U.S. Congressman MIKE POMPEO, Representing the 4th District of Kansas

Vote Record

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DateRC#BillQuestionVoteBill Name
1/13 59 S. 84 On Passage Not Voting A bill to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.
1/12 54 H.R. 238 On Passage Not Voting Commodity End-User Relief Act
1/12 53 H.R. 238 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Not Voting Commodity End-User Relief Act
1/12 51 H.R. 78 On Passage Not Voting SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
1/12 50 H.R. 78 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Not Voting SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
1/11 45 H.R. 5 On Passage Not Voting Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017
1/11 44 H.R. 5 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Not Voting Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017
1/11 34 H.R. 39 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Not Voting TALENT Act of 2017
1/11 33 H.Res. 40 On Agreeing to the Resolution Not Voting Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 78) to improve the consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of its regulations and orders; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) to reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, to better protect futures customers, to provide end-users with market certainty, to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and accountability at the Commission, to help farmers, ranchers, and end-users manage risks, to help keep consumer costs low, and for other purposes; and for other purposes.
1/11 32 H.Res. 40 On Ordering the Previous Question Not Voting Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 78) to improve the consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of its regulations and orders; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) to reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, to better protect futures customers, to provide end-users with market certainty, to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and accountability at the Commission, to help farmers, ranchers, and end-users manage risks, to help keep consumer costs low, and for other purposes; and for other purposes.
1/10 31 H.R. 79 On Passage Not Voting HALOS Act
1/10 28 Journal On Approving the Journal Not Voting
1/10 27 H.Res. 33 On Agreeing to the Resolution Not Voting Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to reform the process by which Federal agencies analyze and formulate new regulations and guidance documents, to clarify the nature of judicial review of agency interpretations, to ensure complete analysis of potential impacts on small entities of rules, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 79) to clarify the definition of general solicitation under Federal securities law.
1/10 26 H.Res. 33 On Ordering the Previous Question Not Voting Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to reform the process by which Federal agencies analyze and formulate new regulations and guidance documents, to clarify the nature of judicial review of agency interpretations, to ensure complete analysis of potential impacts on small entities of rules, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 79) to clarify the definition of general solicitation under Federal securities law.
1/9 25 H.R. 304 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Not Voting To amend the Controlled Substances Act with regard to the provision of emergency medical services.
1/9 24 H.R. 315 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Not Voting To amend the Public Health Service Act to distribute maternity care health professionals to health professional shortage areas identified as in need of maternity care health services.
1/5 23 H.R. 26 On Passage Not Voting Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017
1/5 22 H.R. 26 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Not Voting Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017
1/5 11 H.Res. 11 On Agreeing to the Resolution Not Voting Objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace, and for other purposes.
1/5 10 H.Res. 22 On Agreeing to the Resolution Not Voting Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 26) to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law, and providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 11) objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace, and for other purposes.
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