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Jan 17, 2017

letter to u.s. department of justice inspector general the honorable michael e. horowitz regarding a review of the investigation into sec. clinton’s private email server

Jan 17, 2017

letter to u.s. department of homeland security secretary the honorable jeh c. johnson regarding an attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall

Jan 17, 2017

letter to u.s. department of homeland security inspector general the honorable john roth regarding an attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall

Jan 13, 2017

letter to national institute of health director dr. frances s. collins, m.d., ph.d. regarding the national institute of health’s funding of the international agency for research on cancer

Jan 13, 2017

letter to national archives and records administration archivist the honoralbe david s. ferriero regarding the national institute of health’s funding of the international agency for research on cancer

Jan 13, 2017

letter to the federal bureau of investigation director the honorable james b. comey regarding regarding investigation of sec. clinton’s emails

Jan 13, 2017

letter to u.s. department of homeland security secretary the honorable jeh c. johnson regarding the national cybersecurity protection system

Jan 10, 2017

Letter to 18 federal agencies regarding the hiring of civil service positions

Jan 10, 2017

Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry regarding violence in Mexico

Jan 9, 2017

letter to u.s. department of state secretary john f. kerry regarding UN Security council resolution 2334