Oklahoma House Delegation: Obamacare fails Oklahomans

Our state saw 2017 premiums increase an average of 76 percent and as one of only five states with just one insurer participating in the federal exchange...
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Lucas-Bridenstine Weather Forecasting Bill Passed in the House

“Every minute counts in the lead up before a major storm or tornado,” said Congressman Frank Lucas.
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Lucas Votes to Strengthen Congressional Review of Costly Government Regulations

"the REINS Act is a serious step toward curbing overregulation and returning to common sense..."
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Serving You

A big part of my job as your representative in Congress is to help you communicate with federal agencies. We recently were able to help Isaiah, a young man from Stillwater, obtain his American citizenship ten years after he was adopted...
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Frankly Speaking

Nov 11, 2016
“An Osage leader is never at the back of his band of warriors” – Dr. James Crowder, historian at Tinker Air Force Base Clarence...
Nov 1, 2016
Abraham Lincoln once commented, “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters.” With two of the most unpopular candidates in recent memory, Lincoln’s observation...