Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Home Page Tabs

Dec 14 2020
“It’s inspiring to see the next generation create such an innovative approach to connecting novice business owners. Focusing on and developing these skills at such a young age will help set the foundation for a strong future in the business venture field."
Dec 8 2020
“Our servicemembers and their families deserve our full support, and today we honored their work by authorizing a 3% raise, in addition to making child care more affordable and accessible to military families on bases."
Dec 8 2020
“It’s an honor to serve as a leader of the Progressive Caucus – the largest Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives – and especially to represent America’s workers as the Vice Chair for Labor."
Dec 4 2020
“It’s an honor for me to serve in a leadership role on the Steering and Policy Committee for the fourth consecutive year. In my role, I can help shape our agenda for working families and ensure that committees are well-balanced with my colleagues from New Jersey."

Rep. Norcross Discusses Importance of Living Donor Kidney Transplants

Oct 28, 2020

Rep. Norcross sits down via Zoom with Gloucester County Freeholder Heather Simmons and National Kidney Foundation Advocacy Award Winner Jason Nothdurft to discuss the importance of living donor kidney transplants and to raise awareness.

Rep. Norcross Talks National Coming Out Day

Oct 11, 2020

Rep. Norcross sits down via Zoom with Dr. Todd Levin of of Jefferson Health in New Jersey and Christian Fuscarino of Garden State Equality to discuss National Coming Out Day 2020.