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  • Dallas Morning News: House approves Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s bill to memorialize long-forgotten Texas Legation in Washington

    Six weeks out from what’s slated to be one of the most contentious elections ever, Texans in the House have achieved the monumental task of uniting that chamber in bipartisan agreement over the need to honor a long-forgotten piece of Texana. So far back is that history, in fact, it predates the Lone Star State itself.
  • Rep. Doggett speaks on the House Floor - Honoring Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    I spoke on the House floor in remembrance of the incredible Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—and on the ways the President and his Senate GOP enablers increasingly threaten our democracy.
  • Austin American-Statesman: Doggett: Safeguarding the post box and the ballot box

    We all depend upon the United States Postal Service (USPS). Until recently, it has enjoyed broad, bipartisan political support. On Saturday, I expect the House to approve the Delivering for America Act, of which I am a sponsor. This simple, three-page bill, modestly requires USPS to uphold the standards existing last January combined with an appropriation, which the Trump-appointed Board of Governors previously requested to fund postal operations.
  • San Antonio Express-News: Doggett: Trump fails the COVID-19 response test

    Let’s join with compassion and thoughtful actions to soften the blows of coronavirus. Working together to overcome this catastrophe requires understanding how we got here.
  • CNN: Congressman demands to see formula used by Trump administration to ration coronavirus drug

    The chairman of a key congressional health subcommittee is demanding to see the formula used by the federal government to ration remdesivir, an experimental drug shown to speed the recovery of coronavirus patients. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat who chairs the House Ways and Means health subcommittee, said on Tuesday that the government’s “distribution of remdesivir seems akin to winning the lottery — a random stroke of luck rather than a medically-informed decision.”


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