
Find articles, presentations, newsletters, and more about culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and the National CLAS Standards.

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Search our library of resources for information on culturally and linguistically appropriate services, cultural and linguistic competency, health equity, health disparities, and much more.

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Recorded Presentations

Explore our collection of recorded presentations on various topics related to culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) and the National CLAS Standards.

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Video-Based Educational Units


Video-Based Educational Units

Watch case study videos about a culturally and linguistically appropriate clinical encounter to learn more about applying the National CLAS Standards in daily work. Videos are specifically geared toward pediatrics, surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology.

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Health Care and Civil Rights


Health Care and Civil Rights

Review a curriculum about the impact of civil rights laws on health care disparities. It is comprised of a facilitator's guide designed for a physician and an attorney to a deliver a workshop at a medical school.

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