Frequently Asked Questions

Does EIA have energy consumption and price data for cities, counties, or by zip code?

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) does not have data by zip code. EIA has gasoline price data for some cities, and it has data for electric and natural gas distribution utilities. EIA’s data includes:

  • Gasoline prices, including taxes, for 10 cities.
  • Electricity retail sales (a proxy for end-use consumption) and retail prices for distribution utilities. Most cities or municipal areas are served by a single distribution utility. However, many utilities serve a larger area than the jurisdictional boundaries of a specific city. The names of the counties, by state, where each electric utility has distribution equipment and which can be used as an estimate of a utility's service territory are in the Service Territory file of the EIA 861 survey database. In some cases, more than one utility may have distribution equipment in the same county.
  • Natural gas delivery/sales volumes and prices for distribution utilities. EIA does not have information on the service territory of natural gas utilities.

Last reviewed: December 7, 2016

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