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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability


Our good neighbor pledge: contribute to quality of life in Northern New Mexico through economic development, education excellence, and active employee engagement.

Community involvement, investment in Northern New Mexico

Los Alamos National Laboratory is an invested and involved member of the Northern New Mexico community, supporting a variety of economic development initiatives, educational programs, and giving activities.

Economic development initiatives

Los Alamos National Laboratory is committed to investing and partnering in economic development initiatives and programs that have a positive impact to stimulate business growth that creates jobs and strengthens communities in Northern New Mexico. Read more »

Related efforts:

Education programs

The Laboratory encourages students and teachers to expand their horizons and achieve success in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education:

Los Alamos National Security, LLC, manager of the Laboratory, invests more than $1 million annually in STEM education through student scholarships, education grants, master teachers' support, workforce training, and professional development in quality education processes. Learn more »

Giving opportunities

Los Alamos employees have contributed millions of dollars and volunteer hours that have benefitted hundreds of regional community organizations (nonprofits) and thousands of individuals. Read more »



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Bradbury Science Museum


Discover the Lab's nuclear defense history and research in science, space, energy, environment, supercomputing

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