<% '********************************************************* 'Do not edit anything in this box Dim SmallURL, AgencyName, ContactUsURL, FOIAURL, AgencyTagLine, UseAgencyLink, UseSearchBox, TemplateUse, ContactPhone, ContactTTY Dim SearchText, SearchURL, FAQURL, Montage, MontageWidth, MontageHeight, SearchBoxName, AgencyAcronym, MontageCopyright, TagStyle Dim CrumbText(10) Dim CrumbLink(10) Dim FindItText(10) Dim FindItLink(10) Dim objFSO, NoSlash, objOpenFile, FileNoSlash, NoHTML Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") TheSlash = InStrRev(request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/") NoSlash = Len(request.ServerVariables("URL")) - InStrRev(request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/") ' sem 6/19/02 - fix problem with filenames containing invalid chars (",", "&", ...) 'FileNoSlash = Server.MapPath(request.ServerVariables("URL")) & ".meta" ' original line if TheSlash > 0 then dim URL URL = request.ServerVariables("URL") FileNoSlash = Server.MapPath(left(URL, TheSlash)) & "\" & mid(URL, TheSlash + 1) & ".meta" else FileNoSlash = Server.MapPath(request.ServerVariables("URL")) & ".meta" end if ' sem 6/19/02 - end of modifications If objFSO.FileExists(FileNoSlash) then Set objOpenFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileNoSlash, 1) Do while not objOpenFile.AtEndOfStream NoHTML = objOpenFile.ReadLine & chr(13) & chr(10) NoHTML = replace(NoHTML, "", "") NoHTML = replace(NoHTML, "", "") NoHTML = replace(NoHTML, "", "") NoHTML = replace(NoHTML, "", "") response.write NoHTML Loop end if Set objOpenFile = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing '********************************************************* ' sem 6/13/02 - Spider program can dynamically change the following line ' after analyzing a page. If it finds links to "non-global" pages, ' then the page is a primary page. Global pages are home, faq, ' search, etc. Enter a value and the spider will leave it alone. TemplateUse = "primary" ' primary or destination AgencyName = "Office of Administrative Law Judges" AgencyAcronym = "oalj" AgencyTagLine = "" TagStyle = "italics" ' italics or normal SmallURL = "www.oalj.dol.gov" FAQURL = "/OALJFAQ.HTM" SearchText = "Advanced Search" SearchURL = "/PUBLIC/ARCHITEX/ADVANCED_SEARCH.HTM" ContactUsURL = "/ADDRESS.HTM" ContactPhone = "1-866-4-USA-DOL" ContactTTY = "1-877-889-5627" FOIAURL = "http://www.dol.gov/dol/foia/main.htm" UseAgencyLink = "no" ' yes or no UseSearchBox = "yes" ' yes or no SearchBoxName = "FullText" Montage = "/IMAGES/HEADER-MONTAGE2.JPG" MontageWidth = "356" MontageHeight = "60" MontageCopyright = "Photos representing the workforce - Digital Imagery copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc." CrumbText(0) = "DOL Home" CrumbLink(0) = "http://www.dol.gov" CrumbText(1) = "OALJ Home" CrumbLink(1) = "http://www.oalj.dol.gov" CrumbText(2) = "Exit Page" CrumbLink(2) = "" ' sem 6/13/02 - spider program will try to dynamically change in the ' CrumbText(x) = "Administrative Review Board" ' value based on what folder the page is in ' sem 6/10/02 - may need to escape URL passed to printdoc.asp if filename has spaces ' sem 6/13/02 - spider program may replace the following section if it determines ' the page is a primary page. Primary pages do not have FindIt bars. FindItText(0) = "" FindItLink(0) = "" %>
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