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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability
Life at the Lab

Life at the Lab

When you choose to work at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
you are not only making a career choice, you are making a quality of life choice.

More than just a job

Employee Benefits

Corporate Responsibility

Here, you will have unique opportunities to establish a work-life balance
and enjoy all that our vibrant communities have to offer.

Quality of life

Work-Life Balance

Northern New Mexico Living

Attracting world-class talent to the Lab is a top priority. Top candidates must often consider the employment needs of a spouse or other family member before choosing to work in Los Alamos.

The Dual Career Services program can help solve this challenge by highlighting opportunities for employment accessible to the individuals most important to prospective and current employees.

Dual careers

Networking & Application Strategies

Local Schools & Universities

Local Employers

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