Cicilline Discusses Russia Sanctions on MSNBC

Congressman Cicilline went on MSNBC to discuss the American response to Russia’s interference in the presidential election.
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Cicilline Spends Holiday Season with Troops

Over past week, Congressman Cicilline met with and thanked servicemembers in Afghanistan, Korea, Japan
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Cicilline Pledges to Fight Republican Efforts to End Medicare

Congressman Cicilline spoke on the House floor regarding the impact that Republican efforts to privatize Medicare will have on seniors like Middletown resident Trudy Willis.
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Cicilline Leads 169 Reps Asking President-Elect Trump to Rescind Bannon Appointment

169 members of the U.S. House, led by Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), today sent a letter asking President-elect Donald Trump to rescind alt-right leader Steve Bannon’s appointment as White House Chief Strategist.
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Latest News

As More Evidence Emerges of Russia’s Preference for Trump and President-Elect Refuses to Divest Business Interests, Cicilline Reintroduces Legislation Requiring Disclosure of Tax Returns

Jan 17, 2017 Press Release

Congressman Cicilline announced that he has reintroduced The Presidential Tax Disclosure Act (H.R. 540) to require the publication of current tax returns filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service by any sitting President of the United States.

Cicilline Statement on Vote to Repeal Obamacare

Jan 13, 2017 Press Release

Congressman Cicilline issued the following statement after House Republicans voted to move forward on repealing the Affordable Care Act.

Cicilline, Elizabeth Warren, Katherine Clark Introduce Bill Requiring President, Vice President to Fully Divest Personal Financial Conflicts of Interest

Jan 9, 2017 Press Release

"The American people should always have confidence that their elected officials are acting only in the public interest. This is especially true for the President of the United States and his appointees."

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