2008 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2008 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

2008 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

Civil Rights Data Collection, 2006

Dataset Description

The Civil Rights Data Collection, 2006 (CRDC 2006), is part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) program. CRDC 2006 (http://ocrdata.ed.gov/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on key education and civil rights issues in the nation's public schools, which include student enrollment and educational programs and services, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. LEAs submit administrative records about schools in the district. LEAs and BOCES-type regional education centers functioning as LEAs were sampled. Prior to 2011-12, charter schools were primarily sampled if they were part of a LEA, not if they were a separate charter school district. CRDC 2006 achieved an unprecedented 100% response rate for LEAs and a 99.6 % response rate for schools. Key statistics produced from CRDC 2006 can provide information about critical civil rights issues as well as contextual information on the state of civil rights in the nation, including enrollment demographics, advanced placement, discipline, and special education services.

Downloads and Resources

2006 National and State Estimations
State and national estimations for the 2006 Civil Rights Data Collection

District Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2007

Dataset Description

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2007 (TIMSS 2007), is a study that is part of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) program. TIMSS 2007 (http://nces.ed.gov/timss/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the mathematics and science literacy of fourth- and eighth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of math and science literacy in students. The study was conducted using direct assessments of students and questionnaires for students, teachers, and school administrators. Fourth- and eighth-graders in the 2006-07 school year were sampled. The final weighted student response rate at grade four was 95 percent, and the final weighted student response rate at grade eight was 93 percent. Key statistics produced from TIMSS 2003 are mathematics and science achievement scores of U.S. fourth- and eighth- grade students compared to that of students in other countries.

Downloads and Resources

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 U.S. public-use datafile
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2007 public-use data available through TIMMS data explorer

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 U.S. restricted-use datafile
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2007 restricted-use data available through TIMMS data explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Provasnik
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2008-09

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2008-09 (IPEDS 2008-09), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2008-09 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2008-09 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

Online and Distance Education at Postsecondary Institutions, 2006-07

Dataset Description

Online and Distance Education at Postsecondary Institutions, 2006-07 (PEQIS 16), is a study that is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) program; program data is available since 1997 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/peqis/. PEQIS 16 (http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2009044) is a survey that collects data on the prevalence and delivery of distance education courses in the 2006-07 12-month academic year, including the number of courses and enrollment for online courses, hybrid/blended online courses, and all other distance education courses. The survey also collects information about numbers of degree or certificate programs designed to be completed entirely through distance education and the technologies used for the instructional delivery of credit-granting distance education courses. The study was conducted using paper and web surveys. The weighted response rate was 87 percent. Postsecondary institutions were sample for this study. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 16 relate to information on the prevalence, types, delivery, policies, and acquisition or development of distance education courses and programs.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

School District Finance Survey, 2006-07

Dataset Description

School District Finance Survey, 2006-07 (F-33 2006-07), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33agency.asp. F-33 2006-07 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/f33ageninfo.asp) is a universe survey that is designed to provide finance data for all local education agencies (LEAs) that provides free public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The data file for F-33 2006-07 contains 16,394 records representing the public elementary and secondary education agencies in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Key statistics produced from F-33 2006-07 are expenditures by object and function, indebtedness, and revenues by source. The F-33 is collaboration by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Census Bureau. Census is the primary collection agent. Census refers to the collection as �the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances: School Systems and releases its own version of the data file and publication based on that file. The NCES and Census files differ in their inclusion of independent charter school districts, the classification of some revenue items, and the inclusion of some expenditure items.

Downloads and Resources

School District Finance Survey, 2006-07 revised public data

School District Finance Survey, 2006-07 original public data

School District Finance Survey, 2006-07 data in a zipped Microsoft word and Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

After-School Programs at Public Elementary Schools, 2008

Dataset Description

The After-School Programs at Public Elementary Schools, 2008 (FRSS 91), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 91 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides a national profile of various types of formal after-school programs physically located at public elementary schools in 2008. These programs include stand-alone programs that focus primarily on a single type of service (e.g., only day care) and broad-based programs that provide a combination of services such as academic enrichment and cultural activities. The study was conducted using surveys via web or by mail. Principals of public elementary schools were sampled. The study's weighted response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 91 were program focus (if applicable), number of students enrolled, hours per week the program operates, availability of transportation for students, whether students from other schools attend the program, and factors that may hinder students from participating in the program.

Downloads and Resources

After-School Programs at Public Elementary Schools, 2008 data in a zipped DAT file

After-School Programs at Public Elementary Schools, 2008 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

Dataset Description

The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K), is part of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/ecls/dataproducts.asp. ECLS-K (http://nces.ed.gov/ecls/kindergarten.asp) is a longitudinal study that collected information about children's early learning and development, transition into kindergarten, and progress through school. A nationally representative sample of kindergartners in the 1998-99 school year was selected and followed over time. The study was conducted using direct assessments of children in their schools, telephone interviews with parents, and self-administered questionnaires for teachers and school administrator. Key information available in ECLS-K includes information on children's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, children's home environment, home educational activities, school environment, classroom environment, classroom curriculum, teacher qualifications, and before- and after-school care.

Downloads and Resources

Longitudinal Kindergarten-Eighth Grade child catalog data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99, as a zipped binary data file

ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use Head Start File
Head start restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use Salary and Benefits File
Base-year salary and benefits restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use Student Record Abstract File
Base-year student record abstract restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use: Special Education Child File
Base-year special education restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Eighth Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
Eighth-grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Fifth Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
Fifth-grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K First Grade Restricted-Use Child File
First-grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Restricted-Use Base Year: Child File, Teacher File, and School File
Base-year restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

ECLS-K Third Grade Restricted-Use Child File
Third-grade restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade Parent and Teacher Social Rating Scale (SRS) Items and Restricted-Use Data Files
Longitudinal Kindergarten-Fifth Grade parent and teacher Social Rating Scale restricted-use data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99

Base-year school catalog data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99, as a zipped binary data file

Base-year teacher catalog data file for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99, as a zipped binary data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Gail Mulligan
National Center for Education Statistics

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2007

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 (PLS FY2007), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2007 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional study that includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, public service hours, library materials, total circulation, circulation of children�s materials, reference transactions, library visits, children�s program attendance, interlibrary loans, electronic services and information, full-time-equivalent staff, operating revenue and expenditures, and capital expenditures. The study was conducted using paper surveys, web-based surveys, and email. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 97.7 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2007 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, number of internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating revenue and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, number and type of public library service outlets, and square footage of outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 in a zipped Microsoft excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2009

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2009 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2009), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2009 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2009 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2009

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2009 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2009), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2009 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2009 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2008

Dataset Description

The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2008 (SSOCS:2008), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety program. SSOCS:2008 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/) is a cross-sectional survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. SSOCS is administered to public primary, middle, high, and combined school principals in the spring of even-numbered school years. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and telephone follow-ups of school principals. Public schools were sampled in the spring of 2008 to participate in the study. The study�s response rate was 74.5 percent. A number of key statistics on a variety of topics can be produced with SSOCS data.

Downloads and Resources

2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a TSV file

2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SPSS-formatted binary data file

2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a Stata-formatted binary data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kathryn Chandler
National Center for Education Statistics

Program for International Student Assessment, 2006

Dataset Description

The Program for International Student Assessment, 2006 (PISA:06), is a study that is part of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) program. PISA:06 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/) is a cross-sectional study that measures the yield of education systems, or what skills and competencies students have acquired and can apply in reading, mathematics, and science to real-world contexts by age 15. For PISA:06, science literacy was the subject area assessed in-depth. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of 15-year-old students. 15-year-old students in April to May of 2006 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from PISA:06 are 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading, mathematics, and science literacy.

Downloads and Resources

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006: U. S. Restricted-Use Data File & Electronic Codebook
2006 Program for International Student Assessment restricted-use data and electronic codebook

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
2006 Program for International Student Assessment public-use data and electronic codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Dana Kelly
National Center for Education Statistics

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2007-08 (NPSAS:08), is a study that is part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) program. NPSAS:08 [http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas/about.asp]is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to compile a comprehensive research dataset, based on student-level records, on financial aid provided by the federal government, the states, postsecondary institutions, employers, and private agencies, along with student demographic and enrollment data. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. NPSAS:08 contains the data on a sample of 114,000 undergraduate students and 14,000 graduate students. These students were enrolled between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 in about 1,730 postsecondary institutions. The data are representative of all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. Statistics produced from the NPSAS:08 provide reliable national estimates of characteristics related to financial aid for postsecondary students.

Downloads and Resources

2007-08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08) Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for the 2007-08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

Datalab for Postsecondary Education
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2007-08

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sean Simone
National Center for Education Statistics

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2006

Dataset Description

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2006 (PIRLS 2006), is a study that is part of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) program. PIRLS 2006 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pirls/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the reading literacy of fourth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of reading literacy in young students. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of fourth-grade students. In the United States a total of 183 schools were sampled and 5,190 fourth-grade students were tested. The final weighted student response rate was 95 percent and the final weighted school response rate was 99 percent. The overall weighted response rate was 82 percent. Key statistics produced from PIRLS 2006 are how well fourth-grade students read, how students in one country compare with students in another country, how much fourth-grade students value and enjoy reading, and internationally, how the reading habits and attitudes of students vary.

Downloads and Resources

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2006 public-use data files and electronic codebook

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006: U.S. Restricted-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2006 restricted-use data files and electronic codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sheila Thompson
National Center for Education Statistics

Private School Universe Survey, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2007-08 (PSS 2007-08), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe Survey program. PSS 2007-08 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that builds an accurate and complete universe of private schools to serve as a sampling frame for NCES surveys of private schools and generates biennial data on the total number of private schools, teachers, and students. The study was conducted using surveys of administrative personnel. The study�s response rate was 91.8 percent. Key statistics produced from PSS 2007-08 are religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary/Secondary Information System
The Elementary/Secondary Information System (ELSi) is an NCES web application that allows users to quickly view public and private school data and create custom tables and charts using data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS)

2007-08 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2007-08 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

2007-08 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped TSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Public Education Financial Survey, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The National Public Education Financial Survey, 2006-07 (NPEFS 2006-07), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data's National Public Education Financial Survey program; program data is available since 1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp. CCD-NPEF 2006-07 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/stfis.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. The information is drawn from the state education agencies� administrative records systems; no additional data are collected from schools or districts. NPEFS data are used in calculating states� Title I grants. The study was conducted using responding agencies' existing administrative records. The universe of state education agencies was sampled. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from CCD-NPEFS: 2006-07 are on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object. Average daily attendance is also collected on the NPEFS.

Downloads and Resources

National Public Education Financial Survey 2006-07 data in a zipped SAS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2006-07 data in a zipped SPSS file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2006-07 data in a zipped text file

National Public Education Financial Survey 2006-07 data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Indian Education Study, 2007

Dataset Description

The National Indian Education Study, 2007 (NIES 2007), is a study that is part of the National Indian Education Study (NIES), which is a part of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/. NIES 2007 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students in the United States. Students in public, private, Department of Defense, and Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools were sampled using paper-and-pencil assessment. Overall weighted response rate for 4th grade was 75 percent. Overall weighted response rate for 8th grade was 74 percent. Key statistics produced from NIES 2007 provides educators, policymakers, and the public with information about the academic performance in reading and mathematics of AI/AN fourth- and eighth-graders as well as their exposure to Native American culture.

Downloads and Resources

2007 National Indian Education Study, Parts I and II Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2007 National Indian Education Study

NAEP Data Explorer
2007 National Indian Education Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Dual-Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2003

Dataset Description

The Dual-Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2003 (FRSS 85), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 85 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects and reports data on key education issues at the secondary level. The study was conducted using questionnaires of principals. Schools in September 2003 were sampled. The study��s response rate was 92 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 85 will provide education policymakers with important baseline information about the prevalence and characteristics of dual credit courses.

Downloads and Resources

Dual-Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2003 data in a zipped DAT file

Dual-Credit and Exam-Based Courses, 2003 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, 2002-03

Dataset Description

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, 2002-03 (PEQIS 14), is a study that is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) program; program data is available since 1997 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/peqis/. PEQIS 14 (http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2009045) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information on the topic of dual enrollment of high school students at postsecondary institutions. 1,600 Title IV degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia were sampled. The study was conducted using online or paper surveys. The overall response rates were 92 percent weighted and 91 percent unweighted. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 14 were information on the prevalence of college course-taking by high school students at their institutions during the 2002-03 12-month academic year, both within and outside of dual enrollment programs. Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, additional information was obtained on the characteristics of programs, including course location and type of instructors, program and course curriculum, academic eligibility requirements, and funding.

Downloads and Resources

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students (PEQIS 14): Public Use Data Files and Documentation (NCES 2009-045)

Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students (PEQIS 14): Public Use Data Files and Documentation (NCES 2009-045)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Private School Universe Survey, 2005-06

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2005-06 (PSS 2005-06), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe program. PSS 2005-06 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on private elementary and secondary schools, including religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program. The study was conducted using mail questionnaires and telephone follow-up of all private schools in the United States. The PSS universe consists of a diverse population of schools. It includes both schools with a religious orientation (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, or Jewish) and nonsectarian schools with programs ranging from regular to special emphasis and special education. The study�s unweighted and weighted response rates were both 94 percent. Key statistics produced from PSS 2005-06 are on the growth of religiously affiliated schools, the number of private high school graduates, the length of the school year for various private schools, and the number of private school students and teachers.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary/Secondary Information System
The Elementary/Secondary Information System (ELSi) is an NCES web application that allows users to quickly view public and private school data and create custom tables and charts using data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS)

2005-06 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2005-06 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

2005-06 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped TSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 (PLS FY2006), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2006 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional study that includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, public service hours, library materials, total circulation, circulation of children�s materials, reference transactions, library visits, children�s program attendance, interlibrary loans, electronic services and information, full-time-equivalent staff, operating revenue and expenditures, and capital expenditures. The study was conducted using paper surveys, web-based surveys, and email. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 97.7 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2006 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, number of internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating revenue and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, number and type of public library service outlets, and square footage of outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 in a zipped Microsoft excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2007

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 (StLA FY2007), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2007 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2007 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 285 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2007 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2007 Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI-NHES:2007), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. PFI-NHES:2007 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2007 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 53.2 percent. Key statistics produced from PFI-NHES:2007 are parent involvement in education.

Downloads and Resources

Parent and Family Involvement in Education public-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2007 School Readiness Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2007 School Readiness (SR-NHES:2007), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. SR-NHES:2007 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2007 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 53.2 percent. Key statistics produced from SR-NHES:2007 are children�s readiness for school.

Downloads and Resources

School Readiness public-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2007-08

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2007-08 (IPEDS 2007-08), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2007-08 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2007-08 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2007

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2007 (NAEP 2007), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2007 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grade 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2007 assessments consist of national and state assessments in reading and mathematics, at grades 4 and 8; a national and state sample in writing at grade 8; and a national only writing sample at grade 12. The study��s response rate was betw

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2007 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 4) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 mathematics assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2007 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 mathematics assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2007 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 4) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 reading assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2007 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 reading assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2007 National and State Writing Assessments (Grades 8 and 12) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grades 8 and 12 writing assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005 High School Transcript Study

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005 High School Transcript Study (HSTS 2005), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. HSTS 2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/hsts/) is a cross-sectional survey that periodically surveys the curricula being followed in our nation's high schools and the coursetaking patterns of high school students through a collection of transcripts. For public schools, the HSTS sample included every eligible sampled NAEP 2005 twelfth-grade public school that was contacted for the HSTS, whether or not they actually participated in the NAEP assessments. For private schools, the HSTS sample was a subsample from the NAEP 2005 twelfth-grade private school sample for the mathematics and science assessments. The study was conducted using a survey of school administrative personnel and collection of students' transcripts. Schools participating in the 12th-grade NAEP math and science assessments in 2005 were sampled. The study�s weighted response rate was 84.2 percent. HSTS 2005 also offers information on the relationship of student coursetaking patterns to achievement at grade 12 as measured by NAEP. Key statistics produced from HSTS 2005 are information about the types of courses that graduates took, how many credits they earned, their grade point averages, and the relationship between coursetaking patterns and achievement, as measured by NAEP.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP Data Explorer
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005 High School Transcript Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

NAEP High School Transcript Study 2005 Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005 High School Transcript Study

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Common Core of Data, 2005-06

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2005-06 (CCD 2005-06), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2005-06 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2005-06 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2005-06 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2005-06 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Academic Libraries Survey, 2006

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2006 (ALS:2006), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2006 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarize services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2006 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2006 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2006 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

2006 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2008

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2008 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2008), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2008 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2008 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2008

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2008 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2008), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2008 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2008 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend Study

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend Study (NAEP 2004 LTT), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1971 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2004 LTT (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ltt) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in reading and mathematics. NAEP 2004 LTT was administered to students aged 9, 13, and 17 who were enrolled in public and private elementary and secondary schools throughout the nation.

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 1978-2004 Mathematics Long-Term Trend Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for mathematics for the National Assessment of Education Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend study

NAEP 1978-2004 Reading Long-Term Trend Restricted-Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for reading for the National Assessment of Education Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend study

NAEP Data Explorer
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

NAEP Mathematics Long-Term Trend Restricted Use Data File: 1978-2008
Restricted-use data file for mathematics for the National Assessment of Education Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend study

NAEP Reading Long-Term Trend Restricted Use Data File: 1971-2008
Restricted-use data file for reading for the National Assessment of Education Progress, 2004 Long-Term Trend study

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Program for International Student Assessment, 2003

Dataset Description

The Program for International Student Assessment, 2003 (PISA:03), is a study that is part of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) program. PISA:03 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/) is a cross-sectional study that measures the yield of education systems, or what skills and competencies students have acquired and can apply in reading, mathematics, and science to real-world contexts by age 15. For PISA:03, mathematics literacy was the subject area assessed in-depth. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of 15-year-old students. 15-year-old students in April to May of 2003 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 83 percent. Key statistics produced from PISA:03 are 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading, mathematics, and science literacy.

Downloads and Resources

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003: U.S. Public-Use Data Files, Electronic Codebook, and User's Guide
2003 Program for International Student Assessment public-use data files, electronic codebook, and user�s guide

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Dana Kelly
National Center for Education Statistics

Educational Technology and Teacher Education Programs for Initial Licensure, 2006

Dataset Description

Educational Technology and Teacher Education Programs for Initial Licensure, 2006 (PEQIS 15), is a study that is part of the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) program; program data is available since 1997 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/peqis/. PEQIS 15 (http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2008040) is a cross-sectional survey that collected information about teacher education programs for initial licensure of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (PK-12) teachers. Title IV four-year degree-granting postsecondary institutions located in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia were sampled. The study was conducted using questionnaires for all eligible four-year institutions in the United States as identified from the 2004 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) "Institutional Characteristics" survey (IPEDS-IC). The study's response rate was 95 percent. Key statistics produced from PEQIS 15 include information on the educational technology-related topics and practices taught within teacher education programs for initial licensure, the extent to which teacher candidates are taught to use technology tools for a variety of purposes, the extent to which teacher candidates are able to practice what they learn during their field experiences (and the extent to which this opportunity is impeded by a variety of barriers within classrooms), and the perceived program outcomes for graduates of programs for initial licensure.

Downloads and Resources

Public-Use Data Files and Documentation: Educational Technology in Teacher Education Programs for Initial Licensure
Educational Technology and Teacher Education Programs for Initial Licensure, 2006 public-use data.

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Public School Principals' Perceptions of Their School Facilities, 2005

Dataset Description

The Public School Principals' Perceptions of Their School Facilities, Fall 2005 (FRSS 88), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 88 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects and report data on principals' perceptions of their school facilities at the elementary and secondary levels. Principals in sampled schools received questionnaires regarding the condition of their school facilities. Respondents had the option of completing paper or web-based questionnaires. The study�s response weighted rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 88 will provide current information about principals� satisfaction with various environmental factors in their schools and the extent to which they perceive those factors as interfering with the ability of the school to deliver instruction.

Downloads and Resources

Public School Principals' Perceptions of Their School Facilities, 2005 data in a zipped DAT file

Public School Principals' Perceptions of Their School Facilities, 2005 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2006

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2006 (NAEP 2006), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2006 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grade 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2006 assessments consist of national assessments in civics and U.S. history at grades 4, 8, and 12, and economics at grade 12. The study��s response rate was between 78 and 86 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2006 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2006 National Civics, Economics, and U.S. History Restricted Use Data File
Restricted-use data file for Grades 4, 8, and 12 civics, economics, and U.S. history assessments from the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2006 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Common Core of Data, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2006-07 (CCD 2006-07), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2006-07 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2006-07 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2006-07 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2006-07 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2006-07 v.1b data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2006-07 v.1b data in a zipped DAT file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2006

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 (StLA FY2006), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2006 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2006 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 285 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2006 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 (PLS FY2005), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2005 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional study that includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, public service hours, library materials, total circulation, circulation of children�s materials, reference transactions, library visits, children�s program attendance, interlibrary loans, electronic services and information, full-time-equivalent staff, operating revenue and expenditures, and capital expenditures. The study was conducted using paper surveys, web-based surveys, and email. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 97.7 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2005 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, number of internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating revenue and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, number and type of public library service outlets, and square footage of outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped text file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped SAS file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2006

Dataset Description

The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2006 (SSOCS:2006), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety program. SSOCS:2006 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/) is a cross-sectional survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. SSOCS is administered to public primary, middle, high, and combined school principals in the spring of even-numbered school years. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and telephone follow-ups of school principals. Public schools were sampled in the spring of 2006 to participate in the study. The study�s response rate was 77.5 percent. A number of key statistics on a variety of topics can be produced with SSOCS data.

Downloads and Resources

2006 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2006 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a TSV file

2006 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SPSS-formatted binary data file

2006 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a Stata-formatted binary data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kathryn Chandler
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2006-07

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2006-07 (IPEDS 2006-07), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2006-07 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2006-07 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

National Indian Education Study, 2005

Dataset Description

The National Indian Education Study, 2005 (NIES 2005), is a study that is part of the National Indian Education Study (NIES), which is a part of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 2005 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/. NIES 2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/nies/) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students in the United States. Students in public, private, Department of Defense, and Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools were sampled using paper-and-pencil assessment in April and May of 2005. Overall weighted response rate for 4th grade reading was 83 percent. Overall weighted response rate for 8th grade reading was 85 percent. Overall weighted response rate for 4th grade math was 86 percent. Overall weighted response rate for 8th grade math was 87 percent. Key statistics produced from NIES 2005 provides educators, policymakers, and the public with information about the academic performance in reading and mathematics of AI/AN fourth- and eighth-graders as well as their exposure to Native American culture.

Downloads and Resources

2005 National Indian Education Study, Parts I and II Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for the 2005 National Indian Education Study

NAEP Data Explorer
2005 National Indian Education Study data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2004-05

Dataset Description

The National Reporting System for Adult Education, 2004-05 (NRS 2004-05), is part of the Adult Education and Family Literacy program; program data is available since 1997 at http://www.nrsweb.org. NRS 2004-05 (http://www.nrsweb.org) is a cross-sectional study that was designed to monitor performance accountability for the federally funded, state-administered adult education program. States were required to submit their progress in adult education and literacy activities by reporting data on core indicators of outcomes on all adult learners who receive 12 or more hours of service as well as state expenditures on the adult education program. States could also report on additional, optional secondary measures that included outcomes related to employment, family, and community. The study was conducted using a web-based reporting system of states. NRS 2004-05 is a universe survey, and all states submitted data. Key statistics produced from the study include student demographics, reasons for attending the program, receipt of secondary school diploma or general education development (GED) certificate, placement in postsecondary education or training, educational gain, and employment placement and retention.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  John LeMaster
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Academic Libraries Survey, 2002

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2002 (ALS:2002), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2002 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarizes services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2002 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2002 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2002 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

2002 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005 (NAEP 2005), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grade 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. NAEP 2005 assessments consist of national and state assessments in mathematics, reading, and science. The study��s response rate was between 84 and 99 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2005 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2005 National Grade 12 Assessments (Mathematics, Reading, and Science) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 12 mathematics, reading, and science assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 4) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 mathematics assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 mathematics assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 4) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 reading assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 reading assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Science Assessments (Grade 4) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 science assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2005 National and State Science Assessments (Grade 8) Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 science assessments from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2007

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2007 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2007), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2007 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2007 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2007

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2007 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2007), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2007 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2007 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2003

Dataset Description

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2003 (FRSS 86), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 86 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects and reports data on key education issues at the elementary and secondary levels. The study was conducted using questionnaires of principals. Schools in September 2003 were sampled. The study��s response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 86 will gauge the progress that public schools have made since 1994 in internet accessibility and connectivity, and to explore continuing challenges in incorporating the internet as an educational tool.

Downloads and Resources

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2003 data in a zipped DAT file

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2003 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2005

Dataset Description

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2005 (FRSS 90), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 90 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that provides trend analysis on the percent of public schools and instructional rooms with internet access and on the ratio of students to instructional computers with Internet access. The study was conducted using mailed questionnaires or the option of completing the survey via the web. Principals of various public schools were sampled. The study's response rate was 86 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 90 were the number of instructional computers with access to the internet, the types of internet connections, technologies and procedures used to prevent student access to inappropriate material on the internet, and the availability of hand-held and laptop computers for students and teachers. Respondents also provided information on teacher professional development on how to integrate the use of the internet into the curriculum and on the use of the internet to provide opportunities and information for teaching and learning.

Downloads and Resources

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2005 data in a zipped DAT file

Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, 2005 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2003-04 (GFSA Report 2003-04), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2003-04 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2003-04 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2003-04 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2003-04 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Civil Rights Data Collection, 2004

Dataset Description

The Civil Rights Data Collection, 2004 (CRDC 2004), is part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) program. CRDC 2004 (http://ocrdata.ed.gov/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on key education and civil rights issues in the nation's public school, including student enrollment and educational programs and services, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. The study was conducted using surveys of LEAs and the schools in the LEAs. LEAs and BOCES-type regional education centers functioning as LEAs were sampled. Prior to 2011-12, charter schools were primarily sampled if they were part of a LEA, not if they were a separate charter school district. For CRDC 2004, the response rates, including partial respondents to the data collection, were approximately 97% of all LEAs (95% of all LEAs responded completely with clean data-which is consistent with the 2002 Elementary and Secondary Survey), and 97% of all schools (94% of all schools responded completely with clean data). Key statistics produced from CRDC 2004 can provide information about critical civil rights issues as well as contextual information on the state of civil rights in the nation, including enrollment demographics, advanced placement, discipline, and special education services.

Downloads and Resources

District Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School Search
View and compare data across multiple schools and districts

School/District Search
Find school- or district-level summaries; access all data for a single school or district

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

National Assessment of Adult Literacy, 2003

Dataset Description

National Assessment of Adult Literacy, 2003 (NAAL:2003), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Adult Literacy program. NAAL:2003 (http://nces.ed.gov/naal/) is a cross-sectional assessment that collected information about English literacy among American adults age 16 and older. The study was conducted using direct assessment from 19,000 adults 16 or older, in their homes and some in prisons from the 50 states and District of Columbia. Households and prison inmates were sampled in 2003. The weighted response rate was 62.1 percent for households and 88.3 percent for prison inmates. Key statistics produced from NAAL:2003 include reading skills, general literacy, relationships, demographics, and background characteristics.

Downloads and Resources

A separate 2003 public-use file Zip File (5.3 MB) permits estimates of proficiency on the health literacy scale.

The 2003 combined household-prison public use file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sheida White
National Center for Education Statistics

Private School Universe Survey, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Private School Universe Survey, 2003-04 (PSS 2003-04), is a study that is part of the Private School Universe program. PSS 2003-04 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on private elementary and secondary schools, including religious orientation, level of school, length of school year, length of school day, total enrollment (K-12), race/ethnicity of students, number of high school graduates, number of teachers employed, program emphasis, and existence and type of kindergarten program. The study was conducted using mail questionnaires and telephone follow-up of all private schools in the United States. The PSS universe consists of a diverse population of schools. It includes both schools with a religious orientation (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, or Jewish) and nonsectarian schools with programs ranging from regular to special emphasis and special education. The study�s unweighted and weighted response rates were both 94 percent. Key statistics produced from PSS 2003-04 are on the growth of religiously affiliated schools, the number of private high school graduates, the length of the school year for various private schools, and the number of private school students and teachers.

Downloads and Resources

Elementary/Secondary Information System
The Elementary/Secondary Information System (ELSi) is an NCES web application that allows users to quickly view public and private school data and create custom tables and charts using data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS)

2003-04 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2003-04 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped SPSS-formatted binary data file

2003-04 Private School Universe Survey data as a zipped TSV file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Broughman
National Center for Education Statistics

Schools and Staffing Survey, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Schools and Staffing Survey, 2003-04 (SASS 03-04), is a study that is part of the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) program. SASS 03-04 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass) is a survey that covers a wide range of topics from teacher demand, teacher and principal characteristics, general conditions in schools, principals' and teachers' perceptions of school climate and problems in their schools, teacher compensation, district hiring and retention practices, to basic characteristics of the student population. The survey was conducted using mail, email, paper questionnaires, and telephone interviews. Teachers, librarians, principals, and school coordinators were sampled. Key statistics produced from SASS 03-04 are how many teachers and principals remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the SASS administration.

Downloads and Resources

2003-04 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) CD-ROM: Restricted-Use Data with Electronic Codebook
Restricted-use data file for the 2003-04 School and Staffing Survey

2003-04 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and 2004-05 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) (CD ROM) Restricted-Use Data with Electronic Codebook
Restricted-use data file for the 2003-04 School and Staffing Survey

Datalab for Schools and Staffing Survey
The SASS data available in PowerStats are comprised of data collected from five SASS questionnaires: the School Questionnaire, Teacher Questionnaire, School Principal Questionnaire, School District Questionnaire, and Library Media Center Questionnaire

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Amy Ho
National Center for Education Statistics

Academic Libraries Survey, 2004

Dataset Description

The Academic Libraries Survey, 2004 (ALS:2004), is a study that is part of the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) program. ALS:2004 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/academic.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that summarize services, staff, collections, and expenditures of academic libraries in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This study provides information pertinent to libraries at degree-granting postsecondary educational institutions.

Downloads and Resources

2004 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped TSV file

2004 Academic Libraries Study data as a zipped Microsoft Office Access database file

2004 Academic Libraries Study data as a SAS txt file

2004 Academic Libraries Study data as a SPSS txt file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
National Center for Education Statistics

School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2004

Dataset Description

The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2004 (SSOCS:2004), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety program. SSOCS:2004 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ssocs/) is a cross-sectional survey of the nation's public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. SSOCS is administered to public primary, middle, high, and combined school principals in the spring of even-numbered school years. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and telephone follow-ups of school principals. Public schools were sampled in the spring of 2004 to participate in the study. The study�s response rate was 74 percent. A number of key statistics on a variety of topics can be produced with SSOCS data.

Downloads and Resources

2004 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a TSV file

2004 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SAS 7-formatted binary data file

2004 School Survey on Crime and Safety data as a SPSS-formatted binary data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Kathryn Chandler
National Center for Education Statistics

Foods and Physical Activity in Public Elementary Schools, 2005

Dataset Description

The Foods and Physical Activity in Public Elementary Schools, 2005 (FRSS 87), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 87 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a sample survey that was designed to obtain current national information on availability of foods and opportunities for exercise in public elementary schools. Questionnaires were mailed to the principals of each sampled school. Respondents had the option of completing paper-and-pencil or web-based questionnaires. The study's weighted response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from the study were types of food sold at one or more locations in their schools and in their cafeterias or lunchrooms; the types of food sold at vending machines and school stores or snack bars, and times when foods were available at those locations; food service operations and contracts with companies to sell foods at schools; scheduled recess, including the days per week, times per day, and minutes per day of recess; scheduled physical education, including the days per week, class length, and average minutes per week of physical education; activities to encourage physical activity among elementary students; and the physical assessment of students.

Downloads and Resources

Foods and Physical Activity in Public Elementary Schools, 2005 data in a zipped DAT file

Foods and Physical Activity in Public Elementary Schools, 2005 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2005

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 (StLA FY2005), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2005 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2005 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 285 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2005 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2005-06 (IPEDS 2005-06), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2005-06 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2005-06 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

Common Core of Data, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2003-04 (CCD 2003-04), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2003-04 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2003-04 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2003-04 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2003-04 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2003

Dataset Description

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2003 (TIMSS 2003), is part of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) program. TIMSS 2003 (http://nces.ed.gov/timss/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the mathematics and science literacy of fourth- and eighth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of math and science literacy in students. The study was conducted using direct assessments of students and questionnaires for students, teachers, and school administrators. Fourth- and eighth-graders in the 2002-03 school year were sampled. The weighted student response rate at grade four was 95 percent, and the weighted student response rate at grade eight was 94 percent. Key statistics produced from TIMSS 2003 are mathematics and science achievement scores of U.S. fourth- and eighth- grade students compared to that of students in other countries.

Downloads and Resources

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 U.S. datafile and User's Guide
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, 2003 datafile and User�s Guide available through TIMMS data explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Provasnik
National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2003

Dataset Description

The National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2003 (NAEP 2003), is a study that is part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program; program data is available since 1990 at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/. NAEP 2003 (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/) is a cross-sectional survey that assesses what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. The study was conducted using computer-based assessment of students. Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 were sampled. The study��s response rate was between 90 and 92 percent. Key statistics produced from NAEP 2003 are results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., all fourth-graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., female students, Hispanic students).

Downloads and Resources

NAEP 2003 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 4): Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 mathematics assessments from the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2003 National and State Mathematics Assessments (Grade 8): Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 mathematics assessments from the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2003 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 4): Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 4 reading assessments from the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP 2003 National and State Reading Assessments (Grade 8): Restricted-Use Data Files
Restricted-use data file for Grade 8 reading assessments from the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress study

NAEP Data Explorer
2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress data available through the NAEP Data Explorer

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Patricia Etienne
National Center for Education Statistics

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 (PLS FY2004), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2004 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional study that includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, public service hours, library materials, total circulation, circulation of children�s materials, reference transactions, library visits, children�s program attendance, interlibrary loans, electronic services and information, full-time-equivalent staff, operating revenue and expenditures, and capital expenditures. The study was conducted using paper surveys, web-based surveys, and email. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 97.7 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2004 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, number of internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating revenue and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, number and type of public library service outlets, and square footage of outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped text file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Common Core of Data, 2004-05

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2004-05 (CCD 2004-05), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2004-05 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2004-05 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1c data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1c data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1d data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1d data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1e data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2004-05 v.1e data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2005 Adult Education Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2005 Adult Education (AE-NHES:2005), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. AE-NHES:2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2005 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 67.5 percent. Key statistics produced from AE-NHES:2005 are participation in adult and continuing education and lifelong learning.

Downloads and Resources

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2005 Adult Education Survey, data as a zipped ASCII data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2005 After-School Programs And Activities Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2005 After-School Programs and Activities (ASPA-NHES:2005), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. ASPA-NHES:2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2005 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 67.5 percent. Key statistics produced from ASPA-NHES:2005 are participation in after-school programs and activities.

Downloads and Resources

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2005 After-School Programs And Activities Survey, data as a zipped data file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2005 Early Childhood Program Participation Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2005 Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP-NHES:2005), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. ECPP-NHES:2005 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using address based sample, self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2005 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 67.5 percent. Key statistics produced from ECPP-NHES:2005 are participation in early childhood education and care programs.

Downloads and Resources

Early Childhood Program Participation public-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2006

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2006 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2006), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2006 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2006 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2006

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2006 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2006), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2006 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2006 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2002-03

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2002-03 (GFSA Report 2002-03), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2002-03 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2002-03 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2002-03 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2002-03 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2004

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 (StLA FY2004), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2004 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2004 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 339 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance Report, 2002

Dataset Description

The Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance Report, 2002 (E&S Survey 2002), is part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) program. E&S Survey 2002 is a cross-sectional survey that collects data on key education and civil rights issues in the nation's public schools, which include student enrollment and educational programs and services, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. The study was conducted using surveys of LEAs and the schools in those LEAs. LEAs and BOCES-type regional education centers functioning as LEAs were sampled. Prior to 2011-12, charter schools were primarily sampled if they were part of a LEA, not if they were a separate charter school district. The overall response rates for E&S Survey 2002 were 98% for LEAs and 98% for schools. Key statistics produced from E&S Survey 2002 can provide information about critical civil rights issues as well as contextual information on the state of civil rights in the nation, including enrollment demographics, advanced placement, discipline, and special education services.

Downloads and Resources

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Annual Report to Congress, Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Annual Report to Congress, Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002 in a PDF file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Janis Brown
Office for Civil Rights

Common Core of Data, 2001-02

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2001-02 (CCD 2001-02), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2001-02 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts, and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2001-02 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2001-02 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2001-02 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2001-02 v.1b data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2001-02 v.1b data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2004-05

Dataset Description

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2004-05 (IPEDS 2004-05), was a study that was part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/. IPEDS 2004-05 (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/) was a cross-sectional survey designed to collect basic data from all postsecondary institutions in the United States and the other jurisdictions. Key statistics produced from IPEDS 2004-05 allowed the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the size of one of the nation's largest enterprises--postsecondary education-- in terms of students enrolled, degrees and other awards earned, dollars expended, and staff employed. All Title IV institutions were required to respond to IPEDS (see Section 490 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 [P.L. 102-325; 20 U.S.C. � 1070 et seq.]). IPEDS allowed other, non-Title IV institutions to participate on a voluntary basis, but only about 200 elected to respond.

Downloads and Resources

College Navigator
College Navigator consists primarily of the latest data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES--the National Center for Education Statistics

IPEDS Data Center
The IPEDS Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a series of predefined and custom functions

IPEDS Trend Generator
The IPEDS Trend Generator is a quick and easy way to see IPEDS data over time

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Richard Reeves
National Center for Education Statistics

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 (PLS FY2003), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2003 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional study that includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, public service hours, library materials, total circulation, circulation of children�s materials, reference transactions, library visits, children�s program attendance, interlibrary loans, electronic services and information, full-time-equivalent staff, operating revenue and expenditures, and capital expenditures. The study was conducted using paper surveys, web-based surveys, and email. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 97.2 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2003 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, number of internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating revenue and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, number and type of public library service outlets, and square footage of outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped text file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped SAS file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2005

Dataset Description

IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2005 (IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2005), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part C State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partcspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2005 (http://idea.ed.gov/part-c/search/new) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the early intervention service program located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. The study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part C SPP/APR FY2005 are infants and toddlers participating in early intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993

Dataset Description

The Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993 (B&B:93), is a study that is part of the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) program; program data is available since 1989 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=015. B&B:93 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/B&B/) is a longitudinal survey that examines students� education and work experiences as they complete a bachelor�s degree, with a special emphasis on the experiences of new elementary and secondary teachers. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. B&B:93 was the first B&B study to have a base-year. Postsecondary students and institutions which participated in B&B:93 were sampled from the 1992-93 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:93). Key statistics produced from B&B:93 include bachelor�s degree recipients� workforce participation, income and debt repayment, entry into and persistence through graduate school programs, undergraduate experience, demographic backgrounds, expectations regarding graduate study and work, and participation in community service.

Downloads and Resources

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study 1993/2003 Data Analysis System (DAS) On-line
Public use data system for the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993 third follow-up (2003)

CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study First Follow-up DAS
Public use data system for the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993 base year and first follow-up (1994)

CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Second Follow-up B&B:93/97: Public Use Data Analysis System (DAS)
Public use data system for the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993 base year through second follow-up (1997)

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 1993 data available through PowerStats in the NCES Datalab

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Ted Socha
National Center for Education Statistics

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2005

Dataset Description

IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, Fiscal Year 2005 (IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2005), is a study that is part of the IDEA Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (IDEA Part B SPP/APR) program; program data is available since 2002-03 at https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbspap/allyears.html. IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2005 (http://idea.ed.gov/explore/home) is a cross-sectional study that collects State Performance Plans that evaluate the state lead agency�s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and describe how the lead agency will improve such implementation. The study also collects Annual Performance Reports which report annually to the public on the intervention service programs located in the state on the targets in the lead agency�s performance plan. They study�s response rate was 100 percent. Key statistics produced from IDEA Part B SPP/APR FY2005 are children age 3-21 participating in intervention programs and effectiveness of such programs, and other performance indicators.

Downloads and Resources

Contact Information

  Rebecca Walawender
Office of Special Education Programs

National Household Education Surveys Program, 2003 Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey

Dataset Description

The National Household Education Survey, 2003 Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI-NHES:2003), is a study that is part of the National Household Education Survey (NHES) program. PFI-NHES:2003 (http://nces.ed.gov/nhes/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects data directly from households on educational issues. This study was conducted using an address based sample of self-administered questionnaires of households. Households in 2003 were sampled. The study�s response rate was 64.7 percent. Key statistics produced from PFI-NHES:2003 are early childhood care and education, children�s readiness for school, parent perceptions of school safety and discipline, before- and after-school activities of school-age children, and homeschooling..

Downloads and Resources

Parent and Family Involvement in Education public-use data

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Andrew Zukerberg
National Center for Education Statistics

National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, 2004

Dataset Description

The National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, 2004 (NSOPF:04), is the last iteration in a series of studies that form the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF) program. NSOPF:04 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nsopf/) is a cross-sectional survey that provides a national profile of postsecondary faculty and instructional staff: their professional backgrounds, responsibilities, workloads, salaries, benefits, and attitudes. The study was conducted using self-administered web-based questionnaires and a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) of postsecondary faculty and instructional staff. Postsecondary faculty and instructional staff in the academic term of Fall 2003 were sampled. The study�s weighted response rate was 76 percent for postsecondary faculty and 84 percent for institutions. Key statistics produced from NSOPF:04 are counts of faculty, faculty hires and departures, tenure of faculty, tenure policies, retirement and other benefits of faculty, faculty characteristics, employment history, current employment status including rank and tenure, workload, courses taught, publications, job satisfaction and attitudes, career and retirement plans, and benefits and compensation.

Downloads and Resources

Data Analysis System
This NCES website provides public access to education survey data collected by the U.S. Department of Education and to analysis reports about education policy issues

Restricted-Use Data File: 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04)
Restricted-use data file for the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Matthew Soldner
National Center for Education Statistics

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002

Dataset Description

The Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 (PLS FY2002), is a study that is part of the Library Statistics program. PLS FY2002 (http://www.imls.gov/research/public_libraries_in_the_united_states_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that collects annual descriptive data on the universe of public libraries in the U.S. and the Outlying Areas. Information such as public service hours per year, circulation of library books, etc., number of librarians, population of legal service area, expenditures for library collection, staff salary data, and access to technology are collected. The study was conducted using paper surveys. The key respondents in this study were state library agencies. The study's response rate was 98.1 percent. The key statistics produced from PLS FY2002 were about service measures such as access to the Internet, number of users of electronic resources, other electronic services, number of Internet terminals used by staff only, number of Internet terminals used by the general public, reference transactions, public service hours, interlibrary loans, circulation, library visits, children�s program attendance, and circulation of children�s materials. It also includes information about size of collection, staffing, operating income and expenditures, type of geographic service area, type of legal basis, type of administrative structure, and number and type of public library service outlets.

Downloads and Resources

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped text file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped CSV file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped SAS file

Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2003

Dataset Description

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2003 (FRSS 84), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 84 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a cross-sectional survey that provides national estimates on distance education courses in public school districts, including enrollment in distance education courses, how districts monitor these courses, the motivations for providing distance education, and the technologies used for delivering distance education. Superintendents of sampled public school districts received a paper questionnaire in the mail and were instructed that the staff member most knowledgeable about the district�s distance education practices should complete it. The study's weighted response rate was 96 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 84 are information on the prevalence of technology-based distance education courses, enrollments of public elementary and secondary school students in distance education courses, the types of technologies most commonly used for delivering distance education courses, districts' reasons for having distance education courses, and factors districts report that prevent their expansion of distance education course offerings.

Downloads and Resources

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2003 data in a zipped DAT file

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students, 2003 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2003-04

Dataset Description

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2003-04 (NPSAS:04), is a study that is part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) program. NPSAS:04 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas/about.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to compile a comprehensive research dataset, based on student-level records, on financial aid provided by the federal government, the states, postsecondary institutions, employers, and private agencies along with student demographic and enrollment data. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. NPSAS:04 contains the data on a sample of about 109,210 postsecondary students who were enrolled at any time between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004 in about 1,670 postsecondary institutions. The data are representative of all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. Statistics produced from the NPSAS:04 provide reliable national estimates of characteristics related to financial aid for postsecondary students.

Downloads and Resources

2003-04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Graduate Data Analysis System
Graduate data for the 2003-04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

2003-04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Undergraduate Data Analysis System
Undergraduate data for the 2003-04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study

Datalab for Postsecondary Education
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2003-04

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sean Simone
National Center for Education Statistics

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2003

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 (StLA FY2003), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2003 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2003 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 436 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Common Core of Data, 2002-03

Dataset Description

The Common Core of Data, 2002-03 (CCD 2002-03), is a study that is part of the Common Core of Data (CCD) program; program data is available since 1986-1987 at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/ccddata.asp. CCD 2002-03 (http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/index.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that collected fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools, and other outlying jurisdictions. The data were supplied by state education agency officials and included basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general. Key information produced from CCD 2002-03 include information that described schools and school districts, including name, address, and phone number; student counts by race/ethnicity, grade and sex and full-time equivalent (FTE) staff counts by labor category; and fiscal data, including revenues and expenditures.

Downloads and Resources

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.0f data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.0f data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.1a data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.1a data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.0c data in a zipped DAT file

Common Core of Data, 2002-03 v.0c data in a zipped Microsoft Excel file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Stephen Cornman
National Center for Education Statistics

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2001-02

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2001-02 (GFSA Report 2001-02), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2001-02 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2001-02 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2001-02 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2001-02 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2001

Dataset Description

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2001 (PIRLS 2001), is a study that in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) program. PIRLS 2001 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pirls/) is a cross-sectional study that provides international comparative information of the reading literacy of fourth-grade students and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of reading literacy in young students. The study was conducted using questionnaires and direct assessments of fourth-grade students. In the United States a total of 174 schools were sampled and 3,763 fourth-grade students were tested. The final weighted student response rate was 96 percent and the final weighted school response rate was 86 percent. The overall weighted response rate was 83 percent. Key statistics produced from PIRLS 2001 are how well fourth-grade students read, how students in one country compare with students in another country, how much fourth-grade students value and enjoy reading, and internationally, how the reading habits and attitudes of students vary.

Downloads and Resources

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2001: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, 2001 public-use data files and electronic codebook

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sheila Thompson
National Center for Education Statistics

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2002

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 (StLA FY2002), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2002 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2002 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 436 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 data available in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1999-2000

Dataset Description

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1999-2000 (NPSAS:2000), is a study that is part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) program; program data is available since 1989-90 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=013. NPSAS:2000 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas/about.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to compile a comprehensive research dataset, based on student-level records, on financial aid provided by the federal government, the states, postsecondary institutions, employers, and private agencies along with student demographic and enrollment data. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. NPSAS:2000 was the first to employ a web-based instrument for collection of institutional records. NPSAS:2000 contains the data on a sample of about 70,200 postsecondary students who were enrolled at any time between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000 in about 1,100 postsecondary institutions. The data are representative of all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. After adjusting for institutional nonresponse and for attendance at more than one institution, the overall weighted study response rate was 89 percent. Statistics produced from the NPSAS:2000 provide reliable national estimates of characteristics related to financial aid for postsecondary students.

Downloads and Resources

1999-2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study data available through PowerStats in the NCES Datalab

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sean Simone
National Center for Education Statistics

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2000-01

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2000-01 (GFSA Report 2000-01), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 2000-01 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) were receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 2000-01 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2000-01 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 2000-01 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 2000

Dataset Description

The Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 2000 (B&B:2000), is a study that is part of the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) program. B&B:2000 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/B&B/) is a longitudinal survey that examines students� education and work experiences as they complete a bachelor�s degree, with a special emphasis on the experiences of new elementary and secondary teachers. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. B&B:2000 was the first to employ a web-based instrument for collection of institutional records. Postsecondary students and institutions which participated in B&B:2000 were sampled from the 2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000). Key statistics produced from B&B:2000 include bachelor�s degree recipients� workforce participation, income and debt repayment, entry into and persistence through graduate school programs, undergraduate experience, demographic backgrounds, expectations regarding graduate study and work, and participation in community service.

Downloads and Resources

Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study 2000/01 Data Analysis System (DAS) On-line
2000 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study data available through on-line Data Analysis System

Contact Information

  Ted Socha
National Center for Education Statistics

Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools, 1998-99

Dataset Description

Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools, 1998-99 (FRSS 68), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 68 http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp is a cross-sectional study that collected data about computer and internet availability and use in private elementary and secondary schools in the United States. The study was conducted using surveys of heads of private schools. Private schools in the United States were sampled. The study's unweighted response rate was 86 percent and the weighted response rate was 84 percent. Key statistics from FRSS 68 are on the availability and use of computers and the internet in private schools.

Downloads and Resources

Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools, 1998-99 data in a zipped DAT file

Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools, 1998-99 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999

Dataset Description

Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999 (FRSS 71), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 71 http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp is a cross-sectional study that was designed to assess the prevalence and support for service-learning programs in K-12 schools across the nation. This study was conducted using surveys of elementary, middle, and secondary/combined school principals. Public elementary schools (200), middle schools (500), and secondary/combined schools (1,300) were sampled. The study's unweighted response rate was 92 percent and the weighted response rate was 93 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 71 were on the prevalence of service-learning activities in K-12 schools.

Downloads and Resources

Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999 data in a zipped DAT file

Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, 1999 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Vocational Programs in Secondary Schools, 1999

Dataset Description

Vocational Programs in Secondary Schools, 1999 (FRSS 72), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 72 http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/index.asp is a cross-sectional survey that collected information from secondary schools in the United States about availability of vocational education programs and courses. This study was conducted using surveys of secondary school principals. 1,150 secondary schools in the United States were sampled. The study's unweighted response rate was 94 percent. The weighted response rate was 95 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 72 are on program offerings, relevant job skills, skill competency lists, and credentialing process.

Downloads and Resources

Vocational Programs in Secondary Schools, 1999 data as a zipped DAT file

Vocational Programs in Secondary Schools, 1999 data as a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

Condition of America's Public School Facilities, 1999

Dataset Description

The Condition of America's Public School Facilities, 1999 (FRSS 73), is a study that is part of the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) program; program data is available since 1998-99 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/downloads.asp. FRSS 73 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/) is a cross-sectional survey that collects and report data on key issues at public elementary and secondary schools in the United States. The sample for FRSS 73 included approximately 1000 public elementary, middle, and high schools. District personnel who were familiar with the condition of schools completed questionnaires for each sampled school in their districts. The study�s weighted response rate was 91 percent. Key statistics produced from FRSS 73 provide information on the pervasiveness of air conditioning, the number of temporary classrooms, the number of days particular public schools were closed for repairs, planned construction, repairs, and additions, long range facilities plans, the age of public schools, overcrowding and practices used to address overcrowding, estimated costs for bringing facilities to a satisfactory condition, and the overall condition of roofs, floors, walls, plumbing, heating, electric facilities, and safety features.

Downloads and Resources

Condition of America's Public School Facilities, 1999 data in a zipped DAT file

Condition of America's Public School Facilities, 1999 data in a zipped SAS file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  John Ralph
National Center for Education Statistics

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2001

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2001 (StLA FY2001), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey. StLA FY2001 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2001 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 423 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information), from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The response rate for this study was 100 percent.

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2001 data available in a zipped SAS file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2001 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2001 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988

Dataset Description

The National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) is a study that is part of the Longitudinal Studies Branch (LSB) program; program data is available since 1988 at http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nels88/data_products.asp. NELS:88 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nels88/) is a longitudinal study that is designed to provide trend data about critical transitions experienced by students as they leave middle or junior high school, and progress through high school and into postsecondary institutions or the work force. A nationally representative sample of eighth-graders were first surveyed in the spring of 1988. A sample of these respondents were then resurveyed through four follow-ups in 1990, 1992, 1994, and 2000. Overall weighted response rate was unavailable as of December 2014. Key statistics produced from NELS:88 data can be used for policy-relevant research about educational processes and outcomes, for example: student learning; early and late predictors of dropping out; and school effects on students' access to programs and equal opportunity to learn.

Downloads and Resources

CD-ROM: NELS:88/2000 Public Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook - Base Year through Fourth Follow-up
CD-ROM containing public use data files and electronic codebook for the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 base year through fourth follow-up (2000)

CD-ROM: NELS:88/2000 Restricted Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
Restricted-use data file and electronic codebook for the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 base year through fourth follow-up (2000)

CD-ROM: NELS:88/94 Data Analysis System, with Additional Systems for High School and Beyond and the National Longitudinal Study of 1972
Data Analysis System for the 1994 follow-up to the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988

CD-ROM: NELS:88/94 Public Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook - Base Year through Third Follow-up
CD-ROM containing public use data files and electronic codebook for the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 base year through third follow-up (1994)

CD-ROM: NELS:88/94 Restricted Use
Restricted-use data for the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 base year through third follow-up (1994)

Data Analysis System (DAS)
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 year 2000 follow-up data available on the Data Analysis System

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Elise Christopher
National Center for Education Statistics

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1999-2000

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1999-2000 (GFSA Report 1999-2000), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 1999-2000 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) were receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 1999-2000 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1999-2000 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1999-2000 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2000

Dataset Description

The State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 (StLA FY2000), is a study that is part of the State Library Agencies Survey program. StLA FY2000 (http://www.imls.gov/research/state_library_agency_survey.aspx) is a cross-sectional survey that provides state and federal policymakers and other interested user with information about state library agencies. StLA FY2000 collects data on state library agency services to public, academic, and school libraries, and library systems, overall this data will help to complete the national picture of library service. The study was conducted using Web survey application via Internet Web- based reporting system of 423 items (state library agency identification, governance, public service hours. Service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, income, expenditures, and electronic services and information). The study�s response rate was 100 percent

Downloads and Resources

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 data available in a zipped SAS file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 data available in a zipped text file

State Library Agencies Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 data available in a zipped Microsoft Access Database file

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Tai Phan
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1998-99

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1998-99 (GFSA Report 1998-99), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 1998-99 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) were receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 1998-99 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1998-1999 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1998-1999 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1997-98

Dataset Description

The Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1997-98 (GFSA Report 1997-98), is a study that is part of the Gun-Free Schools Act Reports (GFSA Report) program; program data is available since 1997-98 at https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html. GFSA Report 1997-98 (https://www2.ed.gov/about/reports/annual/gfsa/index.html) is a universe survey that collects information on elementary- and secondary-student expulsions related to possession of a firearm at school. The study was conducted using paper instruments. Local education agencies (LEAs) and state education agencies (SEAs) were receiving federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended, were required to provide information. Key statistics produced from GFSA Report 1997-98 were information on the number of students expelled (by type of firearm and school level); the number of expulsions that were modified on a case-by-case basis; the number of modified cases that were not for students with disabilities; and the number of expelled students who were referred to an alternative school or program.

Downloads and Resources

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1997-1998 data in a Microsoft Word Document

Gun-Free Schools Act Report, 1997-1998 data in a Portable Document Format (PDF)

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Christine Pinckney
Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs - Performance Monitoring

Dataset Description

View tables with key data and download tables on basic Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs for each state agency The tables (in MS Excel file format) provide information on consumer outcomes, ages, wages earned and hours worked during past fiscal years. They also provide financial breakdowns of expenditures by vocational rehabilitation agencies as well as information on referrals sources, services provided to individuals, counselor caseloads and eligibility rates. Tables cover consumer information and information on VR agency expenditures. While several programs exist to assist individuals with disabilities to become employed, the primary one overseen by the Department of Education is the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program. Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), states receive federal grants to operate a comprehensive VR program. These funds are awarded to designated state VR agencies within each state. This state-operated program is designed to assess, plan, develop and provide VR services to eligible individuals with disabilities, consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests and informed choice. By providing services in this way, the VR program enables individuals with disabilities to prepare for and engage in employment. For data after 2005, see rsa.ed.gov.

Downloads and Resources

Fiscal Year 2014 Vocational Rehabilitation data monitoring tables (3.5 and above) in a Microsoft Excel file

Fiscal Year 2014 Vocational Rehabilitation fiscal monitoring tables (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4) in a Microsoft Excel file

Contact Information

  Ken Schellenberg
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1992-93

Dataset Description

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1992-93 (NPSAS:93), is a study that is part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) program; program data is available since 1989-90 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=013. NPSAS:93 (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas/about.asp) is a cross-sectional survey that is designed to compile a comprehensive research dataset, based on student-level records, on financial aid provided by the federal government, the states, postsecondary institutions, employers, and private agencies along with student demographic and enrollment data. The study was conducted using multiple sources, including institutional records, government databases, and student interviews. NPSAS:93 contains the data on a sample of about 66,000 eligible postsecondary students who were enrolled at any time between July 1, 1992 and June 30, 1993 in about 1,100 postsecondary institutions. The data are representative of all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. After adjusting for institutional nonresponse and for attendance at more than one institution, the overall weighted study response rate was 85 percent. Statistics produced from the NPSAS:93 provide reliable national estimates of characteristics related to financial aid for postsecondary students.

Downloads and Resources

CD-ROM: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 1992-93 Data Analysis System Public Use File
CD-ROM containing 1992-93 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study data in a data analysis system

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Sean Simone
National Center for Education Statistics

High School and Beyond

Dataset Description

High School and Beyond (HS&B) is a study that is part of the Longitudinal Studies Branch (LSB) program; program data is available since 1980 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=022. HS&B (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/hsb/) is a longitudinal survey. HS&B survey included two cohorts: the 1980 senior class, and the 1980 sophomore class. Both cohorts were surveyed every two years through 1986, and the 1980 sophomore class was also surveyed again in 1992.

Downloads and Resources

CD-ROM: High School & Beyond: 1992 (Restricted) Data File
Restricted-use data file for all follow-ups of the High School and Beyond study

Data Analysis System (DAS)
High School and Beyond study sophomore cohort data available on the Data Analysis System

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Elise Christopher
National Center for Education Statistics

The National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972

Dataset Description

The National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72) is part of the Secondary Longitudinal Studies (SLS) program; program data is available since 1972 at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=021. The National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72) (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nls72/index.asp) is a longitudinal survey that follows high school seniors through 5 follow-ups in 1973, 1974, 1976, 1979, and 1986. The study was conducted using a national representative sample of 1972 high school seniors. Key statistics produced from the National Longitudinal Study of High School Class of 1972 are student's educational aspirations and attainment, family formation, and occupations.

Downloads and Resources

National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 data as zipped SAS and SPSS files

Landing Page

Contact Information

  Elise Christopher
National Center for Education Statistics

Last Modified: 01/10/2017