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Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

TXCCC Media 10th Anniversary Toolkit

1) 10th anniversary press release

2) PDF of Governor Perry’s letter

3) Photo of current TXCCC chair, Dr. Vugrin, with past chairs

4) Bitmap file of the TXCCC color logo

Here is the link to the ACS landing page that contains several valuable cancer documents that TXCCC on which TXCCC has collaborated. 

The landing page is accessible through the web at http://www.cancer.org/texascancercontrol


Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

Texas Cancer Control Toolkit

The Texas Cancer Control Toolkit helps your community organize to heighten awareness of cancer issues, save lives and, ultimately, decrease the burden of cancer.

Cancer Plate

NOW AVAILABLE: a vehicle license plate that helps cancer patients! Click here to go to the Texans Conquer Cancer web site for information on how to order. (The price is $30: $25 goes to a TCC-administered fund for patient support services; $5 to TxDoT for actual production costs.)

The purpose of the Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program is to work toward an integrated and coordinated approach to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality [of cancer] through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation. The significant growth of cancer prevention and control programs within state health agencies has led to the recognition that improved coordination of cancer control activities is essential to maximizing resources and achieving desired cancer prevention and control outcomes. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) in collaboration with the Texas Cancer Council submitted a successful grant proposal to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to implement Comprehensive Cancer Control in Texas.

The goals of the grant are to expand collaborative efforts, increase the use of the Texas Cancer Plan, develop a data-driven process for prioritizing elements of the Texas Cancer Plan and to disseminate the information available to local communities. The program reaches its goals through two components: 1) the activities of the Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition and 2) the Comprehensive Cancer Control Regional Component.

Coalition Component

The Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition’s (Coalition) mission is to promote, enhance and expand all public and private partners’ efforts to implement the Texas Cancer Plan. The aim of the Coalition is to advance cooperative efforts that focus on the goals of the Texas Cancer Plan: cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, professional training, cancer data and planning, and survivorship. For more information on the Coalition and its members please go to www.texascancercoalition.org.

Regional Component

The purpose of the regional component is to disseminate the concepts of comprehensive cancer control to local communities and to assist communities with local implementation of the Texas Cancer Plan. This is accomplished by having program staff work with DSHS’s regional offices. Through a collaborative process, program and regional staff identify and establish comprehensive cancer control groups in communities that are interested and able to commence cancer control efforts. Currently there are two urban communities and one rural community organizing local coalitions. The communities are Tyler, Marion County and Lubbock, Texas. Two additional regions will be added every year to allow for communities from every region in Texas to be represented by the end of the grant cycle.

1998-2002 Final Report

For more information about Comprehensive Cancer Control activities in Texas between 1998 and 2002:
pdf Comprehensive Cancer Control in Texas,1998-2002 Final Report, Public and Private Partners Working Together to Achieve Cancer Control (PDF, 392 kb, viewing information)

Publication Number: E44-11957

DSHS Program Staff:

Stephanie Uecker
Program Specialist
Phone: 512.458-7111 ext. 3488
Fax: 512.458.7254

Lynda Taylor, MSW
Program Specialist
Phone: 512.458.7111 ext. 6618
Fax: 523.458..7254

Chronic Disease Prevention Branch MC 1945
Texas Department of State Health Services
PO Box 149347
Austin, Texas 78714-9347

Last Updated September 28, 2009

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