What You Should Know About the SSI Program

two people hiking with a sunsetThe Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides cash assistance to people with limited income and few resources.

But … how much do you really know about this program? Continue reading


Celebrating Those Who Provide Care

elderly man and woman in the parkNovember was National Family Caregivers Month. In his Presidential Proclamation in celebration of caregivers, President Obama reminds us that our great nation was founded on the ideal that we all do better when we look out for one another. For millions of Americans, this concept is more than an ideal. It’s a day-to-day reality. Continue reading


Keeping our Disability Programs Updated

elderly woman on computerAs we continue to reflect on the 60th anniversary of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) this year, it’s worth noting some of the ways the program has evolved over time. A lot has changed since DI started in 1956! We continuously work to ensure our programs keep pace with rapid changes in medical care, healthcare delivery models, assistive technology, and workplace requirements. Continue reading


There For You During Life’s Uncertainties

A person being taken to the hospital in an ambulance.One has only to look at the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal or recall the Boston Marathon bombing to realize that uncertainty is a certainty of life.

Disability can happen to anyone at anytime — when we least expect it.

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