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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Manuals and Guides for Trail Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Operation, and for Signs

Many manuals and guidelines provide information for trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation, and management, and for signs. Below are several manuals and best practices guides and resources from government agencies or nonprofit organizations. Copies may be purchased or acquired from the sources indicated. U.S. Government publications may be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop SSOP, Washington DC 20402-9328:

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AASHTO and State Guidelines

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Federal Agency Resources and Publications

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Nonprofit Trail Resources and Publications

Several private sector resources may be useful for trail design, construction, and maintenance (see Disclaimers). Below are several resources from nonprofit organizations:


The National Trails Training Partnership ( has resources on trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation, and management. It is hosted on the American Trails website.

Nonprofit Organization Publications

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Signs and Traffic Control Devices

The following manuals must be used for traffic control devices (signs, signals, and markings). Note that the ADA standards also include scoping and technical provisions for pedestrian signs.

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Trail Conflict

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The use of trade names and identification of firms, corporations, or sources is for the convenience of the reader; such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the United States Government of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.

The use of trade names and identification of firms, corporations, or sources does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the United States Government regarding liability for any claims, actions, demands, or suits which may arise by reason of any person relying on the information contained in their documents. Readers should note particular disclaimers in each publication.

The Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior, and other public agencies assume no responsibility for the interpretation or application of their respective manuals or guidelines by other than their own respective employees.

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Resources from Nonprofit Organizations

Updated: 12/18/2015
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