We the people ask the federal government to Change an existing Administration policy:

Do not defund the NEA or NEH

Created by A.Y. on January 21, 2017

Recent reports suggest President Donald Trump plans to defund the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Without the NEA and NEH, artists and educators could be left without crucial government grants for their projects. Everything from orchestral performances to music enrichment programs in public schools would be negatively impacted.

Funding for the national endowments are a minuscule portion -- 0.004% (!) -- of the nearly $4 trillion federal budget. In 2016, the NEA and NEH each received $148 million in funding.

We ask President Trump to support the arts by not defunding the NEA and NEH.

Budget & Taxes
Innovation: Arts & Technology

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