Texas Transparency

Open government is accountable government:
a clear look at your tax dollars at work in Texas.

Window on State Government - Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Where the Money Goes

You pay for your government, and you deserve to know how it spends your money. Use the tools and information on this page to search the state check register, track state spending and see your tax dollars at work.

Check Register Search Tools

Spending by Agency
Find out who's spending what

Spending by Category
See how much is being spent in broad spending categories

Spending by Detailed Purchase Code
Drill deeper into detailed purchases for the largest state agencies

Payments to Vendors
See who's being paid by the state

Travel Expenses by Agency
Look up travel expenses, with a clickable pie chart for viewing payment details

TxDOT Search Tools
Search TxDOT payment transactions and grant award reports

For tools to compare budgets and expenditures, go to the Budget and Expenditure Search Tools.

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