Constitutional Integrity

George Washington said, “The Constitution is the guide which I shall never abandon.”

Economic Freedom

The prosperity of America and its citizens rests upon the rule of law and private property rights.

National Security

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution makes providing for the common defense the first responsibility of the federal government.

Congressman Jim Bridenstine Votes for First Step in Repealing Obamacare

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Today, Congressman Jim Bridenstine joined 227 Members of the House to take the first step in repealing Obamacare. The bill starts the so-called “reconciliation” process for repealing Obamacare. The Senate passed this bill early Thursday, calling for committees to prepare the repeal legislation by January 27. Obamacare has failed Oklahoma businesses and families. Premiums for Obamacare-compliant insurance plans skyrocketed in 2017. Premiums in Oklahoma increased over 70% on average while the nati...

Obamacare Fails Oklahomans

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WASHINGTON— Obamacare has failed Americans all across the nation. But Oklahoma in particular is a case study for its failure and the negative impact on insured individuals. As a state that saw 2017 premiums increase an average of 76 percent and as one of only five states with just one insurer participating in the federal exchange, you could argue that Oklahoma has been hit the hardest by Obama’s failed health care policy. All five of our congressional districts have constituents who are adversel...

Lucas-Bridenstine Weather Forecasting Bill Passed in the House

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Today the U.S. House unanimously approved H.R. 353, the Lucas-Bridenstine Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act. This legislation prioritizes protecting lives and property. ‘Every minute counts in the lead up before a major storm or tornado,” said Congressman Frank Lucas. “This legislation helps to give those in harm’s way additional disaster preparation time which could ultimately be the difference between life and death or thousands of dollars in property damage. I am encouraged that...

in the news

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As #EPA Admin, @AGScottPruitt will bring a rational, constitutional, and federalist perspective to environmental stewardship. #confirmpruitt @RepJBridenstine | 7 hours ago
Gene Cernan: Navy pilot. Astronaut. Engineer. Last man on the Moon and advocate of our return. A gentleman and hero. He will be missed. @RepJBridenstine | 01.16.2017
It’s time for Republicans to deliver on their promises to fully repeal Obamacare. @RepJBridenstine | 01.13.2017
The Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act gets us closer to a day when we have zero deaths from tornadoes. @RepJBridenstine | 01.10.2017