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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Engineering Institute

Engineering dynamics that include flight, vibration isolation for precision manufacturing, earthquake engineering, blast loading, signal processing, and experimental model analysis.


  • Leader, Los Alamos
  • Charles Farrar
  • Email
  • Los Alamos Program Administrator
  • Jutta Kayser
  • (505) 663-5649
  • Email
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Stacy Baker
  • (505) 663-5233
  • Email

Collaboration for conducting mission-driven, multidisciplinary engineering research and recruiting, revitalization, and retention of current & future staff

The Engineering Institute is a collaboration between Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Jacobs School of Engineering, whose mission is to develop a comprehensive approach for conducting mission-driven, multidisciplinary engineering research and recruiting, revitalization, and retention of the current and future staff necessary to support the Laboratory’s stockpile stewardship responsibilities.

The components of the Engineering Institute are:

  • Los Alamos Dynamic Summer School (LADSS)
  • Science of Signatures Advanced Scholars Program
  • Joint Los Alamos/UCSD research projects
  • Technical development and integration of the three following fundamental engineering technology areas:
    • advanced sensing and telemetry hardware
    • novel signal processing and pattern recognition algorithms
    • complex multi-scale, physics-based predictive modeling

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