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Title Pub Number Date PDF
A Continuous Process Improvement Model for the HPMS
A Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics PDF (373 kb)
A Summary of Vehicle Detection and Surveillance Technologies used in ITS August 2007 PDF (2.57 mb)
A Tour-Based National Model System to Forecast Long Distance Passenger Travel 2014 PDF (393 kb)
About Motor Fuel and Highway Trust Fund Attribution
Accuracy of Traffic Monitoring Equipment GDOT 9210 June 1995
Addendum to the 1997 Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study Final Report 1997
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - Appendix A
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - Appendix B
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - Best Practices in Agreements on Tribal Fuel Sales
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - Executive Summary
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - References
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel - The State of the Practice
American Indian Sales of Motor Fuel: Assessment of Reporting and Policy Recommendations
An Initial Assessment of Freight Bottlenecks on Highways October 2005 PDF (2.82 mb)
Analysis of Automobile Travel Demand Elasticities With Respect To Travel Cost HPL-15-014 August 2012 PDF (0.8 mb)
Analysis of the Truck Inventory and Use Survey from the Truck Size and Weight Perspective for Trucks with Five-Axles or More February 1996
Analysis of the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey for Trucks with Five Axles or More May 2001 PDF (1.51 mb)
Annual Vehicle Miles Travelled and Related Data FHWA-PL-11-031 August 2011 PDF (450 kb)
Annual Vehicle-Miles of Travel, 1957 - 2007 - By Individual Year
Annual Vehicle-Miles of Travel, 1957 - 2007 - Summary Table
Annual Vehicle-Miles of Travel, 1980 - 2007
Application of Detailed Interchange Analysis to Top Freight Bottlenecks: Methods, Results, and Road Map for Future Research March 2007
Archive Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Item Descriptions for 1982-1987 - Highway Performance Monitoring System
Archive Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Item Descriptions for 1988-1992 - Highway Performance Monitoring System
Archive Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Item Descriptions for 1993-1998 - Highway Performance Monitoring System
Archived Data User Service (ADUS)
Cell Phone Data and Travel Behavior Research FHWA-HRT-14-060 July 2014 PDF (5.79 mb)
Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study: Volume II Issues and Background FHWA-PL-00-029 August 2000
Construction Cost Trends For Highways, Table PT-1 - National Highway Construction Cost Index (NHCCI) April 2012
Contribution of Highway Capital to Industry and National Productivity Growth (1996) Nadiri and Mamuneas September 1996 PDF (710 kb)
Contribution of Highway Capital to Output and Productivity Growth in the U.S. Economy and Industries August 1998
Contribution of Highway Capital to Output and Productivity Growth in the U.S. Economy and Industries - Summary September 1998
DOT FY 2006-2011 Strategic Plan PDF (2.96 mb)
Development of Long-Distance Multimodal Passenger Travel Modal Choice Model July 2012 PDF (1.1 mb)
Economic Returns from Transportation Investment 1996 PDF (6.25 mb)
Estimated Cost of Freight Involved in Highway Bottlenecks November 2008 PDF (2 mb)
Evaluating Gender Differences in Individual Accessibility: A Study Using Trip Data Collected by the GPS October 2000
Exploring the Relationship between Travel Demand and Economic Growth December 2012 PDF (557 kb)
FHWA Bulletin: Highway Funding 1998 - 2001 March 2001
FY 2011 DOT Annual Performance Report 2011 PDF (2.94 mb)
FY 2012 FHWA Performance Budget 2012 PDF (1.47 mb)
FY 2013 DOT Budget Highlights 2013 PDF (5.87 mb)
Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study - Final Report, August 1997 August 1997
Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study - Summary Report, August 1997 August 1997
Federal Register: May 7, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 88) 2001
Field Manual March 2013 PDF (6.87 mb)
Figures - Fuel Sales and Taxes Motor Fuel Tax Compliance Outreach 2006 2006
Financing Federal-Aid Highways FHWA-PL-99-015
Firm Inventory Behavior and the Returns from Highway Infrastructure Investments (2003) - Shirley and Winston PDF (347 kb)
Foundational Knowledge to Support a Long-Distance Passenger Travel Demand Modeling Framework DTFH61-10-R-00036 March 2015 PDF (14 mb)
Fuel Tax Attribution Process Review and Documentation
Functional System Data; Estimated Lane - Length - Highway Statistic Series
Functional System Travel - Highway Statistic Series
Guidance for Verifying State Motor Fuel Data
Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics - Office of Highway Policy Information PDF (373 kb)
HPMS Data Collection Workshop - Highway Performance Monitoring System PDF (20 kb)
HPMS Field Manual 2005 - Highway Performance Monitoring System May 2005
HPMS Publications - Highway Performance Monitoring System
HPMS Reassessment 2010+ September 2008 PDF (640 kb)
Hang Ups: Looking at Non-Response in Telephone Surveys
Heavy Vehicle Travel Information System - Field Manual - May 2001 (Revised)
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, Compliance Review Training Course
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, Executive Training Module
Highway Finance Data Collection, A Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics
Highway Finance Reassessment (Memorandum)
Highway Information Quarterly
Highway Information Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 1 June 1997
Highway Information Update
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) September 2006 PDF (150 mb)
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS), State Practices Used to Report Local Area Travel
Highway Statistics Series
Highway Statistics Summary to 1995
Highway Taxes and Fees - 2008
Highway Taxes and Fees: How They are Collected and Distributed - 1998
Highway Taxes and Fees: How They are Collected and Distributed - 2001
Highway Trust Fund
Historical Monthly VMT Report March 2012
Information sheet for the Intermodal Transportation and Inventory Costing Model
Innovations for Tomorrow's Transportation, Issue 1 May 2009 PDF (4.4 mb)
Intermodal Transportation and Inventory Costing Model State Tool
Interstate Brief: Summary of the extent, usage, and condition of the U.S. Interstate System by State and Interstate Route Number, 2011 August 2013 PDF (836 kb)
Interstate Brief: Summary of the extent, usage, and condition of the U.S. Interstate System by State and Interstate Route Number, 2012 July 2014 PDF (413 kb)
Longer Combination Vehicles on Exclusive Truck Lanes: Interstate 90 Corridor Case Study September 2009 PDF (1.7 mb)
Meeting Dates - HPMS Reassessment - Highway Performance Monitoring System
Monthly Motor Fuel Reported by States
NHCCI - The Mathematics of the National Highway Construction Cost Index
National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey 1969
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey 1977
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey 1983
North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition and Conference
Our Nation's Highways: 2000 - Selected Facts and Figures FHWA-PL-01-1012 2000 PDF (2.1 mb)
Our Nation's Highways: 2008 - Highway Finance Data & Information FHWA-PL-08-021 2008 PDF (11.5 mb)
Our Nation's Highways: 2010 2010 PDF (6.3 mb)
Our Nation's Highways: 2011 FHWA-PL-11-028 2011 PDF (6.3 mb)
Our Nation's Highways: Selected Facts and Figures PDF (1.3 mb)
Pedestrian and Bicycle Data Collection 2011 PDF (1.44 mb)
Personal Travel Unit (PTU)
Policy Instruments for Managing European Union Road Safety Targets: Carrots, Sticks, or Sermons? An Analysis and Suggestions for the United States FHWA-PL-12-024 July 2012 PDF (541 kb)
Preparation for Motor Fuel Reviews PDF (26 kb)
Production Process for Financial Data Tables in FHWA's Highway Statistics Series November 2015 PDF (824 kb)
Productive Highway Capital Stock Measures January 1999 PDF (124 kb)
Productive Highway Capital Stocks and the Contribution of Highways to Growth in GDP, Volume I October 2007 PDF (146 kb)
Productivity and the Highway Network: A Look at the Economic Benefits to Industry from Investment in the Highway Network 1996 PDF (1.05 mb)
Provisions Governing the Disposition of State Motor-fuel Tax Receipts January 2001
Public Road Length by Functional System - Highway Statistic Series
Publications Archives (1940 - 2000)
Quality Control Procedures for Archived Operations Traffic Data - Travel Monitoring March 2007 PDF (1.2 mb)
Report to Congress on The Value Pricing Pilot Program (2010) July 2000
State Highway Cost Allocation Study Model Tools
State Statistical Abstracts 2008
State Statistical Abstracts 2009
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 1999 1999
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 2002 2002
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 2004 2004 PDF (6.6 mb)
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 2006 2006 PDF (7.7 mb)
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 2008 2008 PDF (4. mb)
Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report, 2010 2010
Summary of National and Regional Travel Trends: 1970-1995 May 1996 PDF ()
Synthesis of Truck Size and Weight Studies and Issues March 1995
The Effect of Government Highway Spending on Road Users' Congestion Costs October 2004 PDF (153 kb)
The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax PDF (9.3 mb)
The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Brochure) - What is the HVUT? PDF ()
The Impact of Congestion on Shippers' Inventory Costs February 2004 PDF (102 kb)
The Intermodal Transportation and Inventory Cost Model State Tools (ITIC-ST)
The Strategic Multimodal Analysis April 2006 PDF (3.4 mb)
Toll Facilities in the United States - Bridges/Roads/Tunnels/Ferries FHWA-PL-11-032 July 2011
Traffic Data Edit Procedure Pooled Fund Study - Traffic Data Quality (TDQ)
Traffic Data for High-Volume Routes: Best Practices and Guidelines September 2004 PDF (284 kb)
Traffic Monitoring Guide FHWA-PL-13-015 April 2013 PDF (6.89 mb)
Traffic Volume Trends
Transportation Energy Data Book; Edition 31 PDF (7.3 mb)
Transportation Investment: New Insights from Economic Analysis February 1999 PDF (3.94 mb)
Travel Patterns by People of Color June 2000 PDF (2.54 mb)
Travel Time Data Collection Handbook FHWA-PL-98-035 March 1998 PDF (29.6 kb)
Truck Characteristics Analysis Study July 1999 PDF (1.6 mb)
Truck Size and Weight Modeling Workshop September 1995
Truck Size and Weight Performance-Based Workshop Report, 1995 January 1996
Truck Size and Weight Study - Final Report August 2000
Truck Size and Weight Study - Working Papers August 2000 PDF (3.6 mb)
Truck Size and Weight Workshop Proceedings, August 2000 May 2000 PDF (124 kb)
Understanding Long-Distance Traveler Behavior: Supporting a Long-Distance Passenger Travel Demand Model FHWA-HRT-13-095 September 2013 PDF (1.18 mb)
Urban Highways with the Most Lanes July 2010 PDF (17 kb)
Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis by State Departments of Transportation: Report to Congress August 2016 PDF (1.01 mb)
Vehicle Detection and Surveillance Technologies August 2007 PDF (2.8 mb)
Vehicle Travel Information System (VTRIS) Documentation: Appendix
Vehicle Travel Information System (VTRIS) User's Guide
Vehicle Volume Distributions by Classifications FHWA-PL-97-025 June 1997 PDF (4.31 mb)
Weigh-in-Motion Handbook (Center for Transportation Research and Education) December 1997
Western U.S. Canada Crossborder Case Study December 1995
Western Uniformity Scenario Analysis Report
Page last modified on September 8, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000