Our Mission

 The House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee is tasked with developing a Caucus-wide message that forcefully communicates where House Democrats stand, that resonates with hardworking Americans, and that presents a sharp contrast to House Republicans’ special interest-first agenda.

Latest News

Jul 15, 2016 Blog

By Heather Caygle

July 14, 2016

House Democrats are rolling out a new agenda ahead of the election, promising to make Americans feel safer in exchange for votes in November.

Jul 15, 2016 Blog

By Carl Hulse

JULY 14, 2016

House Democrats will roll out their campaign season agenda on Thursday, hoping that their new message will help them replicate the takeover of the House that was spurred by their “Six for ’06” platform in 2006.

Jun 28, 2016 Press Release

Israel joined by Reps. Connolly, Engel, Green, Matsui & Ruppersberger nearly a week after historic House sit-in

Jun 9, 2016 Press Release

Republicans continue their crusade to discredit hardworking Latinos in our communities

May 26, 2016 Press Release

130 House Republicans voted against their own Energy & Water Funding Bill to block protections for LGBT Americans