Supervision and examinations

Conducting examinations is one of our key tools to ensure that supervised entities are complying with federal consumer financial law.

The CFPB Supervision and Examination Manual

The Supervision and Examination Manual is our guide for examiners to use in overseeing companies that provide consumer financial products or services. The manual describes how we supervise and examine these companies and gives our examiners direction on how to assess compliance with federal consumer financial laws.

We released Version 2.0 of the manual in October 2012. Since then, we have released new chapters and/or updated chapters, as listed below. Please review the list below to make sure that you are referencing the most recent version of the chapter that you are interested in.

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The Supervision and Examination Manual

CFPB Supervision and Examination Manual – Version 2.0

Updates to the manual

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ECOA baseline review procedures

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Baseline Review Modules will be used by examiners during ECOA baseline reviews to identify and analyze risks of ECOA violations, to facilitate the identification of certain types of ECOA and Regulation B violations, and to inform fair lending prioritization decisions for future CFPB reviews.


Please note: This Supervision and Examination Manual provides internal guidance to our supervisory staff. It does not bind the CFPB and does not create any rights, benefits, or defenses, substantive or procedural, that are enforceable by any party in any manner. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, examination procedures should not be relied on as a legal reference.