Congressman Chris Stewart

Representing the 2nd District of Utah
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Jan 13, 2017 Press Release
With the beginning of the new 115th Congress, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) has been given new subcommittee assignments on the House Appropriations Committee. He will now serve on the following subcommittees:
Jan 13, 2017 Press Release
Today, the House of Representatives passed a resolution that allows Congress to begin the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Following its passage, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) released the following statement:
Jan 11, 2017 Press Release
Today, the U.S. Department of Interior released their results of a year long review of the nation’s federal coal program. The report represents part of the final attempt by an outgoing administration to regulate America’s vast energy reserves so much so that they are economically unviable.
Jan 10, 2017 Press Release
Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence announced that Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) will serve as the Chairman of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee.
Jan 10, 2017 Press Release
Congressman Chris Stewart (R-Utah) is hosting a Valentine’s Day Card Drive to thank and honor our Utah veterans.

In The News

Jul 27, 2016 In The News

Many times over the course of President Obama’s second term, I have stood on the House floor and made an obvious but important observation. Our Founding Fathers got it right.

Jul 11, 2016 In The News

In July 2015, Garfield County was forced to declare a state of emergency based on rapidly declining school enrollment.

Mar 8, 2016 In The News
Washington D.C. has a funny habit of using an emergency as an excuse to spend more money while also growing the size and power of government. This often results in more bloated bureaucracy and wasted tax dollars. The President’s Zika request may be an example of this. He recently asked Congress for $1.9 billion to fight the Zika Virus. Yes, the Zika outbreak is a serious concern. But 1.9 billion dollars is a lot of money. His request is also far too broad, and could in fact allow him to direct money to programs and activities that have nothing to do with Zika.
Nov 12, 2015 In The News
I have the great honor of serving on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, a responsibility that requires that I spend a lot of time in very troubled and chaotic parts of the world. During these travels, I see U.S. military personnel serving under some of the most hostile and difficult circumstances that you can imagine.
Jul 24, 2015 In The News
As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I am reminded every day that we live in a dangerous world. It is violent and chaotic, and it’s becoming more so all the time. But among the many national security threats that we face, in no area are we more vulnerable, and do we face so great a destructive potential, than the cyber realm.

Mar 5, 2013 Photo Gallery

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