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Change the law putting a financial strain on many disabled veterans

Created by T.F. on January 21, 2017

Over the last couple years, the military has downsized. When it does this, it offers separation packages, aka money to help those who are leaving transition to their new civilian life. I received one of these packages, and was told to go to the VA hospital if I needed future medical care. I did, and was diagnosed as 70% disabled. But due to an outdated law I was told 100% of my disability payments would be recouped until I repaid my separation package. This caused a severe financial strain and almost resulted in suicide. Thousands of service members are facing this recoupment and until congress changes the law they will continue to get disability payments recouped until they re-pay severance. This is wrong on so many levels and isn't even being briefed before service members leave service.

Veterans & Military

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