Congressman Kevin Cramer

Representing North Dakota, At Large

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Jan 13, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Kevin Cramer said the budget resolution passed by the House of Representatives today paves the way for Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House approved S. Con. Res. 3, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017, which was passed by the Senate Thursday. The approval of this resolution by both chambers of Congress now triggers the reconciliation process, a fast-track legislative procedure that is filibuster-proof and only requires a simple majority vote for passage in the Senate. The reconciliation bill instructs four authorizing committees in Congress – Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce in the House, and Finance and Health, and Education, Labor and Pensions in the Senate – to report legislation to their respective budget committees by Jan. 27. This legislation will be combined for consideration by the House and Senate.
Jan 13, 2017 Press Release

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Kevin Cramer has signed on as an original co-sponsor of a bill to strip funding from sanctuary cities refusing to enforce federal immigration laws. 

Jan 10, 2017 Press Release

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Kevin Cramer said a bill passed by the House of Representatives today opens doors for entrepreneurs seeking angel investors.