Northeast Fisheries Science Center: Vision, Mission, and Values

NEFSC Science Plan

Read the NEFSC Science Plan here.

Vision Statement

Conduct ecosystem-based research and assessments of living marine resources, with a focus on the Northeast Shelf, to promote the recovery and long-term sustainability of these resources, and to generate social and economic opportunities and benefits from their use.

Mission Objectives

Research and Monitoring

Understand and predict changes to marine ecosystems and their subsystems affecting living marine resources, fisheries, habitats, ecosystem condition, productivity, aquaculture, and the generation of net National benefits.

Scientific Advice

  • Develop and provide the scientific foundation for management programs that has an ecosystem-based framework.
  • Enhance society's capability to respond to changing ecosystem conditions and to manage risk by developing science-based decision tools.

Education and Outreach

Engage and interact with individuals, partners, schools, communities, and industries to facilitate information flow, to assure coordination and cooperation, and to provide technical assistance in the management of living marine resources and their habitats.

Core Values


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