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Congressman Ron Kind

Representing the 3rd District of Wisconsin
  • Rep. Kind's RESPONSE Act Signed into Law

    We are making great strides to make our Wisconsin communities safer and hold big railroad companies accountable for their actions.
  • Concerned about Russian interference in US elections?

    Read the unclassified report our intelligence agencies presented to President Obama and President-Elect Trump.
  • Looking for help after flooding & Severe Weather

    If you or someone you know is looking for help or has questions call my office at 1-888-442-8040.
  • Rep. Kind's Jason Simcakoski PROMISE Act Signed into Law

    We have made a significant step forward in giving veterans and their families the accountability they deserve and putting an end to the over prescription and reliance on highly addictive pain medication.
  • Securing the Future of Wisconsin Dairy

    My comprehensive plan works to fix some of the problems that dairy farmers are currently facing and provide some relief for the drop in dairy prices.
  • Closing the Slave, Forced, and Child Labor Loophole

    President Obama signed my legislation to work towards ending the exploitation of workers around the world into law.

Latest News

November 29, 2016 Press Release

Today U.S. Rep. Ron Kind’s legislation to increase rail safety and provide needed resources for first responders, the RESPONSE Act, passed unanimously out of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The bill is now headed to the Senate for final vote and then will be signed by the President.

November 16, 2016 Press Release

Today, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind sent a letter to the Chairman of BNSF Railway requesting they answer a number of questions about what safety measures they have in place for severe weather. In September heavy rains caused a BNSF train to derail near Ferryville, WI, spilling about 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel near the Mississippi River.

November 11, 2016 Press Release

Today, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind joined local veterans, students, and teachers at Menomonie Middle School to celebrate Veterans Day and recognize the contributions of Wisconsin veterans.  

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