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Obamacare Repeal and Replace

The narrative that Republicans have offered no plan to replace Obamacare is false. I encourage you to review the replacement plans that have been introduced since 2010.
Obamacare Repeal and Replace feature image

Help Me #CUTtheCODE in the 115th Congress

Our Code of Federal Regulations is filled with ridiculous rules, and truly unnecessary, overly burdensome regulations that are stunting economic growth across the country.
Help Me #CUTtheCODE in the 115th Congress feature image

Opioid Abuse Resources

It is hard to find an issue that impacts every community in the United States, but the opioid abuse epidemic does. Click for a list of available resources.
Opioid Abuse Resources feature image

Important Wildfire Resources for #CO3

View critical information and resources about active fires in Colorado's 3rd District.
Photo of Ox Cart Fire in Rio Grande National Forest

  • Energy, Environment and Public Lands

    Zapata Falls - photo by C.Meinhart

    I strongly support an all-of-the-above approach to energy development, while upholding responsible environmental safeguards. Responsible U.S. energy development will grow our economy and strengthen our national security.

  • Agriculture

    Agriculture  thumbnail image

    Farming and ranching is the cornerstone of rural Colorado's economy, and it has always been an integral part of our way of life.

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