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Summary of selected facts
Summary of Selected Facts
View data tables and graphs for an individual school or district

Detailed data tables
Detailed Data Tables
Explore and analyze data across schools or districts

Data Analysis Tools
Data Analysis Tools
• Explore discipline data across schools, districts and/or states
• Analyze trends in students characteristic data for schools or districts

Special reports
Special Reports for Schools and Districts
• English Learner (EL) Report
• Discipline Report
• Educational Equity Report

State and national estimations
State and National Estimations
Download state and national CRDC data estimations
(available for multiple CRDCs)
The CRDC includes data about:
  • Enrollment Demographics
  • Preschool
  • Math & Science Courses
  • Advanced Placement
  • SAT & ACT
  • Discipline
  • School Expenditures
  • Teacher Experience

2013-14 CRDC collected data for the first time on:
  • Chronic Student Absenteeism
  • Availability of free or partial-payment preschool
  • Educational access in justice facilities
  • Civil rights coordinators
  • Sworn law enforcement/school resource officers
  • Access to distance education courses, credit recovery, and dual enrollment/dual credit programs

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