On Patriot Day, We Remember

911 pic

Social Security provides survivors and disability insurance for workers and their families. Through times of tragedy and despair, we’ve risen with the American spirit to provide support to those we serve. Like few other times in our history, was our agency’s presence needed more than after the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, 2001.

Fifteen years have gone by but that tragic day is still present in our memories and hearts. We remember where we were and what we were doing when our nation was forever changed. We remember the innocent lives lost. We remember the courage of the first responders who risked, and even lost their lives to save others. And at that time, we remembered our commitment to be with you through life’s journey, helping secure today and tomorrow. Continue reading


Working Together for the Common Good

Multiracial Group of Friends with Hands in Stack, Teamwork

Social Security emerged from the Great Depression to promote the economic security of our nation’s people. It provides security and peace of mind for America’s workers and their families. Social Security helps protect families against loss of income when the unexpected happens, such as a disability or the loss of a loved one.

On May 1 – 8, the Social Security Administration will celebrate a special week of action by joining forces with faith-based and community groups across the country to increase awareness about the agency’s programs and services. This year’s campaign theme is “Shining a Light on Your Lifetime Protections.” The goal is to increase knowledge about tools that could change lives for the better and set them on a sound financial course.

We invite you to participate in this effort.  You can learn about your Continue reading


When Tragedy Occurs, Your Family Can Count on Us

Older woman comforting a young boyTragedy strikes without warning. For families who lose a wage earner, it can have a devastating financial impact in addition to the emotional one.

Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin says that Social Security touches the lives of every American, often in times of tragedy and uncertainty. It’s true. Our programs go beyond retirement and disability benefits. Social Security helps care for the surviving families of deceased entitled workers.

If you work, some of the Social Security taxes you pay now go toward survivors benefits for workers and their families. In the event of your death, certain family members — widows, widowers (including your divorced spouse), children and dependent parents — may be eligible for survivors benefits. Social Security’s survivors benefits may be more valuable than your individual life insurance.

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Sukkot: A Time to Reflect on the Gifts that Many Do Not Have

Religious and faith-based symbols.This fall marks a special time for the Jewish people, and one of my own family’s favorite holidays of the year. At the end of September through the first week in October, Jewish communities around the world will celebrate the holiday of Sukkot, commemorating the forty years our ancestors wandered the desert without a home to call their own.

The Jewish community and Social Security share a common mission—a commitment to protecting and empowering those most vulnerable in our society.

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Celebrating Social Security and Building on Its Proven Success

A group of diverse people join hands in cooperation.Social Security has transformed the nation. Before its enactment, growing old was something to be feared.  People worked as long as they could, but when they grew old or became disabled, they invariably lost their jobs and had no choice but to move in with their children. If that was impossible, they literally went to the poorhouse.  At the time Social Security was enacted, every state but New Mexico had poorhouses. The vast majority of poorhouse residents had once been independent workers.  Also, when wage earners died, there was often insufficient income for children to remain with their widowed parents and siblings. Continue reading


Protecting the Legacy of Social Security for Future Generations

A diverse group joining hands as a team.Social Security reached a major milestone on August 14 — its 80th birthday. This moment gave all of us the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the great history and importance of the program to workers and their families. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law on August 14, 1935, creating a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens, and protecting them from what he eloquently called the “hazards and vicissitudes of life.” Eighty years later, Social Security remains an essential part of the fabric of American life — providing income security for nearly 60 million people across the country today, including seniors, survivors, people with disabilities, and their families. Continue reading


Ten Years Since Hurricane Katrina

A makeshift Social Security office is open in the aftermath of the destructionTen years have passed since Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 storm more than 400 miles across and with sustained winds of 100-140 miles an hour, made landfall.  The storm devastated the coastal regions of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.

“We are public servants first.  No one hesitated to volunteer.  Everyone just started doing what they could to help those in need.  That’s what Social Security is about.  It’s who we are.”

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Your Friend, my Social Security

Two women look at a tablet and smileEveryone knows the value of a good friend. They give you advice and console you when you’re in need. On August 3, Friendship Day reminded us to acknowledge the people who are closest to us by thanking, loving, and spending quality time with them.

Like a good friend, Social Security’s online services are always there to give you the support you need. Opening a secure my Social Security account is one of the first steps you can take to planning a financially healthy retirement. Simply go online to open or access your account.

With a my Social Security account, you can… Continue reading
