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Congressman Salud Carbajal

Representing the 24th District of California

Latest News

January 17, 2017 Press Release

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-CA) released the following statement on his decision to attend the Presidential Inauguration:

From the moment he takes office, I want the President-elect to know there are Members in Congress fighting for communities who will be greatly harmed by his misguided policy proposals and we will not be ignored.

January 13, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA) announced his appointment to the House Committee on Budget. The Committee on Budget is responsible for drafting an annual concurrent resolution that provides a Congressional framework for spending and revenue levels, the federal surplus or deficit, and public debt.

January 12, 2017 Press Release

Washington – Today, President Obama announced the expansion of the existing California Coastal National Monument. This expansion includes coastal sites proposed for protection in legislation introduced by members of the California Congressional delegation in 2015, led by former Congresswoman Lois Capps.

January 11, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal announced his appointment to the House Committee on Armed Services (HASC).

January 3, 2017 Press Release

Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA) was sworn into serve his first term in the 115th Congress representing the 24th Congressional District.

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