New! All Over the Map!

Palin parody The Capitol Steps perform every week in Washington, DC and around the country.
We have public shows coming up in Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
Read more... and see exactly how we can be in so many places at once!

New Year's Radio Special!

Donald Trump In case you missed it on air, listen in here as we ring in 2019 and share a beer with Brett Kavanaugh during our newest one-hour New Year's Eve Radio Broadcast. It was absolutely huge, fantastic, tremendous...the highest ratings ever!

You can also subscribe to the MP3 podcast or to this RSS feed.

Shutdown Flashback!

"Capitol Steps Go Into Comedy Overdrive During Government Shutdown" — Washington Post (10/13/13)

Wingman for Romance

Dating Advice and the Capitol Steps Take your date to a Capitol Steps show! Dating expert Amber Brooks says it offers a bipartisan "heaping helping of romance on top of the laughs." Read her review and her advice for couples on mixing comedy, politics, and romance.

Rocket Man on YouTube!

Dennis Rodman in North Korea You can get inside info on North Korea from Dennis Rodman, or you can get it from us. See scenes from live performances on our YouTube channel.

Read the Reviews!

"Enormously refreshing"... Read how the Capitol Steps' humor bridges the partisan divide with "remarkable" even-handednessThe Sentinel

Trump himself would "enjoy the show bigly" — in the News & Observer

"Capitol Steps make politics fun again" — review from The O'Colly.

"A machine gun of comedy" — review from DC Theatre Scene.

"Outrageously funny"Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts.

"Great place to go on a date...Fair and balanced." — review from DC Metro Arts.

How are the Capitol Steps like the Trump Administration?

Elaina Newport Read a CityBeat interview with co-founder Elaina Newport about how songwriters and performers keep up in these fast-paced times.

Group Discounts

Capitol Steps Live on Stage Save money by attending as a group! Discounts for groups of 10 or more are offered for the Reagan Building performances in Washington, DC!

The FUN in Fundraisers

Fundraiser with Capitol Steps as the entertainment Another successful fundraiser with the Capitol Steps as the entertainment!

Say it Ain't So!

Rita Jenrette Our name was taken from a racy Washington scandal of the time we began, in 1981. Just recently, former congressional wife Rita Jenrette spoke out and denied the legend, 30 years later! We're sticking with her original story.

Info, Please!

If you're interested in hiring, interviewing, or indicting the Capitol Steps, turn to our media kit for graphics, clippings, awards, performance details and more.

Sign up for our mailing list to hear about upcoming events and albums.

We put the MOCK in Democracy!

Week of January 14

Paul Manafort's lawyers inadvertently revealed details from the Mueller investigation alleging that he shared campaign data with Russians tied to Kremlin intelligence. Trump says he knew nothing about his former campaign manager's activities. But even if he did, it's definitely, no way, not collusion.

From the album Orange Is the New Barack (2017).

Week of January 7

Elizabeth Warren jumped into the 2020 presidential race with five campaign stops in Iowa. She promised to "dream big," to "fight hard," and to be likable, too.

From the album Orange Is the New Barack (2017).

Week of December 31

Tune in for our annual year-end broadcast on New Year's eve, or download the podcast here. Join us as we take a look back — or a book lack — at 2018. It's been yite a quear in the perled of wolitics. (Just whip your flurds, you'll het the gang of it.)

From the album Make America Grin Again (2018).

Week of December 24

President Trump tweeted that people "are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again" thanks to him. Still, there's only so much one man can do. Christmas this year might have been even merrier, if only certain people weren't so willing to flip, rat, or snitch.

Week of December 17

Obamacare was just declared unconstitutional by a federal judge in Texas, and President Trump is thrilled! (President Obama, not so much.) If you're losing your insurance, or if someone you love has a pre-existing condition, don't worry! President Trump has a plan to keep you covered.

From the album Make America Grin Again (2018).

Week of December 10

The President tweeted a surprise "Thank you!" to Robert Mueller, whose latest court filings establish that "Individual-1" directed illegal hush money payments to his former mistresses. Now the special counsel is reportedly focusing on criminal activity by the Trump family business and possibly preparing to indict Donald Trump, Jr.

From the album Make America Grin Again (2018).

Week of December 3

Former President George H.W. Bush passed away at the age of 94, and he is being remembered all week in Washington and around the nation. The Capitol Steps had the honor of performing for him on multiple occasions. At a show in the spring of 1988 he asked us, "Who do you think I should pick as vice president?" "Pick someone funny," we replied. And he did. After the election, we performed this song for him, the first lady, and the vice president too.

From the album Stand By Your Dan (1989).

Week of November 26

Brett Kavanaugh has been on the Supreme Court for almost two months, keeping a low profile in the hope that Demcrats don't follow through on their talk of impeaching him. Since joining the Court as a "Trump judge," he hasn't assaulted anyone, lied before Congress — or even been seen in public with a beer! And he's got a calendar to prove it.

New! See live performance video!

Week of November 19

Massive voter fraud getting you down? Did you feel disoriented waiting for recounts in Georgia or Florida? Confused about ranked-choice-voting disarray in Maine? Already stressed out about 2020? There is a cure!

From the album Four More Years in the Bush Leagues (2005).