

Recent Reports

CIA’s Executive Order 12333, Attorney General Procedures [PDF 13.2MB*]

Director's Diversity in Leadership Study: Year One Executive Report [PDF 2.63MB*]

Executive Summary of Joint FBI-CIA Report on Extent of Saudi Government Suport for Terrorism [PDF 610KB*]

CIA Releases Diversity and Inclusion Strategy for 2016-2019 [PDF 639KB*]

Director's Advisory Group Implementation: Year Two Report to the Workforce (July 2015) [PDF 810KB*]

Director's Diversity in Leadership Study: Overcoming Barriers to Advancement [PDF 751.8KB*]

Policy and Procedures for CIA Signals Intelligence Activities [PDF 222.2KB*]

Minimization Procedures Used By The Central Intelligence Agency In Connection With Acquisitions Of Foreign Intelligence Information Pursuant To Section 702 Of The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Of 1978, As Amended [PDF 4.8MB*]


Redacted December 2014 Agency Accountability Board Report [PDF 12.0MB*]

Redacted July 2014 CIA Office of Inspector General Report [PDF 27.5MB*]


CIA's June 2013 Response to the SSCI Study on the Former Detention and Interrogation Program [PDF 5.4MB*]


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Posted: Apr 22, 2007 11:34 AM
Last Updated: Jan 18, 2017 01:37 PM