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Biomass and Biofuels Success Stories

These success stories highlight some of the effective licensing and partnership activity between laboratories and industry in the area of Biomass and Biofuels.

3 Success Stories
CategoryTitle and AbstractCompany / LaboratoriesDate
Nexus BioEnergy Developing Enhanced Organic Waste Recycling Technology From CSU

An introduction facilitated by the EERE's Energy Innovation Portal has led to the formation of a Colorado start-up company. Syed Reza, now a co-founder of Nexus BioEnergy, originally used the Techportal to search out promising biogas technologies. In a message sent through the portal, Syed contacted Jeremy Nelson, Director of Licensing & Business Development for CSU Ventures, which acts as the university technology transfer office for Colorado State. After several months of... read more

NREL Science Central to Success of New Biofuels Projects:

The Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) played crucial roles in developing the technology that has led companies such as DuPont, POET, and Abengoa to open commercial-scale facilities to turn biomass into clean transportation fuels.

Combined, the three facilities are a huge step toward meeting the Department's goals of producing clean energy from the non-food parts of plants, creating good American jobs, mitigating greenhouse gases, and boosting... read more

Berkeley Lab Startup Brings Fuel Cells to the Developing World

In some parts of the developing world, people may live in homes without electricity or toilets or running water but yet they own cell phones. To charge those phones, they may have to walk for miles to reach a town charging station—and possibly even have to leave their phones overnight. Now a startup company spun off technology developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has created a simple, inexpensive way to provide electricity to the 2.5 billion people in the... read more
