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Your Environment. Your Health.

For Educators

Educational Materials


Keyword Description Grade Level
Cancer Cancer and the Environment(699KB)     9-12 12+
Disease Environmental Diseases: Environmental Diseases From A to Z (English)(4MB)   5-8 9-12  
EMF EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power(11MB)     9-12 12+
Genetics You and Your Genes - Making it in a Tough Environment(286KB)   5-8 9-12  
Notebooks Guide to Keeping Laboratory Notebooks - 2002(75KB)   5-8 9-12  
Ozone Ozone Alerts(601KB)     9-12 12+
Prevention A Family Guide - 20 Easy Steps to Personal Environmental Health Now(350KB)       12+

Fact Sheets

Keyword Description Grade Level
Asthma Allergens and Irritants - 1998     9-12 12+
Cancer Environmental Factors and Breast Cancer Risk(1016KB)       12+
Cancer The Report on Carcinogens (RoC)       12+
Children New Directions in Children's Environmental Health Research(2MB)       12+
Children's Health NIEHS/EPA Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers(1MB)       12+
Endocrine Endocrine Disruptors(1004KB)       12+
Lead Lead and Your Health(1MB)     9-12 12+
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Safety Assessment  National Toxicology Program     9-12 12+
Oceans Oceans of Discovery: How the study of oceans and lakes can improve people's health(1004KB)     9-12 12+
Phones Studies on Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted by Cellular Phones       12+
Risk NTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction(99KB)       12+
Toxicology The NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods(80KB)       12+


Keyword Description Grade Level
Air Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Indoor Air(196KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Air Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Indoor Air (Arabic)(361KB) This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Food Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Food Safety - 2001(345KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Lead Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Heavy Metals - 2001(188KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Pesticides Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Pest Control (English)(310KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Pesticides Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Pest Control (Arabic)(352KB) This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Poison Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Look-A-Likes - 2001(209KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Poison Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Look-A-Likes (Arabic) - 2001(303KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Water Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Indoor Water (English)(269KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  
Water Healthy Homes = Healthy Kids: Indoor Water (Arabic)(639KB) This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings. K-4 5-8 9-12  

Interviews with Scientists/Researchers

For Educators

Interviews with Scientists/Researchers

Keyword Description Grade Level
Ecologist What is a Wetland Ecologist?   5-8 9-12  
Environmental Analyst What is an Environmental Analyst?   5-8 9-12  
Growth Biologist What is a Growth Biologist?   5-8 9-12  
Lung Doctor What is a Lung Doctor?   5-8 9-12  
Microbiologist What is a Microbiologist?   5-8 9-12  
Profession Meet the Experts: Environmental Health     9-12 12+
Profession Scientist Video Interviews     9-12 12+


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Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Keyword Description Grade Level
Alcohol Toxicity Testing with California Blackworms: Alcohol(419KB) Toxicology is a fundamental component of the scientific study of environmental health. This classroom experiment teaches students about the basic concepts of toxicology, including dose-response and exposure, through observing the effects of a toxicant (ethanol) on the behavior of California blackworms. This teacher's guide provides background information, laboratory instructions, discussion questions, and variations and supplemental activities for conducting the experiment.   5-8 9-12  
Bacteria Guide to Plating Bacteria Using Sterile Technique - 2001(35KB) Bacteria are useful in a variety of classroom science experiments. This activity teaches the basic laboratory techniques for growing bacteria in Petri dishes. This guide consists of a teacher version and a student version of the instructions.   5-8 9-12  
Cancer Good Cells Gone Bad - 2001(102KB) This activity teaches students about the cellular changes that lead to cancer. It provides an overview of the prevalence of cancer, cell structure, and function, and a classroom activity and worksheet that reinforce lessons about cellular structure and the differences between cancer cells and normal cells.   5-8 9-12  
Climate Change This module is intended to promote student discovery and learning about the complex interactions between climate change, the environment and human health. Using content from the US Global Change Research Programā€™s 2016 report, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment (CHA, 2016), students are prompted to describe the impacts of changing climatic conditions on human health with emphasis on vulnerable populations and apply systems thinking to create a visual model of the various health implications arising from climate change.     9-12 12+
Community Community Action and the Environment - Can You Help Save the Environment?(611KB) This booklet, with an accompanying video, provides an overview of environmental pollution and ways in which citizens may contribute to the study and alleviation of pollution problems. It provides descriptions of and resources for four assignments that reinforce scientific methods for studying environmental problems. The first assignment encourages students to observe their local environment and think about potential sources of pollution. The second introduces the concept of disease clusters and demonstrates the concepts of probability and statistical distributions. The third assignment encourages group discussion of local environmental issues and requires students to learn about local environmental authorities and utilities. The fourth encourages critical thinking about local and global environmental problems. The booklet also includes a list of recommended printed and Internet resources.     9-12  
Disease Cluster Busters: A Game of Disease Mystery Solving(632KB) A Game of Disease Mystery Solving Scenario: Dr. Wanda B. Better (Infant Pulmonary Hemorrhage)     9-12  
Disease Growth and Disease - 2001(123KB) The spread of diseases continues to be an important public health concern in the United States and abroad. Teaching accurate information about the nature and consequences of the growth and spread of disease is essential for helping students protect their own health and the health of others. This lesson aims to provide such information through four learning activities that address the following subjects: the spread of viruses, antibiotic action and microbial resistance to drugs, the spread and control of parasitic organisms, and the probability of contracting diseases. The teaching materials package includes an overview of the entire lesson and a description of the objectives, performance tasks, class structure, procedures, and evaluation of each activity.     9-12  
Environmental Justice Issues    Race to Find the Cure: Isolation of Chemicals from Plant Leaves(68KB) In this short activity, students view an excerpt from the 1998 film A Civil Action, which is based on the 1996 non-fiction account of a water contamination case in Woburn, Massachusetts. After viewing the film, students assume the role of environmental scientists and apply their knowledge of water and hazardous waste contamination to create a plan to help lawyer, Jan Schlichtmann, try the case. This activity can be used as an assessment piece to determine your students' understanding of the many variables influencing water quality studies, especially when health risks are involved.
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, Social studies, History, Civics, Economics 
  5-8 9-12  
Environmental Justice Issues    Introducing Students to Environmental Justice: A North Carolina Case Study(184KB) In this activity, students will be introduced to environmental justice by considering a North Carolina case study that involved a hazardous waste landfill and is often credited with launching the national environmental justice movement. This lesson follows the 5E inquiry model, using engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation to promote student learning.
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, Social studies, History, Civics, Economics 
  5-8 9-12  
Environmental Justice Issues    Water: Muddle Up and Clean Up(305KB) In this activity, adapted from the lesson "There Is No Point to This Pollution" in the Water Quality Educators Guide by Healthy Water, Healthy People, students use critical thinking to predict how water becomes polluted. This activity is designed to safely model the ways in which pollutants and hazardous chemicals may react when they reach water and the cumulative effect of land uses on water quality. Common household items (food coloring, vegetable oil and corn syrup) represent pollutants and also hazardous chemicals that are commonly found at hazardous waste sites, including Superfund sites, across the country. By simulating the contamination of water by various kinds of chemicals, students are introduced to current information on hazardous waste sites in North Carolina and the clean up techniques being employed.
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, Social studies, History, Civics, Economics 
  5-8 9-12  
Microorganisms University of Rochester Summer Science Camp--Microorganisms - 1999(361KB) A collection of 12 experiments and activities related to microorganisms in plant life, blood cells and skin cells, including an at-home activity. They were developed for use at the University of Rochester's 1999 Summer Science Camp for students in grades 5 through 8.     9-12  
Nicotine Toxicity Testing with California Blackworms: Nicotine(337KB) Toxicology is a fundamental component of the scientific study of environmental health. This classroom experiment teaches students about the basic concepts of toxicology, including dose-response, and exposure, through observing the effects of a toxicant (nicotine) on the behavior of California blackworms. This teacher's guide provides background information, laboratory instructions, discussion questions, and variations and supplemental activities for conducting the experiment.   5-8 9-12  
Nuclear Nuclear Energy: the Good, the Bad, and the Debatable(479KB) curriculum booklet   5-8 9-12  
Plants Race to Find the Cure: Isolation of Chemicals from Plant Leaves(68KB) Many important pharmaceuticals and other chemicals are derived from plants. This classroom experiment teaches students about the isolation of plant chemicals using chromatography. Students apply different mixtures of spinach extract, beet leaf extract, and food coloring to strips of filter paper; observe the separation of the components of the mixtures; and extract the isolated components from the filter paper using water. This package of materials includes a teacher's guide, student instructions and notes, and discussion questions and answers.     9-12  
Pesticides Isolation of Naturally Occurring Pesticides: In this classroom experiment, students learn principles of biology, environmental science, and ecology by observing the effects on fruit flies of naturally occurring pesticides, such as those found in various spices and flowers. This teacher's guide provides background information, a list of necessary materials, preparation instructions, and recommendations for variations on the experiment.
Risk Risk Management - 2001(97KB) The purpose of this lesson is to investigate risk management, in order to prepare students to analyze risks and make informed choices based on their analyses. Using four learning activities, students in grades 9-12 build conceptual understanding, scientific investigation and practical reasoning while developing and using reading, writing, and mathematics.     9-12  
Risk Risk Management and Health Care - 2001(112KB) An understanding of health care is critical for maintaining one's own health. This lesson aims to identify and investigate health care issues so that students maintain good health.       9-12  
Risk Risk Management: Health Risks - 2001(96KB) An understanding of health care is critical for maintaining one's own health. This lesson aims to help students identify and investigate health risks through four learning activities that address the following subjects: common causes of death, evaluation of personal daily health risks, health risks of substance abuse, and stress and mental health. The teaching materials package includes an overview of the entire lesson and a description of the objectives, performance tasks, class structure, procedures, and evaluation of each activity.     9-12  
Tobacco Tobacco Induced Mutations - 2001(562KB) Toxicology is a fundamental component of environmental health science. This classroom activity teaches about the basic concepts of toxicology as well as the scientific method and laboratory techniques by observing the mutagenic effects of tobacco on bacteria. Students prepare plates of bacteria and observe the effects on the colonies of the addition of varying concentrations of tobacco extract. The package of materials includes a teacher's guide, student instructions, student and class (pooled) data sheets, and discussion questions.     9-12  

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Keyword Description Grade Level
Carbon Monoxide What Could It Be, Beverly? K-4 5-8    
Chemicals What's Wrong Whiskers? K-4 5-8    
ETS Mama Didn't Know K-4 5-8    
Lead  Bradley & the Bad Pb K-4 5-8    
Safety Read the Label, Mabel K-4 5-8    
Stewardship Sharon Cleans Up! K-4 5-8    
Water Water, the Neverending Story K-4 5-8    

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Training Programs

Training Programs

Keyword Description Grade Level
Careers Environmental and Occupational Health Science Institute: Toxicology, Health and Environmental Disease High School Summer Program This one-week program offers students opportunities to participate in a variety of laboratory activities such as DNA isolation, cell culture, cytotoxicity studies, etc. and learn about careers in medicine, pharmacy, toxicology, environmental science, and research.
Piscataway, NJ
K-4 5-8 9-12  
Careers Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory's High School Fellowships
High school students (primarily from Maine) participate in 6 to 8 weeks of intensive, hands-on research under the guidance of scientist/mentors. Students work in the laboratory--conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results, and also attend meetings and seminars.
Location: Salisbury Cove, ME
Careers Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory's Undergraduate Fellowships
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory offers undergraduates two 8-10 week summer research programs that provide hands-on research training in the biological and biomedical sciences: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, and Maine IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence.
Location: Salisbury Cove, ME
Careers University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center's High School Program
  University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center's Undergraduate Program
This program provides students with interactive and fulfilling research experience in various laboratories and with very prestigious mentors at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Location: Smithville, TX
    9-12 12+
Training University of Texas's Annual Environmental Health Sciences Institute for K-12 Educators
Description: This free summer program offers an extensive variety of workshops for K-12 educators, pursuing the connections between health and the environment. Learn how to help students use scientific inquiry to develop an understanding of the mechanisms that affect the environment and our health. K-12 curricular materials will be featured from a network of institutions nationwide focusing on cancer, genetics, cell biology, indoor and outdoor air pollution, lead poisoning, water quality and toxicology. All workshops are facilitated by educators, scientists, and classroom teachers.
Location: Austin, Texas, USA.
K-4 5-8 9-12 12+
Training and Careers University of Rochester's Outreach Program at Life Science Learning Center (LSLC)
LSLC offers professional development workshops on a variety of topics to give educators experience with cutting-edge science technologies. LSLC also offers science camps to students during school breaks, and field trips for high school and middle school students.
Location: Rochester, NY
  5-8 9-12  

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