Volume and value figures for oysters in 2013 have been corrected based on revised reporting. Please see our commercial landings queries for the most up-to-date numbers for landings volume and value.

The NOAA Fisheries, Fisheries Statistics Division has automated data summary programs that anyone can use to rapidly and easily summarize U.S. commercial fisheries landings.

Fisheries of the United States, 2015

This publication is the annual National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) yearbook of fishery statistics for the United States for 2015. The report provides data on U.S. recreational catch and commercial fisheries landings and value as well as other aspects of U.S. commercial fishing. In addition, data are reported on the U.S. fishery processing industry, imports and exports of fishery-related products, and domestic supply and per capita consumption of fishery products.

Sources of Data

Information in this report came from many sources. Field offices of NMFS, with the generous cooperation of the coastal states and Regional Fishery Information Networks, collected and compiled data on U.S. commercial landings and processed fishery products.

The NMFS Fisheries Statistics Division in Silver Spring, MD, managed the collection and compilation of recreational statistics, in cooperation with various States and Interstate Fisheries Commissions, and tabulated and prepared all data for publication. Sources of other data appearing in this publication are: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Data in this publication are considered to be preliminary and are subject to revision as better information becomes available and updates are made by our regional partners.  For the most current data please visit the data queries pages on our website: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/commercial-fisheries/index.


The Fisheries Statistics Division takes this opportunity to thank states, industry, and foreign nations who provided the data that made this publication possible. Program leaders of the field offices were: Greg Power, Ted Hawes, Victor Vecchio and Joan Palmer for the New England and Middle Atlantic states; Scott Nelson, U.S. Geological Survey, for the Great Lakes states; David Gloeckner, Larry Beerkircher, and Jay Boulet for the South Atlantic and Gulf states; Bill Jacobson and Craig D’Angelo, for California; Kimberly Lowe, Valerie Chan, and Matthew Dunlap for Hawaii and the Pacific Islands; Julie Defilippi, Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistical Program, for Maine to Virginia; Brad Stenberg, Rick Pannell, Niels Leuthold, Rob Ames, and Robert Ryznar, Pacific Fisheries Information Network and Alaska Fisheries Information Network, for Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. We also wish to thank Stefania Vannuccini and Gabriella Laurenti of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Brad McHale, Jackie Johnson-Cragg, and Dianne Stephan of the NOAA Office of Sustainable Fisheries.


As in past issues of this publication, the units of quantity and value are defined as follows unless otherwise noted: U.S. landings are shown in round weight (except mollusks which are in meat weight); quantities shown for U.S. imports and exports are in product weight, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of the Census; the value of the U.S. domestic commercial landings is ex-vessel; in the Review section, deflated ex-vessel prices are shown. The deflated value was computed using the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator using a base year 2009. The value for U.S. imports is generally the market value in the foreign (exporting) country and, therefore, excludes U.S. import duties, freight charges and insurance from the foreign country to the United States. The value for exports is generally the value at the U.S. port of export, based on the selling price, including inland freight, insurance, and other charges. Countries and territories shown in the U.S. foreign trade section are established for statistical purposes in the Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated (International Trade Commission) and reported by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Due to data availability aquaculture production data lags the rest of the publication by 1 year.


The Fisheries Statistics Division wishes to provide the kinds of data sought by users of fishery statistics, and welcomes comments or suggestions that will improve this publication.

Address all comments or questions to:

Fisheries Statistics Division, (F/ST1)
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA
1315 East-West Highway - Rm. 12441
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282
PHONE: 301-427-8103 / FAX: 301-713-4137
HOMEPAGE: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/commercial-fisheries/index

Members of the Office of Science and Technology in Silver Spring who helped with this publication were:  Ayeisha Brinson, Joshua Cummings, Lauren Dolinger Few, Josanne Fabian, Jacqui Fenner, Tim Haverland, Michael Lewis, Michael Liddel, Avi Litwack, Alan Lowther, Janelle Mueller, Gabrielle Ryan, Clarissa Sellers, John Thibodeau, Alex Valderrama and Melissa Yencho.

View by Individual Chapters:

1. Cover, Preface, Table of Contents, and Review

2. U.S. Commercial Fishery Landings

  • Estimated U.S. Production
  • Species
  • Disposition
  • Regions and States
  • Ports
  • Catch by species and distance from shore
  • U.S. Landings for Territorial Possessions
  • U.S. Aquaculture Estimated Production
  • Top Recreational and Commercial Species

3. U.S. Aquaculture

  • Estimated U.S. Production
  • Production by Region
  • World Aquaculture

4. U.S. Marine Recreational Fisheries

  • Review
  • Harvest by species
  • Harvest by distance-from-shore and species group
  • Harvest and total live releases by species group
  • Finfish harvest and releases by state
  • Number of anglers and trips by state

5. World Fisheries

  • World Aquaculture & Commercial Catches
  • Countries, Continents & Oceans
  • Species groups & Disposition
  • Imports and exports, by leading countries

6. U.S. Production of Processed Fishery Products

  • Review
  • Value
  • Fish sticks, fish portions, and breaded shrimp
  • Fillets and steaks
  • Canned
  • Industrial

7. Foreign Trade

  • Review
  • Trade balance (addition)

U.S. Imports:

  • Principal items
  • Edible and nonedible
  • Continent and country
  • Groundfish fillets and steaks, species & blocks
  • Canned tuna and quota
  • Shrimp, by country of origin
  • Shrimp, by product type
  • Industrial

U.S. Exports:

  • Edible and nonedible
  • Principal items
  • Edible and nonedible
  • Continent and country
  • Shrimp and lobster
  • Salmon and surimi
  • Crab
  • Industrial

8. U.S. Supply

  • Edible and nonedible
  • Finfish and shellfish
  • Blocks, fillets and steaks
  • Tuna, fresh and frozen
  • Salmon, fresh and frozen
  • Canned salmon, tuna
  • Crab, king, snow, crabmeat
  • Lobster
  • Clams, oysters, scallops
  • Shrimp
  • Industrial

9. Per Capita

  • Review
  • U.S. consumption
  • Consumption by product
  • World consumption-by region and country
  • U.S. use

10. Value Added 

11. Industry Information

Index of Exvessel Prices

  • Review

Processors and Wholesalers

  • Processors and wholesalers: plants and employment

Fishery Products and Inspection

12. General Information

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA)

  • General
  • Regional Fishery Management Councils

General Administrative Information

  • Headquarters
  • Regions
  • Statistical offices

NOAA Library
Sea Grant
Federal Inspection Marks for Fishery Products