U.S. Representative Ed Royce

39th District of California

Millions of visitors flock each year to Washington, D.C. in hopes of seeing the many historic sites that surround this great city and catching a glimpse of our democratic government in action. If you are planning a trip, let Rep. Royce welcome you to our nation's capital and provide you with some helpful tourist information. Rep. Royce can help arrange special tours of some of the sites around Washington, D.C. To arrange these special tours, you may use this link to fill out the form to make a tour request online or contact Rep. Royce's Tour Coordinator in the Brea office at (714) 255-0101. Please note that many tour locations, especially during peak tour season, will fill up six months in advance.  Please keep this in mind while planning your trip.  Also, please contact the Brea office at (714) 255-0101 to confirm that your tour request, submitted online, was received. 

**Important notice: Due to the high volume of White House tour requests for spring and summer the White House is issuing extremely delayed responses.  If you requested a tour of the White House please be aware that tour confirmation letters sent from Rep. Royce's office may be delayed significantly.  If you would like to check on the status of your tour request please contact the Tour Coordinator in Rep. Royce's Brea office at (714) 255-0101.  Please note, no tours are guaranteed. 

Request tour reservations online:

Online Tour Reservation Form
Use this form to submit your tour requests online. To confirm that your tour request has been received, please contact my Brea office at (714) 255-0101. Also, if this is a request for a school group please contact my Washington, DC tour coordinator at (202) 225-4111 for the correct form.

** Important notice: Due to high volume and restrictions for individual and group tours of the White House, no tours are guaranteed, even if submitted the recommended 6 months in advance of your tour date. Please contact the Tour Coordinator in my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-4111 if you have any questions or concerns regarding White House, or any other, tours.

Helpful links:

Royce's Guide to DC
An exclusive guide to Washington D.C. including Monuments, Smithsonian’s, and much more

General Washington, DC tour tips from Rep. Royce
Review his suggestions before you and your family travel to our nation's capital.

Washington, DC tourist information
Information on tours and points of interest in the Washington, DC area.

Information on the National Cherry Blossom Festival
The Cherry Blossom Festival is an annual highlight each spring in the nation's capital. Check the festival's official site for more information.

Maps of the DC area

Visiting Washington DC post-Sept. 11th
Rep. Royce offers suggestions and updates on changes in security.