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Office of Administrative Law Judges
USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Decisions

2006-SOX-1 Barker v. Perma Fix of Dayton, Inc.
 Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Jan. 11, 2006) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.)PDF
 Final Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Case With Prejudice (ARB July 10, 2006) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-2 Deremer v. Gulfmark Offshore, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ June 29, 2007) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.)PDF

2006-SOX-3 Beck v. Citigroup, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Aug. 1, 2006) (Pamela Lakes Wood)PDF
 Final Decision and Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB June 30, 2010) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-4 Blanton v. Biogen Idec, Inc.
 Ruling & Order on Motion to Compel Deposition & Motion for Protective Order Quashing Deposition of CEO (ALJ Apr. 18, 2006) (Richard A. Morgan)PDF
 Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 25, 2006) PDF

2006-SOX-5 Lee v. Pitney Bowes, Inc.
 Motion in Limine Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 13, 2006) (Patrick M. Rosenow)PDF
 Order on Complainant's Unopposed Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice (ALJ Feb. 9, 2006) PDF

2006-SOX-6 Williams v. Sirva, Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complaint on Summary Decision (ALJ Feb. 13, 2006) (Joseph E. Kane)PDF

2006-SOX-7 Paz v. Mary's Center for Maternal & Child Care
 Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 12, 2005) (Linda S. Chapman)PDF
 Final Decision & Order (ARB Nov. 30, 2007) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-8 Gattegno v. Prospect Energy Corp.
 Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 6, 2006) (Ralph A. Romano)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB May 29, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Gattegno v. v. Administrative Review Board, USDOL, No. 08-3297-ag (2d Cir. Nov. 13, 2009) (summary order) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-9 Pollick v. Midland Manufacturing Corp.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 1, 2005) (Jeffrey Tureck)PDF

2006-SOX-10 Powell v. RBC Dain Rauscher
 Final Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Aug. 15, 2006) (Paul A. Mapes)PDF

2006-SOX-11 Goodman v. Decisive Analytics Corp.
 Approval of Second Amended Complainant, Denial of Motion to Stay Consideration, Approval of Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissal of Second Amended Complaint (ALJ Jan. 10, 2006) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm)PDF

2006-SOX-12 Leak v. Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
 Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision, and Denying Complainant's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Jan. 26, 2007) (Daniel L. Leland) (dismissing SOX claim) PDF | HTM
 Initial Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 26, 2007) (Daniel L. Leland) (PSIA claim)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB May 29, 2009) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-13 Schlick v. Cendant Corp.
 Order Canceling Hearing & Order Granting Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 23, 2005) (Clement J. Kennington)PDF

2006-SOX-14 Wolfe v. Earthlink, Inc.
 Decision & Order Approving Voluntary Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ May 16, 2006) (Daniel A. Sarno, Jr.)PDF

2006-SOX-15 Loftis v. Key Energy Services, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 30, 2006) (Thomas M. Burke)PDF

2006-SOX-16 Brady v. Direct Mail Management, Inc.
 Recommended Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment (ALJ Jan. 5, 2006) (Stephen L. Purcell)PDF
 Final Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ARB Mar. 26, 2008) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-17 Davis v. The Home Depot U.S.A., Inc.
 Order Addressing Pending Motions (ALJ Dec. 19, 2006) (Pamela Lakes Wood) PDF | HTML
 Order Denying Complainants' Motion for Consolidation (ALJ Mar. 13, 2007) (John M. Vittone) (see also 2006-SOX-129 and 2007-SOX-13) PDF | HTML
 Final Decision and Order Dismissing Petition for Review (ARB Sept. 29, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 26, 2009) PDF | HTML
 Davis v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., No. 09-162 (D.Md. June 23, 2009) (Final Order of Judgment) PDF | HTML
 Davis v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., No. 09-162 (D.Md. Mar. 16, 2010) (imposing attorney fee sanction) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-18 Walton v. NOVA Information
 Order Denying Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Mar. 29, 2006) (Thomas M. Burke) PDF | HTM
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 14, 2007) (Thomas M. Burke)PDF
 Walton v. NOVA Information Systems, No. No. 3:06-cv-00292 (E.D.Tn. Apr. 11, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-19 Johnson v. Mechanics and Farmers Bank
 Recommended Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ June 9, 2006) (Richard K. Malamphy) PDF
 Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB July 26, 2006) (erroneously docketed appeal)

2006-SOX-20 Tice v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 26, 2006) (Richard A. Morgan)PDF
 Related case: Tice v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., No. 07-3977 (3rd Cir. Apr. 8, 2009) (unpublished) (whether ALJ SOX decision may have preclusive effect in subsequent discrimination claim brought in federal court) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-21 Idol v. The Project Group, Inc.
 Complaint filed Feb. 10, 2006, Idol v. The Project Group, Inc. et al, 4:06-cv-00463 (S.D.Tx.)
 Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 15, 2006) (C. Richard Avery)PDF

2006-SOX-22 Vaughn v. Insituform Technologies, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 27, 2006) (Edward Terhune Miller)PDF

2006-SOX-23 Pittman v. Diagnostic Products Corp.
 Order Granting Complainant's Motion To Withdraw Claim (ALJ Jan. 25, 2006) (William Dorsey)PDF

2006-SOX-24 Hirth v. Teadyne Inc.
 Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Mar. 31, 2006) (Colleen A. Geraghty)PDF

2006-SOX-25 Khandekar v. Deere & Co.
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Mar. 22, 2006) (Jeffrey Tureck)PDF

2006-SOX-26 Collis v. Bank of America
 Order Approving Complainant's Transfer of this Complaint to Federal District Court & Terminating Jurisdiction with U.S. Department of Labor (ALJ June 5, 2006) (William S. Colwell)PDF
 Collis v. Bank of America, N.A., No. 8:06-cv-01346 (D.MD. Aug. 15, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Collis v. Bank of America, N.A., No. 08-2058 (4th Cir. Jan. 26, 2010) (unpublished) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-27 Stevens v. Interpublic Group of Companies
 Order Denying Respondent's Motion to Dismiss & Granting Respondent's Motion in Limine (ALJ Mar. 24, 2006) (Richard A. Morgan)PDF
 Order Granting Withdrawal of Objections & Hearing Request (ALJ May 4, 2006)PDF

2006-SOX-28 Townsend v. Big Dog Holdings, Inc.
 Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Feb. 14, 2006) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF
 Order Denying Complainant's Letter Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Mar. 21, 2007) PDF

2006-SOX-29 McClendon v. Hewlett Packard, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Oct. 5, 2006) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF

2006-SOX-30 Reno v. Westfield Corp., Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complaint on Summary Decision (ALJ Feb. 24, 2006) (Joseph E. Kane)PDF
 Final Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ARB Nov. 20, 2009) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-31 Paisola v. Whitney Education Group, Inc.
 Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 13, 2006) (Jennifer Gee)PDF

2006-SOX-32 Paisola v. Whitney Education Group, Inc.
 Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 24, 2006) (Jennifer Gee)PDF

2006-SOX-33 Fitzsimmons v. Baxter International, Inc.
 Decision & Order Approving Settlement, Protecting Confidentiality, & Dismissing Claim (ALJ May 2, 2006) (Thomas M. Burke)PDF

2006-SOX-34 Day v. Staples, Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Mar. 27, 2006) (Daniel F. Sutton)PDF
 Day v. Staples, Inc., No. 06-10647 (D.Mass. Feb.7, 2009) PDF | HTML
 Day v. Staples, Inc., No. 08-1689 (1st Cir. Feb. 9, 2009) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-35 Green v. Service Corporation International
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 15, 2006) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.)PDF
 Green v. Service Corporation International, No. 4:06-cv-00833 (S.D.Tx. June 30, 2006) (Order to Arbitrate) PDF | HTML
 Green v. Service Corporation International, No. 4:06-cv-00833 (S.D.Tx. Aug. 17, 2006) (Order Denying Motion to Reconsider) PDF | HTML
 Green v. Service Corporation International, No. 06-20732 (5th Cir. May 30, 2007) (dismissing appeal of district court order for want of jurisdiction) PDF | HTML
 Green v. Service Corporation International, No. 4:06-cv-00833 (N.D.Tx. Aug. 25, 2008) (approving arbitrator's decision) PDF | HTML
 Green v. Service Corp. Int'l, No. 08-20607 (5th Cir. June 2, 2009) (unpublished) (affirmed district court's approval of arbitrator's decision) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-36 Brookman v. Levi Strauss & Co.
 Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 27, 2007) (Patrick M. Rosenow)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB July 23, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-37 Levi v. Anheuser-Busch Co.
 Initial Decision & Order - Dismissal of Untimely SOX Whistleblower Complaint (ALJ May 3, 2006) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm)PDF
 Order of Consolidation and Final Decision and Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2008) (ARB consolidated decision ARB Nos. 06-102, 07-020, 08-006, ALJ Nos., 2006-SOX-37 and 108, 2007-SOX-55) PDF | HTML
 Appeal filed, Levi v. USDOL, No. 08-1221 (D.C. Cir.) (transferred to 8th Cir. by Order of July 15, 2009)
 Levi v. Anheuser-Busch Co. Inc., No. 08-cv-00398 (W.D.Mo. Oct. 27, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Aerotck Inc., No. 09-cv-00053 (W.D.Mo. Sept. 21, 2009) (dismissal based on res judicata) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Anheuser-Busch Companies, No. 08-3820 (8th Cir. Jan. 14, 2010) (unpublished per curiam) (appeal of decision of W.D.Mo., No. 08-00398) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. USDOL, No. 09-2738 (8th Cir. Jan. 14, 2010) (unpublished per curiam) (appeal of ARB's consolidated decision - transferred from DC Cir) (cert. denied Levi v. USDOL, No. 09-10940 (U.S. Oct. 4, 2010)) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Aerotek, Inc., No. 09-3456 (8th Cir. May 7, 2010) (unpublished) (affirming W.D.Mo., No. 08-00053) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Aerotek, Inc., No. 09-3456 (8th Cir. June 9, 2010) (rehearing denied) (affirmance of W.D.Mo., No. 08-00053) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Aerotek, Inc., No. 10-5664 (U.S. Oct. 12, 2010) (cert. denied) (8th Cir., 09-3456; W.D.Mo., No. 08-00053) PDF
 Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ARB Dec. 2, 2012) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. United States of America, No. 12-CV-00635 (D.D.C. Apr. 23, 2012) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-38 Yu v. AIG, Inc.
 Order Granting Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Their Claim (ALJ Feb. 27, 2006) (Paul H. Teitler)PDF

2006-SOX-39 Jones v. Gaylord Texan Resort
 Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 4, 2006) (C. Richard Avery)PDF

2006-SOX-40 Sadler v. American Intercontinental University
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Aug. 23, 2006) (Daniel L. Leland)PDF

2006-SOX-41 Jordan v. Sprint Nextel Corp.
 Order Denying Respondent's Motion to Dismiss and/or for Summary Judgment, Granting Respondent's Request for Interlocutory Review, and Staying Proceeding (ALJ Mar. 14, 2006) (Stephen L. Purcell) PDF | HTML
 Order Granting Petition for Interlocutory Review Establishing Briefing Schedule and Denying, in Part, Motion to Proceed Under Seal and the Use of Pseudonyms (ARB June 19, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Order of Remand (ARB Sept. 30, 2009) PDF | HTML
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 24, 2011) (Johnson) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-42 Liu v. Baker Hughes, Inc.
 Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Claim With Prejudice (ALJ June 28, 2006) (Clement J. Kennington)PDF

2006-SOX-43 Gale v. World Financial Group
 Recommended Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ June 9, 2006) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB May 29, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Gale v. USDOL, No. 08-14232-C (11th Cir. June 25, 2010) (unpublished) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-44 Diamond v. SED International Holdings, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Dec. 11, 2007) (Jeffrey Tureck)PDF
 Final Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB Dec. 30, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-45 Rusick v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
 Order Granting Respondents' Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissing the Complaint (ALJ Mar. 22, 2006) (Janice K. Bullard)PDF
 Order Denying Complainant's Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Apr. 6, 2006)PDF

2006-SOX-46 Jiang v. W.R. Grace Co./Alltech Associates Inc.
 Recommended Order Approving Request for Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 8, 2006) (Linda S. Chapman)PDF

2006-SOX-47 Berridge v. GE Betz
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 24, 2006) (Ralph A. Romano)PDF

2006-SOX-48 Stone v. Duke Energy Corp.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 7, 2006) (Larry W. Price)PDF

2006-SOX-49 Morrell v. MCI, Inc.
 Order Granting Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Her Claim (ALJ Apr. 25, 2006) (Paul H. Teitler)PDF

2006-SOX-50 Szymonik v. Tymetrix, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 8, 2006) (Edward Terhune Miller)PDF

2006-SOX-51 Chemeris v. Veeco Instruments, Inc.
 Order Granting Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Complaint & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ June 20, 2006) (Janice K. Bullard)PDF

2006-SOX-52 Johnson v. Stein Mart
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Apr. 17, 2006) (Stuart A. Levin)PDF
 Johnson v. Stein Mart, Inc., No. 3:06-cv-00341 (M.D.Fla. June 20, 2007) (order granting summary judgment) PDF | HTML
 Johnson v. Stein Mart, Inc., No. 10-13434 (11th Cir. Sept. 9, 2011) (per curiam) (unpublished) PDF

2006-SOX-53 Pittman v. Diagnostic Products Corp.
 Order Dismissing Claim (ALJ Mar. 17, 2006) (Alexander Karst)PDF
 Decision and Order of Remand (ARB May 30, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 14, 2010) (Berlin)PDF
 Order Denying Motion for Relief (Rule 60(b)(6)) (ALJ Aug. 9, 2012) (Berlin) PDF
 Notice of Denial of Review (ARB Sept. 21, 2012) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-54 Crowe-Hagans v. Honeywell, Inc.
 Dismissal Order (ALJ Apr. 27, 2006) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm)PDF

2006-SOX-55 Deutsch v. American Home Mortgage Investment Corp.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 16, 2006) (Ralph A. Romano)PDF

2006-SOX-56 Stevenson v. Vertex Pharmeceuticals, Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 8, 2006) (Colleen A. Geraghty)PDF
 Final Decision & Order (ARB Feb. 29, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-57 Kukucka v. Belfort Instrument Co.
 Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Apr. 17, 2006) (Linda S. Chapman)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-58 Armstrong v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
 Final Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ July 27, 2006) (Patrick M. Rosenow)PDF

2006-SOX-59 Nessa v. Otter Tail Corp.
 Order Vacating Hearing & Dismissing Case (ALJ Apr. 7, 2006) (Jennifer Gee)PDF

2006-SOX-60 Strong v. Eclypsys Corp.
 Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 3, 2007) (Paul H. Teitler)PDF

2006-SOX-61 Ghorayeb v. Atherogenics, Inc.
 Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ Aug. 18, 2006) (Larry W. Price)PDF

2006-SOX-62 Christensen v. Southwest Airlines Co.
 Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 4, 2006) (Clement J. Kennington)PDF

2006-SOX-63 Steiner v. Activcard, Inc.
 Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Claim (ALJ June 19, 2006) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF

2006-SOX-64 Lavers v. Covance Inc.
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Nov. 16, 2006) (William Dorsey)PDF

2006-SOX-65 Corbett v. Energy East Corp.
 Order Dismissing Complainant's Complaint As Untimely (ALJ Nov. 3, 2006) (Janice K. Bullard)PDF
 Order Denying Reconsideration & Request for Hearing (ALJ Jan. 4, 2007)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB Dec. 31, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-66 Gorelik v. United Technologies Corp.
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ June 19, 2006) (Daniel F. Sutton)PDF

2006-SOX-67 Altschul v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Aug. 8, 2006) (Ralph A. Romano)PDF

2006-SOX-68 Welsh v. Regions Bank
 Order Approving Withdrawal (ALJ May 24, 2006) (Jeffrey Tureck)PDF

2006-SOX-70 Seals v. Cryolife, Inc.
 Final Order Approving Settlement (ALJ June 15, 2007) (Thomas M. Burke)PDF

2006-SOX-71 Reed v. MCI, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ June 20, 2006) (Larry W. Price)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Reed v. MCI, Inc., No. 08-1602 (4th Cir. July 21, 2008) (dismissal for failure to prosecute) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-72 Hinds v. Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 10, 2007) (Linda S. Chapman) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-73 Pearl v. DST Systems, Inc.
 Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 29, 2006) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.)PDF
 Pearl v. DST Systems, Inc., No. 06-cv-00918 (W.D.Mo. Apr. 25, 2008) (Order [granting defendant's motion for summary judgment) PDF | HTML
 Pearl v. DST Systems, Inc., No. 08-2196 (8th Cir. Jan. 7, 2010) (per curiam) (unpublished) (affirming district court) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-74 Ryerson v. American Express Financial Services, Inc.
 Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 29, 2008) (Daniel F. Sutton) PDF | HTML
 Final Decision and Order (ARB July 30, 2010) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-75 Miles v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
 Order Canceling Hearing & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Aug. 15, 2006) (Clement J. Kennington)PDF
 Miles v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., No. 5:06-CV-05162 (W.D.Ark. Jan. 25, 2008) (Memorandum Opinion and Order [denying defendant's motion for summary judgment) PDF | HTML
 Miles v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., No. 5:06-CV-05162 (W.D.Ark.May 16, 2008) (Order of Dismissal With Prejudice [settlement]) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-76 Shelton v. Time Warner Cable
 Order Granting Respondent's Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Aug. 31, 2006) (Jennifer Gee)PDF
 Final Decision & Order (ARB July 31, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-77 Carr v. Providian Financial
 Order Dismissing Request for Hearing (ALJ Aug. 8, 2006) (William Dorsey)PDF

2006-SOX-78 Rao v. Daimler Chrysler Corp.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Nov. 1, 2006) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.)PDF
 Order Granting Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Sarbanes-Oxely Claim (E.D.Mich. May 14, 2007) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-79 Thanedar v. Time Warner, Inc.
 Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 5, 2006) (C. Richard Avery)PDF
 Thanedar v. Time Warner, Inc., No. 4:06-CCV-02139 (S.D.Tx. Oct. 7, 2008) PDF
 Thanedar v. Time Warner, Inc., No. 08-20734 (5th Cir. Nov. 3, 2009) (unpublished) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-80 Deutschmann v. Fortis Investments
 Order (ALJ June 14, 2006) (Paul H. Teitler) (granting summary decision in favor of Respondent) PDF

2006-SOX-81 Kukucka v. Belfort Instrument Co.
 Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 14, 2006) (Linda S. Chapman)PDF

2006-SOX-82 Richardson v. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
 Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissing Complaint as Untimely Filed (ALJ July 7, 2006) (Janice K. Bullard)PDF

2006-SOX-83 Walsh v. Stryker Corp.
 Order Granting Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Complaint (ALJ Oct. 3, 2006) (Colleen A. Geraghty)PDF

2006-SOX-84 Brooks v. Viastar Media Corp.
 Order Approving Complainant's Voluntary Withdrawal of Objection & Hearing Request (ALJ Apr. 24, 2007) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-85 Malin v. Siemens Medical Solutions
 Decision & Order Approving Complainant's Transfer of This Complaint to Federal District Court & Closing Jurisdiction With U.S. Department of Labor (ALJ Aug. 28, 2007) (William S. Colwell)PDF

2006-SOX-86 Jones v. Venture Financial Group, Inc.
 Order Approving Complainant's Withdrawal of Objections to Secretary's April 16, 2006 Findings Dismissing His SOX Complaint (ALJ Mar. 30, 2007) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF

2006-SOX-88 Germano v. Prudential Financial, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 28, 2007) (Thomas M. Burke)PDF

2006-SOX-89 Lowe v. Terminix International Co., LP
 Ruling on Motion to Deem Admitted & Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Sept. 15, 2006) (Patrick M. Rosenow)PDF
 Final Order Approving Withdrawal of Complainant's Petition for Review & Dismissing Appeal (ARB Aug. 23, 2007) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-90 Stewart v. Cole and Federal National Mortgate Association (Fannie Mae)
 Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 21, 2007) (Pamela Lakes Wood)PDF

2006-SOX-91 Geraci v. Rels Valuation and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 14, 2007) (C. Richard Avery)PDF

2006-SOX-92 Yonika v. Viastar Media Corp.
 Order Approving Complainant's Voluntary Withdrawal of Objection & Hearing Request (ALJ Apr. 25, 2007) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-93 Leznik v. Nektar Therapeutics
 Order Denying in Part & Granting in Part Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Nov. 16, 2007) (William Dorsey) PDF
 Order Approving Settlement And Dismissing Proceeding With Prejudice (ALJ Dec. 7, 2007) PDF

2006-SOX-94 Messer v. John Elway Dodge
 Initial Decision & Order Dismissing the Complaint (ALJ May 31, 2007) (Anne Beytin Torkington)PDF

2006-SOX-95 Sokol v. Wyeth, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 14, 2007) (Ralph A. Romano)PDF
 Sokol v. Wyeth, Inc., No. 07-cv-08442 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 4, 2008) (discovery order regarding attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-96 Helm v. Rockwell Automation
 Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Sept. 7, 2006) (Paul H. Teitler)

2006-SOX-97 Carson v. NetJets Large Aircraft, Inc., Co., LLC
 Decision & Order Granting NetJets Large Aircraft Company, LLC's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ July 2, 2007) (Daniel L. Leland) PDF
 [consolidated with 2006-AIR-15]

2006-SOX-98 Jordan v. Sprint Nextel Corp.
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 24, 2010) (Johnson) PDF
 Notice of Dismissal (ARB June 29, 2012) PDF | HTM
 Order of Dismissal (ARB Aug. 6, 2012) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-99 Grove v. EMC Corp.
 Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ July 2, 2007) (Daniel F. Sutton) PDF

2006-SOX-100 James v. Lodgian, Inc.
 Order Approving Complainant's Voluntary Withdrawal of Objection & Hearing Request (ALJ Aug. 15, 2006) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-101 Gossett v. Islands Community Bank
 Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Aug. 9, 2006) (Stuart A. Levin)PDF

2006-SOX-102 Cook v. Ceridian Tax Services, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 9, 2007) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF

2006-SOX-103 Zhu v. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
 Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Dec. 13, 2006) ()PDF

2006-SOX-104 Acosta v. James Hardie Industries, N.V.
 Final Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Sept. 12, 2006) (William Dorsey)PDF

2006-SOX-105 Davis v. West Corp.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 28, 2007) (Richard K. Malamphy)PDF

2006-SOX-106 Shekarabi v. Cornerstone Ventures, Inc.
 Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Case (ALJ Apr. 8, 2009) (Larry S. Merck)PDF
 [consolidated with 2007-SOX-7]

2006-SOX-107 Giurovici v. Equinix, Inc.
 Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 15, 2006) (Richard A. Morgan)PDF | HTM
 Final Decision and Order (ARB Sept. 30, 2008) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-108 Levi v. Anheuser Busch Company Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 18, 2006) (Daniel F. Solomon)PDF
 Order of Consolidation and Final Decision and Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2008) (ARB consolidated decision ARB Nos. 06-102, 07-020, 08-006, ALJ Nos., 2006-SOX-37 and 108, 2007-SOX-55) PDF | HTML
 Appeal filed, Levi v. USDOL, No. 08-1221 (D.C. Cir.) (transferred to 8th Cir. by Order of July 15, 2009)
 Levi v. Anheuser-Busch Co. Inc., No. 08-cv-00398 (W.D.Mo. Oct. 27, 2008) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. Aerotck Inc., No. 09-cv-00053 (W.D.Mo. Sept. 21, 2009) (dismissal based on res judicata) PDF | HTML
 Appeal filed Oct. 22, 2009, Levi v. Aerotck Inc., No. 09-3456 (8th Cir.) (appeal of decision of W.D.Mo., No. 08-00053)
 Levi v. Anheuser-Busch Companies, No. 08-3820 (8th Cir. Jan. 14, 2010) (unpublished per curiam) (appeal of decision of W.D.Mo., No. 08-00398) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. USDOL, No. 09-2738 (8th Cir. Jan. 14, 2010) (unpublished per curiam) (appeal of ARB's consolidated decision - transferred from DC Cir) PDF | HTML
 Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ARB Dec. 2, 2012) PDF | HTML
 Levi v. United States of America, No. 12-CV-00635 (D.D.C. Apr. 23, 2012) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-109 Powell v. Eclipsys Corp.
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ June 27, 2007) (Jeffrey Tureck)PDF

2006-SOX-110 Wilson v. CBS Corp.
 Recommended Order Approving Request for Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 6, 2006) (Linda S. Chapman)PDF

2006-SOX-111 Farnham v. International Manufacturing Solutions
 Decision & Order (ALJ June 18, 2007) (Patrick M. Rosenow)PDF
 Final Decision and Order Dismissing Complaint (ARB Feb. 6, 2009) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-112 Sbi v. Hospira, Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 13, 2006) (Donald W. Mosser)PDF

2006-SOX-113 Smith v. Corning, Inc.
 Order Dismissing Complainant's Complaint Upon Removal of the Complaint to Federal District Court (ALJ Jan. 23, 2007) (Adele H. Odegard)PDF
 Smith v. Corning, Inc., No. 06-CV-6516 (W.D.N.Y. July 12, 2007) (Decision and Order denying motion to dismiss) PDF | HTML

2006-SOX-114 McClendon v. Hewlett-Packard Co.
 Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Consolidated Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Mar. 30, 2007) (Gerald M. Etchingham)PDF

2006-SOX-115 Goode v. Marriott International Inc.
 Decision & Order Dismissing the Complaint & Cancelling Hearing (ALJ Oct. 13, 2006) (C. Richard Avery)PDF

2006-SOX-116 Giddeon v. General Electric Co.
 Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 22, 2007) (Daniel A. Sarno, Jr.)PDF

2006-SOX-117 Bulls v. Chevron/Texaco, Inc.
 Recommended Decision & Order Granting Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Oct. 13, 2006) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.) PDF | HTM |
 Final Decision & Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB Jan. 17, 2007) PDF | HTM
 Bulls v. Chevron Corp., No. H-06-3810 (S.D.Tx. May 9, 2007) (Order [granting summary judgment in favor of the Defendant based on untimely filing of OSHA complaint]) PDF | HTM
 Chevron Corp. v. Bulls, Nos. H-06-3810, H-07-3236 (S.D.Tx. Dec. 5, 2007) (Order [enjoining state court action to compel arbitration and USDOL complaint in 2008-SOX-8]) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-118 Dixon v. Conoco Phillips
 Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Nov. 27, 2007) (Patrick M. Rosenow) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-119 Plumlee v Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
 Decision & Order Dismissing Case for Failure to Prosecute (ALJ Nov. 2, 2007) (Jennifer Gee) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-120 McDowell v. Marriott International, Inc.
 Order Cancelling Hearing & Order Granting Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 12, 2006) (Clement J. Kennington)PDF

2006-SOX-121 Johnson v. DRS Optronics, Inc.
 Decision & Order Approving Voluntary Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ Nov. 8, 2006) (Daniel F. Solomon)PDF

2006-SOX-122 Techmanski v. Fiserv, Inc.
 Recommended Final Order of Dismissal (ALJ Nov. 20, 2006) (Stephen L. Purcell)PDF

2006-SOX-123 Tracy-Faraone v. The Detroit Newspaper Partnershipo, Gannett Co., Inc.
 Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 4, 2006) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.)PDF

2006-SOX-124 Parenti v. Sears Roebuck and Co.
 Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Aug. 30, 2007) (Daniel A. Sarno, Jr.)PDF

2006-SOX-125 Fisch v. Richmond American Homes
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Mar. 5, 2007) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-126 Gould v. Richmond American Homes
 Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Mar. 5, 2007) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-128 Lowe v. The Servicemaster Co.
 Decision & Order Dismissing the Complaint & Cancelling Hearing (ALJ Dec. 21, 2006) (C. Richard Avery)PDF

2006-SOX-129 Sharp v. The Home Depot Inc.
 Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ Jan. 16, 2008) (Pamela Lakes Wood) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-130 Zahara v. SLM Corp.
 Decision & Order of Dismissal Granting Respondent's Third Motion to Dismiss & Order Canceling Hearing (ALJ Nov. 1, 2007) (Gerald M. Etchingham) HTM
 Final Decision & Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB Mar. 7, 2008) PDF | HTM

2006-SOX-132 Herbert v. Pulte Mortgage, LLC
 (ALJ Mar. 21, 2007) (Russell D. Pulver)PDF

2006-SOX-132 Neuer v. Bessellieu
 Grant of Motion to Dismiss & Dismissal of Complaint (ALJ Dec. 5, 2006) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm)PDF
 Final Decision and Order (ARB Aug. 31, 2009) PDF | HTM