• Vision: A Healthy Texas

    Mission: To improve the health, safety, and well-being of Texans through good stewardship of public resources, and a focus on core public health functions.
  • Texas 211
  • Search for jobs at DSHS

    Employment opportunities at DSHS are listed in the Texas Health and Human Services Jobs Center. You can also use this site to search all current openings within other HHS agencies.

    If you find a job posting that interests you, you can apply for the position by creating a profile and completing an online State of Texas application. By creating a profile, the application will remain on file for your future use so you can update your profile or application information, or you can apply to other jobs. The Job Center also allows you to view and track the status of your submitted applications online.

    For assistance with the application process or to report issues, please call the HHS Jobs Service Center at 1-888-894-4747.

    For veteran’s assistance, please contact the HHS Veteran Liaison or visit the HHSC Veterans Resources and Hiring page.

    Tuition Reimbursement

    In accordance with the Tuition Reimbursement Policy of the Texas Health and Human Services System, employees may receive reimbursement for courses completed while attending vocational schools, colleges, or universities.

Last updated August 13, 2015