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Office of Administrative Law Judges
USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Decisions

1997 ERA

1997-ERA-1 Austin v. Westinghouse Hanford Co.
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Motion for Voluntary Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 10, 1997)(Daniel L. Stewart)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Jan. 22, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-2 Miller v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 7, 1997)(Robert L. Hillyard)HTML
Final Decision & Order of Dismissal (ARB Sept. 29, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-3 Jones v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Order Denying Motion for Remand and Setting Discovery Calendar (ALJ Jan. 28, 1997)(Joan Huddy Rosenzweig)HTML
Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Mar. 19, 1997)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Oct. 22, 1997) (Alexander Karst)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Nov. 4, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-4 Chalk v. Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ July 8, 1997)(Samuel J. Smith)HTML
Order to Show Cause (ARB July 27, 1997)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Sept. 9, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-5 Jocher v. Tennessee Valley Authority
[Consolidated with 94-ERA-24]
See 94-ERA-24 for orders

1997-ERA-6 Khandelwal v. Southern California Edison
Recommended Order Granting Summary Decision & Dismissal of Complaint (ALJ Jan. 17, 1997)(Henry B. Lasky)HTML
Decision & Order of Remand (ARB Mar. 31, 1998)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Aug. 12, 1998)HTML
Second Decision & Order of Remand (ARB Nov. 30, 2000)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ May 18, 2001) (Thomas M. Burke)HTML

1997-ERA-7 Carbone v. Houston Lighting & Power Co.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-8, 9 and 10]
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 23, 1997)(Richard D. Mills)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB June 27, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-8 Hales v. Houston Lighting & Power Co.
[Consolidated with 94-ERA-7, 9 and 10]
See 97-ERA-7 for orders

1997-ERA-9 Parthasarathy v. Houston Lighting & Power Co.
[Consolidated with 94-ERA-7, 8 and 10]
See 97-ERA-7 for orders

1997-ERA-10 Sulouff v. Houston Lighting & Power Co.
[Consolidated with 94-ERA-7, 8 and 9]
See 97-ERA-7 for orders

1997-ERA-11 Goehring v. Koppell Steel Corp.
Order Recommending Approval of Settlement & Dismissal of the Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Mar. 14, 1997)(Michael P. Lesniak)HTML
Order (ARB Apr. 10, 1997)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Apr. 24, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-12 Rigby v. Washington Public Power Supply System
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Aug. 22, 1997)(Daniel L. Stewart)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Sept. 23, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-13 Agbe v. Texas Southern University
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 23, 1998)(Lee J. Romero, Jr.)HTML
Recommended Supplemental Decision and Order Awarding Attorney Fees (ALJ Mar. 6, 1998)HTML
Supplemental Preliminary Order (ARB Mar. 31, 1998)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB July 27, 1999)HTML

1997-ERA-14 Williams v. Mason & Hanger Corp.
Order of Consolidation (ALJ Jan. 8, 1997)(John M. Vittone)HTML
[consolidated with 97-ERA-18, 19, 20, 21 and 22]
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 20, 1997)(C. Richard Avery)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Nov. 13, 2002)HTML
Certification to 5th Cir., Williams v. USDOL, No. 03-60028 (ARB Feb. 20, 2003)
Williams v. USDOL, __ F.3d __, No. 03-60028 (5th Cir. July 15, 2004) (affirms dismissal of complaint, but finds that the ARB applied an erroneous legal standard)PDF

1997-ERA-15 Jarvis v. Battelle Pacific NW Laboratory
Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ June 2, 1997)(Thomas Schneider)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Aug. 27, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-16 Adornetto v. Perry Nuclear Power Plant
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 26, 1997)(Daniel L. Leland)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Mar. 31, 1999)HTML

1997-ERA-17 Cox. v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.
Decision & Order Denying Motions for Summary Judgment (ALJ Nov. 20, 1997)(James W. Kerr, Jr.)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing the Complaint (ALJ Feb. 8, 1999)HTML
Final Decision & Order (Mar. 30, 2001)HTML

1997-ERA-18 McQuay v. Mason & Hangar Corp.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-14 and 19 to 22]
see 97-ERA-14 for orders

1997-ERA-19 Olguin v. Mason & Hangar Corp.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-14, 18, and 20 to 22]
see 97-ERA-14 for orders

1997-ERA-20 Rodriguez v. Mason & Hangar Corp.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-14, 18 and 19 and 21 and 22]
see 97-ERA-14 for orders

1997-ERA-21 Byrd v. Mason & Hangar Corp.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-14, 18 to 20 and 22]
see 97-ERA-14 for orders

1997-ERA-22 Sottile v. Mason & Hangar Corp.
[consolidated with 97-ERA-14, 18 to 21]
see 97-ERA-14 for orders

1997-ERA-23 Blacklock v. PECO Energy Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 19, 1997)(Ainsworth H. Brown)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Mar. 31, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-24 Smith v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 22, 1999)(Thomas F. Phalen, Jr. )HTML
[consolidated with 97-ERA-62]

1997-ERA-25 Smith v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Order Granting Summary Decision & Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 12, 1997)(Lee J. Romero, Jr.)HTML
Order to Show Cause (ARB Mar. 26, 1997)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Apr. 23, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-26 Harris v. Tennessee Valley Authority
[Consolidated with 97-ERA-50]
Supplemental Decision & Order Awarding Attorney Fees (ALJ Oct. 13, 1998)(Paul H. Teitler)HTML
Order Vacating Orders And Remanding Case (ARB Nov. 29, 2000)HTML
Agreed Order of Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 18, 2001)HTML

1997-ERA-27 Verdone v. Northeast Utilties
Order Denying Respondent's Motion for an Order Requiring the Production of the Complainants' Interview Statements (ALJ May 9, 1997)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
[consolidated with 97-ERA-28, 29 and 30]
Order Denying Complainant Lee's Request to Consolidate Complaints (ALJ June 2, 1997)HTML
Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment & Order Narrowing Scope of Hearing (ALJ June 9, 1997)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Complaints With Prejudice (ALJ Sept. 3, 1997)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Sept. 16, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-28 LeDuc v. Northeast Utilties
[consolidated with 97-ERA-27, 29 and 30]
see 97-ERA-27 for orders
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & General Release & Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Jan. 2, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Jan. 28, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-29 Lee v. Northeast Utilties
[consolidated with 97-ERA-27, 28 and 30]
see 97-ERA-27 for orders
[Later bifurcated]
Recommended Decision Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ June 2, 1997)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Sept. 5, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-30 Collins v. Northeast Utilties
[consolidated with 97-ERA-27, 28 and 29; later bifurcated]
see 97-ERA-27 for orders
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Sept. 16, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-31 Eltzroth v. Amersham Medi-Physics, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 2, 1997)(Ainsworth H. Brown)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Apr. 15, 1999)HTML

1997-ERA-32 Childers v. Carolina Power & Light Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 29, 1998)(Donald W. Mosser)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Dec. 29, 2000)HTML

1997-ERA-33 Bonanno v. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & General Release & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ June 18, 1997)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB June 27, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-34 Artayet v. Morrison Knudsen Corp.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 28, 1997)(Daniel L. Leland)HTML
Order of Remand (ARB May 1, 1998)HTML
Recommended Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Release and Dismissing the Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ May 21, 1998)HTML

Related matter: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Morrison Knudsen SGT, LLC; Confirmatory Order, 64 Fed. Reg. 53750 (Oct. 4, 1999)HTML

1997-ERA-35 Chaney v. Mobile Technology, Inc.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 8, 1997)(Daniel L. Stewart)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Oct. 20, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-36 Adjiri v. Emory University
Recomended Decision & Order Dismissing the Complaint (ALJ Aug. 12, 1997)(James W. Kerr, Jr.)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB July 14, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-37 Nason v. Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co.
Order Denying Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Aug. 12, 1997)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Order Denying Complainant's Motion for a Protective Order (ALJ Nov. 10, 1997)HTML
Order Denying Complainant's Renewed Request for a Preliminary Hearing (ALJ Nov. 12, 1997)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & General Release & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Feb. 26, 1998)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Mar. 20, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-38 Gale v. Ocean Imaging & Ocean Resources, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ July 10, 1998)(Ainsworth H. Brown)HTML
Recommended Order Awarding Attorney's Fees and Costs (ALJ Oct. 2, 1998)HTML
Final Decision & Order of Dismissal (ARB July 31, 2002)HTML

1997-ERA-39 Durakovic v. Department of Veterans Affairs
Recommended Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Aug. 28, 1997)(Robert D. Kaplan)HTML
Order to Show Cause (ARB Sept. 2, 1997)HTML
Order to Show Cause (ARB Sept. 5, 1997)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Sept. 16, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-40 Trice v. Barlett Nuclear, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Dec. 9, 1997)(Ralph A. Romano)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Aug. 28, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-41 Cartwright v. Lockheed Martin Utility Services, Inc.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 22, 1997)(Donald W. Mosser)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Oct. 31, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-42 Boschuk v. J & L Testing Co.
Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Jan. 24, 2000)(Daniel L. Leland)HTML
Erratum (ALJ Feb. 9, 2000)HTML

1997-ERA-43 Doody v. Centerior Energy
Order Regarding Respondent's Motion for a Protective Order Barring Production of Documents (ALJ July 15, 1997)HTML
Order Denying Complainant's Motion for Summary Judgment (ALJ July 22, 1997)HTML
Order (ALJ July 22, 1997)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 24, 2000)(Daniel J. Roketenetz)HTML
Final Order (ARB July 26, 2001)HTML

1997-ERA-44 Wright v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 12, 1998)(J. Michael O'Neill)HTML

1997-ERA-45 Thomas v. Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co.
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & General Release & Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Jan. 2, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Jan. 29, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-46 LaTorre v. Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Dec. 3, 1997)(Stuart A. Levin)HTML
Notice of Review & Order Establishing Briefing Schedule & Preliminary Order (ARB Dec. 17, 1997)HTML
Decision & Order of Remand (ARB Feb. 26, 1999)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 2, 1999)HTML

1997-ERA-47 Schaeffer v. Arctic Slope Inspection Services, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ May 26, 1998)(Donald W. Mosser)HTML

1997-ERA-48 Moody v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Order Approving Settlement & Approving Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ Dec. 9, 1998)(Paul H. Teitler)HTML

1997-ERA-49 Trimble v. Portland General Electric Co.
Recommended Order Approving Settlement & Dismissal of Complaint (ALJ Aug. 14, 1997)(John M. Vittone)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Aug. 27, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-50 Harris v. Tennessee Valley Authority
[consolidated with 97-ERA-26]
see 97-ERA-26 for orders

1997-ERA-51 Mcanena v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 10, 1999)(Richard A. Morgan)HTML

1997-ERA-52 Griffith v. Wackenhut Corp.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 22, 1998)(Ainsworth H. Brown)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Feb. 29, 2000)HTML

1997-ERA-53 Overall v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 1, 1998)(Clement J. Kennington)HTML
Order of Remand (ARB Apr. 27, 1998)HTML
Preliminary Order Granting Relief & Supplemental Order on Attorney's Fees & Costs (ALJ May 12, 1998)HTML
Final Decision and Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2001)HTML
Certification to the Sixth Circuit, Tennessee Valley Authority v. USDOL, No. 01-3724 (ARB Aug. 6, 2001)
Tennessee Valley Authority v. United States Secretary of Labor, 59 Fed. Appx. 732, No. 01-3724 (6th Cir. Mar. 6, 2003) (affirming DOL)

1997-ERA-54 Agosto v. Consolidated Edison of New York
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ July 27, 1998)(Jeffrey Tureck)HTML
[consolidated on review with 1996-ERA-2]
see 1996-ERA-2 for subsequent orders

1997-ERA-55 Alcala v. Hanford Environmental Health Foundation
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Nov. 20, 1997)(Donald B. Jarvis)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Dec. 16, 1997)HTML

1997-ERA-56 Foley v. Boston Edison Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Dec. 2, 1998)(Robert D. Kaplan)HTML
Order Denying Motion to Reopen the Record & Admit New Evidence (ARB Feb. 2, 1999)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Jan. 31, 2001)HTML

1997-ERA-57 Walzer v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.
[ consolidated with 1997-CAA-5 and 1998-ERA-18 ]
see 1997-CAA-5 for orders

1997-ERA-58 Wood v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
Recommended Decision & Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Oct. 28, 1997)(Lee J. Romero, Jr.)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB May 14, 1998)HTML

1997-ERA-59 Fiser v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Sept. 25, 1998)(Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.)HTML

1997-ERA-60 Davis v. SGN Eurisys Services
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ June 30, 1998)(Paul A. Mapes)HTML

1997-ERA-61 Justus v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 9, 1999)(Daniel L. Leland)HTML

1997-ERA-62 Smith v. Tennessee Valley Authority
[consolidated with 97-ERA-24]
see 97-ERA-24 for orders

1998 ERA

1998-ERA-1 Ernst v. Austin v. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 6, 1998)(Daniel L. Stewart)HTML

1998-ERA-2 Robarge v. Commonwealth Edison Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ June 10, 1998)(Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.)HTML

1998-ERA-3 Smyth v. Regents of the University of California, LANL
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Jan. 22, 1998)(Paul H. Teitler)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Mar. 13, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-4 Holbrook v. Flour Daniel Northwest, Inc.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 2, 1998)(Donald A. Jarvis)HTML
Corrected Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 16, 1998)HTML
Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ARB Mar. 24, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-5 McNeal v. The Foley Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ July 7, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
[consolidated with 98-ERA-14]

1998-ERA-6 Jackson v. Northeast Utilities Co.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 5, 1997)(David. W. Di Nardi)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB June 22, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-7 Degostin v. Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 1, 1997)(David. W. Di Nardi)HTML
Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Dec. 16, 1997)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB May 4, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-8 Staskelunas v. Northeast Utilitites Co.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 4, 1997)(David. W. Di Nardi)HTML
Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Dec. 16, 1997)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB May 4, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-9 Williams v. Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Recommended Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 16, 1998)(Ainsworth H. Brown)HTML
Final Order of Dismissal (ARB Jan. 21, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-10 Lewis v. Regents of the University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Apr. 30, 1998)(Richard K. Malamphy)HTML

1998-ERA-11 Hashim v. FirstEnergy Corp.
Recommended Decision & Order of Dismissal (ALJ Aug. 17, 1998)(Daniel L. Leland)HTML

1998-ERA-12 Didesch v. Scientech, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 26, 1998) (Donald W. Mosser)HTML

1998-ERA-13 Stambaugh v. Wills Eye Hospital
Order Approving Settlement & Approving Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ Mar. 16, 1998) (Robert D. Kaplan)HTML

1998-ERA-14 McNeal v. The Foley Co.
[consolidated with 98-ERA-5]
see 98-ERA-5 for orders

1998-ERA-15 Robinson v. Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Order of Dismissal (ALJ Apr. 2, 1998)(Ralph A. Romano)HTML

1998-ERA-16 Boyce v. Borg-Warner Protective Services Corp.
Entry of Dismissal With Prejudice (ALJ Nov. 24, 1998)(Robert L. Hillyard)HTML

1998-ERA-17 Crespin v. The Foley Co.
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Confidential Settlement Agreement & Release & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ May 19, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML

1998-ERA-18 Walzer v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.
[ consolidated with 1997-CAA-5 and 1997-ERA-57 ]
see 1997-CAA-5 for orders

1998-ERA-19 Gutierrez v. Regents of the University of California
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ June 9, 1999) (David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Attorney Fees (ALJ Aug. 16, 1999)HTML
Order Accepting Petition for Review & Establishing Briefing Schedule (ARB Nov. 8, 1999)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Nov. 13, 2002)HTML
Order Awarding Attorneys' Fee & Costs (ARB Feb. 6, 2004)HTML

1998-ERA-20 Raiszadeh v. Veterans Administration Medical Center
Recommended Decision & order Approving Settlement & Approving Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ Aug. 2, 1999)(Anne Beytin Torkington)HTML

1998-ERA-21 Homerosky v. Lockheed Martin Utility Service, Inc.
Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Nov. 13, 1998)(Gerald M. Tierney)HTML

1998-ERA-22 Makam v.Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 19, 1999)(Robert D. Kaplan)HTML
[ consolidated with 1998-ERA-26 ]
Final Decision & Order (ARB Jan. 30, 2001)HTML

1998-ERA-23 Smyth v. Johnson Controls World, Inc.
Order Regarding Complainant's Pre-hearing Report Filed July 20, 1998 (ALJ July 24, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 5, 1999)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB June 29, 2001)HTML

1998-ERA-24 Gaballa v. Carolina Power & Light Co.
[consolidated with 96-ERA-43]
see 96-ERA-43 for orders

1998-ERA-25 Degostin v. Northeast Utilities
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & General Release & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Jan. 13, 1999)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML

1998-ERA-26 Makam v.Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
[ consolidated with 1998-ERA-22 ]
see 98-ERA-22 for orders

1998-ERA-27 Webb v. Numanco, LLC
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ July 17, 1998)(Daniel J. Roketenetz)HTML
[consolidated with 98-ERA-28]
Final Order Approving Settlement, Dismissing Complaint, & Vacating Order of Administrative Law Judge (ARB Jan. 29, 1999)HTML

1998-ERA-28 Webb v. Commonwealth Edison
[consolidated with 98-ERA-27]
see 98-ERA-27 for orders

1998-ERA-29 Wita v. Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Order Approving Settlement and Approving Withdrawal of Complaint (ALJ Sept. 22, 1998)(Ralph A. Romano)HTML

1998-ERA-30 Ricketts v. Northeast Utilities Corp.
Order Denying Both Respondent Northeast Utilities Corporation's Motion for Summary Decision and Motion to Be Dismissed as a Party to this Action (ALJ Oct. 29, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Second Notice of Hearing and Pre-hearing Order and Order Establishing Filing Schedule for Pre-hearing Motions (ALJ Oct. 29, 1998)HTML
Order Granting in Part Respondent Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Plant's Motion for Partial Summary Decision (ALJ Jan. 4, 1999)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Confidential Settlement Agreement (ALJ July 16, 1999)HTML

1998-ERA-31 Hamby v. Carolina Power & Light, Inc.
Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Nov. 25, 1998)(Richard A. Morgan)HTML

1998-ERA-32 Bourland v. Burns International Security
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Sept. 14, 1999)(Donald W. Mosser)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Apr. 30, 2002)HTML

1998-ERA-33 Mastrianna v. Northeast Utilities Corp.
Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Claim With Prejudice (ALJ Oct. 26, 1998)(David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Order of Dismissal (ARB Sept. 13, 2000)HTML

1998-ERA-34 Smith v. Tennessee Valley Authority
Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 4, 1999)(Clement J. Kennington)HTML

1998-ERA-35 Glenn v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.
Recommended Decision & Order Partially Granting Respondent's Motion to Dismiss; &, Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ July 15, 1999) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm)HTML
[consolidated with 1998-ERA-50]

1998-ERA-36 Allen v. Williams Power Co.
Second Order Regarding Venue (Aug. 3, 1998) (David W. Di Nardi)HTML
Order Establishing Venue (ALJ Aug. 17, 1998)HTML
Order Denying Respondent William Power Co.'s Request to Take Testimony via Telephone (ALJ Aug. 17, 1998)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Approving Confidential Settlement Agreement & Release & Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Oct. 7, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-37 Graf v. Wackenhut Services LLC
Order Granting Motion to Quash Subpoena (ALJ Jan. 28, 1999) (Daniel L. Stewart)HTML
Order Granting Motion to Strike Witness (ALJ Jan. 28, 1999)HTML
Order Re: Motion to Compel & Drafting Protective Order (ALJ Feb. 1, 1999)HTML
Order Rescinding Motion to Strike Witness (ALJ Feb. 18, 1999)HTML
Protective Order (ALJ Feb. 18, 1999)HTML
Order Granting Motion to Compel (ALJ Mar. 10, 1999)HTML
Order Granting Motion to Compel, in Part & Granting Protective Order (ALJ Mar. 19, 1999)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Dec. 16, 1999)HTML
Notice of Case Closing (ARB Feb. 16, 2000)HTML
Order Granting Motion to Stay & Motion for Extension of Time (ALJ Apr. 26, 2000)HTML
Order of Recusal (ALJ Apr. 28, 2000)HTML
Recommended Supplemental Decision and Order Awarding Attorney Fees and Costs (ALJ Feb. 6, 2001) (John M. Vittone)HTML
Order Accepting Joint Stipulation to Dismiss with Prejudice (ARB Mar. 30, 2001)HTML

1998-ERA-38 Snowder v. Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.
Recommended Order Granting Voluntary Dismissal (ALJ Aug. 14, 1998) (Paul A. Mapes)HTML

1998-ERA-39 Patrick v. Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 4, 1999) (Paul H. Teitler)HTML

1998-ERA-40 Williams v. Lockheed Martin Corp.
Order (ALJ July 23, 1998) (Rudolf L. Jansen)HTML
Notice of Hearing & Prehearing Order (ALJ Aug. 24, 1998)HTML
Order (ALJ Oct. 21, 1998)HTML
Recommended Order Granting Summary Decision (ALJ Nov. 2, 1998)HTML
Order (ALJ Nov. 3, 1998)HTML
Order (ALJ Nov. 20, 1998)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Granting Summary Decision (ALJ Mar. 22, 1999)HTML
[consolidated with 98-ERA-42]
Order (ARB July 13, 1999)HTML
Final Decision & Order (ARB Sept. 29, 2000)HTML

1998-ERA-41 Coleman v. Duquesne Light Co.
Recommended Order Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Oct. 20, 1998) (Michael P. Lesniak)HTML

1998-ERA-42 Farver v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
[consolidated with 98-ERA-40]
see 98-ERA-40 for orders

1998-ERA-43 Lappa v. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Order of Dismissal (ALJ July 17, 1998)(John M. Vittone)HTML

1998-ERA-44 Stoner v. General Physics Corp.
Ruling & Order on Respondents' Motions for Dismissal & Order to Show Cause Why Dismissal for Failure to Comply with Procedure Should Not Be Granted (ALJ Sept. 4, 1998) (Richard A. Morgan)HTML
Recommended Dismissal Order (ALJ Oct. 21, 1998)HTML

1998-ERA-45 Hodgin v. Fluor Daniel Northwest, Inc.
[Consolidated with 1998-ERA-46, 47 and 48]
Order Denying Request for Stay (ALJ Aug. 20, 1999)(Alexander Karst)HTML
Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 16, 2000)HTML

1998-ERA-46 Jaymes v. Fluor Daniel Northwest, Inc.
[Consolidated with 1998-ERA-46, 47 and 48]
See 1998-ERA-45 for orders

1998-ERA-47 Brundridge v. Fluor Daniel Northwest, Inc.
[Consolidated with 1998-ERA-46, 47 and 48]
See 1998-ERA-45 for orders

1998-ERA-48 Richardson v. Fluor Daniel Northwest, Inc.
[Consolidated with 1998-ERA-46, 47 and 48]
See 1998-ERA-45 for orders

1998-ERA-49 Anderson v. ICF Kaiser Hanford Co.
[Consolidated with 1996-ERA-31]
See 1996-ERA-31 for orders

1998-ERA-50 Glenn v. Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc.
[consolidated with 1998-ERA-35]
see 1998-ERA-35 for orders