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Congressman Joe Courtney

Representing the 2nd District of Connecticut

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January 17, 2017 Op-Ed
Eastern Connecticut’s economy has always been closely linked with open access to the sea. A vast array of economic activities in our region, ranging from recreational boating to commercial maritime transportation, shipbuilding, the Coast Guard Academy, and the Naval Submarine Base in Groton all rely on transit to and from Long Island Sound. This vital access to the sea requires regular dredging of shipping channels and navigable waterways to sustain passable access to our ports.
January 13, 2017 Press Release
“One of the top priorities for my staff and I is to work one-on-one with constituents who struggle with federal agencies,” said Courtney. “Almost every day we hear from a local resident who faces a crisis in their life because government red tape prevents them from receiving their hard-earned benefits. Whether we are helping to secure retroactive benefits for a retired veteran, or helping a young family obtain a mortgage modification, each of these cases is about more than a dollar figure – they are real people trying to make ends meet, and I am proud that we are able to help make that happen. I urge any eastern Connecticut resident facing difficulty when working with the federal government to contact my office to see if we can be of assistance.”
January 11, 2017 Press Release
“The F-35 joint strike fighter program received a major boost today when ten brand new jets were deployed to the U.S. Marines operating in Japan,” said the members. “The vertical take-off jets delivered today combine a unique set of technologies including stealth, highly specialized radar, and electronic warfare systems that are unrivaled by any other aircraft in the world. It has taken years of hard work by the aerospace industry and our military leaders to get this program on track and on a path of declining costs. The simple fact of the matter is that there is no other aircraft in production today that can compare with the F-35’s advanced avionics, networked capabilities and integrated stealth.”