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Brookhaven National Laboratory Technologies Available for Licensing

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), located sixty miles east of New York City, is home to seven Nobel Prizes and countless discoveries. BNL is a multidisciplinary laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy where the world's top researchers develop practical solutions to address global challenges — from energy security to human health

Energy research represents a major focus for BNL. We are using a multifaceted approach driven by the unique state-of-the art laboratory facilities and the inter-disciplinary expertise of our scientific staff to solve fundamental questions regarding U.S. energy independence and to translate discoveries into deployable technologies. The laboratory has identified several energy focus areas including biofuels, complex materials, catalysis, energy storage, electric grid, and solar energy. The BNL strategy is described in this brochure.

BNL's one-of-a-kind research and user facilities support its energy research goals. The facilities include the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and soon, the even more powerful NSLS-II to determine structures and properties of biological molecules and new materials such as high-temperature superconductors, catalysts, battery electrolytes, and nanomaterials, the Center for Functional Nanomaterials for designing and engineering nanoscale materials, and the New York Blue Supercomputer for complex calculations needed to determine the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials.

In addition to performing fundamental research, the laboratory actively collaborates with industry, academia and with other research partners to bring the benefits of scientific discoveries to the marketplace. Brookhaven's Office of Technology Commercialization and Partnerships (TCP) fosters commercial development of inventions and discoveries made at BNL. TCP accomplishes this through licensing patented technologies and by facilitating continued research and development. For more information on licensing and partnering with BNL, please visit the Office of Technology Commercialization and Partnerships; also visit Research for our Energy Future for information on programs related to energy research.

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Brookhaven Campus - Aerial view of Brookhaven National Laboratory (looking east) taken in May 2010.